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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Overlord0909

  1. Wasn't remastered, so yeah And variation of speed isn't usually a thing, it's an effect sometimes used, but the tempo is always the same. And the tune is something I agree with, but should have been noticeable with the transition to the chorus and to the verse. But if it wasn't, then I failed More the reason why I need feedback anyways, because I am (said in title) a noob with it all still.
  2. Did not notice this until now XD Yeah, I posted late. Yes, I ramble a bit, so I understand. To be basic, that is exactly what I meant.
  3. -_- Every post I post doesn't get a brohoof, response, or even viewed... What the hay.

  4. All I can do right now is text, screen recorder, and some mlp memes Guess I'm out of the mix.
  5. Need a sound techie? I can also play drums And use an online studio to edit stuff... Not really any samples to give though, other than a link to meh site I use.
  6. "Er... I haven't been inside Equestria for years..." Cuddle let a bit about herself slip, and she did it on purpose. It's time she started to come clean, seeing some notable weather changes as well as the dark points. "And I agree, we aren't alone." Still wearing her horse shoes, she got into a fighting stance. "Hope your suspicion is right... Or I'll look ridiculous." I'm not going to let my new comrades get hurt... Cuddle thought to herself, feeling the wind from the storm whisk through the forest, waving her hair behind her as it strengthened little by little... Must be Pegai...
  7. Cuddle was a bit confused with her captain's sudden change in demeanor, going from one of a high and mighty arrogance, to one of a calm and wise one... Cuddle listened further... Her tone was one of confusion, as she struggled to say the right words. But later, she finally spilled the metaphorical beans... She was a "Seeker of the Relic." Due to Cuddle's curiosity of the unknown, she had to be the first one to ask: "What does that mean? Is that what we are searching for? Is that a dangerous position? If so, is it dangerous for us?" She asks rapidly, pausing to take a deep breath to relax. "I mean, if ya want to tell us that is. I just want to know mainly the last question... I want us all to be safe." Satisfied, Cuddle stopped talking and waited for the other two in the group to let loose themselves, in both thought and questions... Or for Iniblia to answer.
  8. Hello there everypony. I'm a beginning electronic artist, who isn't too heavy into it, and takes me a bit to make songs. However, I want to improve, but I can never get a good idea of what to remix... Really, I only have remixed one sound file, and other songs I want to remix, I can't do it from what I have in mind (I make no sense... hopefully you got that). But anyways, I'd like to offer my limited skills in remixing tracks, songs, or just any sound file in general. I use Soundation.com's studio (Chrome if I can) and though it lacks what some programs have, it is capable of making some pretty neat things. If you offer something, I may either butcher it, or make it sound kind of nice... I'll give an example, but it isn't remastered. So, make sure you watch your volume: https://soundation.com/user/TRDM/track/rising-hope-beautiful-synth-remix-drumstep-fixed The original sound file is the beginning. I can change the file's melody completely if ya want. I'll accept also just plain editing of sound as well, perhaps just adding some drums or some instrument. Give me the sheet, and I'll do my best with what I know... And if you read everything above... Than I guess you know this is all for practice purpose. It will also take time to produce things, but really, all I want is ideas. Thank you for your contribution... For science! I feel this is gonna get no replies :/ That won't be a first...
  9. "Also," Cuddle butted in to ask more questions, "What is that sword? Is it rare? What can it do? I'm interested..." She says, quickly adding, "It's a hobby." A stag? How intriguing... Cuddle thought to herself. Wondering if she has ever seen anything about them in her travels... Apart from the horns and different body structure... He's not too different from a pony. Wait, he said he was mixed unicorn... Weird. Nodding her head slightly, But kinda neat too. That sword though... I thought I've seen a lot. But something strange about that one.
  10. Cuddle listened to the creature, still had no idea what it's name was... And heard Inibila mutter to herself about her position. She also, of course, heard the question. But she had her own to share, "Sorry, who are you? I don't know what you two are talking about. Guardian of the forest?" She asked, not sure if she heard before. "Oh, and what species are you... I'm a little curious..." Cuddle waited for the responses, and quietly listened.
  11. Cuddle listened, hearing some creepy whispers, mixed with what seemed like... She couldn't hear what the creature said... "Cuddle... Should we help Inibila?" Kasmeer asked. Getting a quick whispered retort from Majory. But Cuddle didn't hear what the puppet said. "Maybe... Maybe we should... I don't know really." Cuddle said then sighed, looking at the dimming lights from where the battle held place. "Wait, what happened?" Cuddle asked, curious about the loss of the light show. Is it over? A tie? Or defeat? Cuddle got into a fighting stance, and waited for a sign.
  12. I'm 17 (almost 18). I enjoy watching cartoons, anime, making electronic music (not that good yet XD), playing games (Nebulous is my current addiction), and I just love life in general! I got into the series from a suggestion to watch it in another fandom I belonged to :3 I am definitely a big brony fan.
  13. Cuddle stood by, landing on all hooves. She made herself look as weak as possible... She didn't want to flaunt yet. But in any case, she dropped her saddle bag, and proceeded to pull out four, really thick, horseshoes... Her favourite artifact. Hopefully she didn't need to use them... She doesn't want to hurt this creature too badly. Focusing on hearing, she heard practically everything, using past knowledge of noises to detect certain movements... Finding it hard to hear through the mist... But she definitely heard the talk. "Come on captain! Take it down! But be careful..." She said, knowing how to play the part.
  14. (I was actually gonna just do a bunch of post skips XD but I guess we can play it out a bit) @@Drago Ryder The Killer stood amongst the mass of flurring arms and legs, and just was about to get jumped on, but he whispered a spell, and the mage stopped dead in his tracks, "Mind telling me what is going on?" Killer asked, knowing his blood control spell would work well on the wizard. This wasn't any A rank wizard, so he didn't need the taste of blood. "I dunno... The fight just sort of happened. Kind of Fairy Tail's thing... Um... Could you let go of me now?" He said, anxiety flowing through his voice, not recognizing the stranger Killer was. "Oh... Sure." Takao stopped his control, and gave himself a strength enhancement, so he could not feel any blows... Not that much anyways. (Is Mary Jane still a character? Or is there a replacement?)
  15. Cuddle, usually bold, waits for their fearless leader to answer. Wow... Our first encounter with something... I hope it's deadly and dangerous. I wanna try a few artifacts! She thought happily, revealing her emotions with a wide grin. Curious about something, she pondered, It's making mist... Either this creature can control water or there's a lake nearby...
  16. Cuddle was taken a bit aback by the sudden hostility. "Oh no, I wasn't saying you were fake. You misunderstand, but I feel that your presence isn't powered by the basic life force that us ponies or any other animal, plant, etc... has." She said, then took in a breath, "Sorry, if I offended you in any way. I'd like for us to be friends, it is a good bond to have in dangerous situations..." After a bit, she wondered something. "How close are we now?"
  17. Cuddle smiled, following their leader (which she let her be), and decided to say half of the truth. "I'll share first. I'm Cuddle Crescent, I haven't been to many areas in Equestria, but I have always loved exploring." She said, "I can't wait to see what we go up against!" She paused, "Is there anything else you'd like to know? Just ask. But for now, I think I'll let the pair talk if they wish." Seeming like she was done, Cuddle then added, "But I am curious... How come the doll is um... Acting on it's own will? Or is it an illusion of sorts?" She questioned. What a great way to start a journey.
  18. Cuddle spoke up first. "Yeah!" She said, "Can we hurry up?!" Cuddle needs an adventure... all these ponies... just standing around... watching her... disliking her... I'm losing my cool... Of course they are jealous of my awesomeness, and I should understand that by now. Cuddle thought to herself, flinging a bang out from an eye. The crowd, after hearing the response, still grumbled a little, but it subsided as the time moved forward to the next question.
  19. Really neat idea! I have an OC in mind I need to make for this. I hope this doesn't die too.
  20. I'll see what I can read later Finding the rp out of the norm, so it will take meh some time to adjust.
  21. Finally, the crowd was easier to see through, now she was on the platform. Cuddle was a little perplexed about the animated puppet; but continued to watch this ongoing performance, with mixed bemusement and an eerie feeling. Dark magic? Hmm... Seemed so weird that the puppet had it's own mind. But... it is kind of funny. She thought with yet another smile, Now, more than ever, I feel excited about being in Equestria. "Come over here!" Cuddle waved a hoof, hearing that question, "The crowd will move!" Hearing complaints from them as a response, but nobody got overly angry at the choosing. Somepony called, "Is that all who you're choosing?!" The ponies awaited the response.
  22. Hmm... Sooooo... What am I to do here? My avatar isn't anything in particular But I did see something about OCs. Oh, and thx for reviving this rp One post a day... Will feed a hungry rp.
  23. This is the most beautiful post, I have ever ead :') I was interested in joining maybe, if u still are running this. I may need time to get started though, as I need to find my character sheet (if I actually posted it...) and have time to do so. Because one post a day is fine, unless I have another rp and exams to worry about. Imma wait for ur response.
  24. Cuddle was so polite! Really, she just was in for the bits and adventure; and knew she be picked. But, she was excited to hear it when she got accepted anyways. Cuddle then noticed the commotion between the captain and the shy pony. Who's that? Even with her sharp eyes, she couldn't see between the crowd of glaring faces. She shrugged, and headed up to where she was waved to by another staff member. Still listening to what is going on, she pondered what section of Equestria she was going to as she walked through the crowd... She hasn't been to many places of Equestria, she assumed them to be super dull... But maybe this'll surprise her. She smiled, noticing ponies starting to subside their displeasure of being not picked. Wherever it was, she was ready! She asked the stallion she met earlier to give her bag back. The stallion smiled awkwardly, and began to lift the heavy bag, grunting as he did so. She shrugged it on and continued to her destination, leaving the stallion blushing saying "Yur Welcoooome!" as she of course said "Thank you." So polite. She hates all this show.
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