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Everything posted by TheLegoBrony

  1. i love goofyg65 status updates

    1. ChikaChan


      Except the ones when he mention me o_o

    2. TheLegoBrony
    3. Jeremiah
  2. as sketches please plus they have to fit an army in
  3. yea she ruled it but I'm talking about when she sent twilight to ponyville, that's when she became lazy
  4. easy as pie Luna looks cuter and everypony has been through what luna has been through plus Celestia expects other ponies to do her dirty work. like why didn't celestia just sent tirek away when he was so weak. and what about discord she could of turned him back into stone. see celestia is lazy while Luna does something about stuff.
  5. TheLegoBrony

    request Spaceship designs

    so i'm writing a series FanFic called "The Equestrian Chronicles" and for the first story i need two designs for spaceships (the FF is Anthro, and the first lot of events happen in space) i have two ship designs as refrences. the purple ship (from Transformers Fall of Cybertron) is the Nemesis. i want a ship design like it but not the same. and the orangey yellow ship (from Transformers Fall of Cybertron) is the Ark. and also with this one i would like a design but not the same.
  6. what was your fave power rangers/ super sentai series?

    1. JonasDarkmane


      I never knew their names. I just liked the red one because red was my favorite color.

  7. so designs are in for the next lego Power ponies megazord. this time its the other 3 princesses

  8. hmmmmmmmmmm backslash bytes sounds better goes with the whole computer theme
  9. hmmmmmmmmm since the CM is a computer. your OC's name should be. Backslash (as in this \ )
  10. I think Lightning dust makes a return in tomorrows episode

  11. I fear i'll lose more friends with every day i do at college. this art course is a really had one and to people who i emotionly hurt i'm sorry it's just eary wake ups + a hard course does make me frustrated and ignorante

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. power strike

      power strike

      yes school can be verry busy at times but u will always be my friend (: *hugs*

    3. CosmicSpark


      We will always be your friend :) :)

    4. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Why would you lose people?

  12. im off to do some research for my FF after a argument with a sertain somepony

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Inkquill


      Dammit, Shadtrax.




      keep it mind or bye bye Bronydom for you x3


      Although she should apologize but it's kind of not her fault. She was too eager and impatient.

    3. Inkquill


      This is a huge friendship problem xD

    4. twilight24


      I did apologize . I am not going to g to be pushed around and told what to do . So you can grump all you want . Bye e. Oh you if I'm such a time waster you don't have to talk to me ! Wow , simple.

  13. what is the one thing i love about the forum. why all these lovely people i mean ponies

    1. power strike

      power strike

      becouse everyone here is so nice and caring ^^

    2. Monsoon
  14. ok so you seen the Power ponies Megazord. now im going to build one for the 3 princesses (Celestia, Luna and Cadence). still going with the pet theme: Celestia: Philamena- phionix Luna: (cant remember the name)- Bushbaby/ posom Cadence: (my own creation)- Dear so yea look out for them
  15. to my lovely friends: You! Yes, You The one reading this. You are beautiful, talented, amazing and simply the best at being you. Never Forget That.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      ^ this is a really obscure pokemon reference

    3. Monsoon


      Nah not me but you are

    4. Kiri


      That's so sweet, you too! ^^

  16. great Luna today was frantic

  17. ok my lovelies im off to my chambers and i'll speak to you lovely awesome lot at 2:30pm night <3 *gives hugs cuddles snuggles and kisses*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CosmicSpark


      *huggles back* goodnight my friend

    3. Inkquill


      *nuzzles, snuggles, embraces, hugs and kisses*

    4. power strike

      power strike

      *hugs cuddles and kisses back* ^^ lol

  18. i know that Sky Knight will be busy with work but i'm really starting to miss sky knight

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      well when I felt down/ upset I talked to Sky Knight but lately for advice I talk to Pegadash1

    3. ChikaChan


      Ok well,I was wondering ^^; I won't bother you any longer now ^^; cya then

    4. TheLegoBrony


      but lately I have been tired cause of requests and college work so be careful cause I might be a bit rude or pissed off some tome during the weeks ahead

  19. to you my lovely friends: YOU ARE, the one i love with all my might. the one i'm thinking of every night. the one that helps me make things right. the one i dream of when i sleep at night. the one i think of when i hug my pillow tight. the one i'm not giving up without putting up a fight.

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