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Everything posted by TheLegoBrony

  1. hello my very lovely lovelies how are we doing ing today<3<3<3<3

  2. im bloody exhausted after today

  3. All i want is to be loved properly, and to be understood

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      hmmmmmmmm i'm Princess luna's pupil and your my pupil

    3. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      Don't we all, in the end its all that really matters

    4. Inkquill


      What happened?? Did somepony upset you?

  4. Raise a hoof if you don't mind me being BIsexual

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. TheLegoBrony
    3. Monsoon
    4. 1111


      purity is bull for the most part as long as youre considerate and not a minuplent jerk that just wants to get their way youre good in my book

  5. When i met Princess Luna she wanted me to see ______________ and _______________ on the moon.

    1. best poni

      best poni

      The Matrix 2, eat donuts

    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Monty Python and the Holy Grail, strippers

  6. who do you love from here on the forums?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Kiri


      I can't!! D: Yall are both wonderful. ^^

    3. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q




      i clearly need to make dinner for you more often.

    4. TheLegoBrony


      what you need Quartz is my white peach geatue

  7. who out of my lovelies would like a SNUGGLE BOOP

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      its a snuggle followed by a boop

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      How much for one?

    4. TheLegoBrony


      errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm one 6 hour snuggle

  8. well sassy saddles now takes Fleur de lis's spot on my fav list

    1. Monsoon


      Okay cool although I don't know who that is

    2. PegaDash1


      I think I still love Fleur de Lis

    3. Kiri


      This. I agree 110%. Sorry Fleur, you've still got a spot on my list, but Sassy takes the cake!

  9. To UK ponies going to PonyCon UK I'LL see you there

  10. heres a good one for ya guys and gals: Since it arrived Princess Luna is now enjoying the fantastic ways of _______________ and __________________.

    1. 1111


      refried beans, libberal policys.......i have no good cards k

    2. Jeremiah


      Shadlight beans and social policies

    3. TheLegoBrony


      Humans and Honey

  11. blimey i only been on for 5 months and im near 10000 profile views

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Goofyg27


      I had a dream about ponies more than once before. You don't think I'll have a dream about Luna do you?

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ponies are my friend =)S=)=)

    4. TheLegoBrony


      sure you will most of my dreams are of my Luna

  12. instead of sweets, the fillies and colts of equestria now give Nightmare moon _____________.

  13. i didn't ralise that i used glue instead of __________ to _______________.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1111


      lube,lubicate a ball baring

    3. Fireboltvoices VA

      Fireboltvoices VA

      fluttershy, rainbow dash.

    4. PoisonClaw


      Pie filling, cure the common cold

  14. somepony any pony please help me i'm to HYPED for the Friendship Games film

  15. Sassy Saddles good or bad character

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jeremiah


      i dont even know her... is she from the new ep?

    3. TheLegoBrony


      yes she is shes the sky blue mare with the 2 tones orange mane

    4. Fireboltvoices VA

      Fireboltvoices VA

      in the middle. for the first time ever I can relate to rarity.

  16. i got a name for the goth pony: blackystar

  17. designs in for the arms for my Lego PP megazord woop

  18. finshed watching ep 14 of s5 mlp and hasbro has added a goth pony in to the goth bronies out there your dreams are answered

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I saw the dress it was so pretty =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

    3. PegaDash1
    4. TheLegoBrony


      I think the luna dress will suit you Pegadash1

  19. Mlp equestria girls 3 airs on the 26th of september

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dawning Demon

      Dawning Demon

      I already knew that.

    3. \/


      Now we're in for something... And of course now that they're answering your questions about human Twilight, you're going to think about actual human Sunset... Hasbro, stop making excuses for more movies.

    4. Shimmer Sparkle
  20. canterlot boutique is another rarity takes manehatten episode nothing special

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FlitterFlutter


      I dont really know what you are trying to say i quite liked the ep. sorry...

    3. Vertigo_95


      I'm not sure if it is coincidence, but I was singing the song from Rarity Takes Manehattan while watching this episode.

    4. TheLegoBrony


      the new mare character is stealing the spot light

  21. My OC (Shadtrax) is a warrior but in his spare time he draws, writes and generally helps out. he was born and raised in the wastelands (being the off-spring of a changeling queen and a shadow pony) he lives in ponyville in a small house. and sometimes lives with Princess Luna.
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