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Status Updates posted by Luigi

  1. New avatar. I wear a mask because I care for my friends and family, and don’t want any of them infected

    1. EpicEnergy


      Good job wearing a mask! That's very considerate of you! Here were I live, they are mandating that you have to wear a mask at certain places because people aren't listening and many people are getting the coronavirus.

    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      How smart and safe

  2. 7AF20142-B4D2-416A-B300-F26B120EAEA6.jpeg.6701d91e38ccd93e4c6223972a6d86d1.jpeg

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Somebody hasn't had their morning lasagna yet. :P

  3. Sadly there’s not a hell of a lot I can do for Father’s day. Four years ago I went out of town and would never see my father again. He died in a fatal car crash while I was gone. But I guess the least I can do is this


  4. I wonder how many people in Tulsa became infected tonight

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      My guess is 72







  5. Oof. Looks like Hulu doesn’t have the entire dub for Fairy Tail yet

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      But isn't it supposed to be on Netflix?

    2. CypherHoof


      Fansubs tend to be better anyhow...

  6. Jesus F###ing Christ. I knew there was a hurricane going on in Florida, but I never knew they could hit Oklahoma 

    1. EpicEnergy


      Stay safe out there! :fluttershy:

  7. Man. I stayed up for HOURS looking into what I just wrote up in the Debate Symposium. These really are mad times, aren't they? I’m gonna go to bed


  8. Well said, Brina


    1. Bastian


      So you do wear the flag because it looks good! I knew it! 

  9. Looks more clear than ever that we’re not getting Baseball this year

    I knew all along this would happen, but Rob Manfred’s proven himself too dumb to admit the season’s a lost cause

    1. Yoshi89


      I thought his handling of the Astros' sign stealing was bad. He makes me miss Bud Selig.


  11. Why do I keep doing this?21BA74B7-EBAB-4204-A6A1-D2DED65005D3.thumb.jpeg.f9e27a62a733e9bf743da417c12acc82.jpegDC462B32-C762-41E5-AA3F-3C2E1065D2EB.thumb.jpeg.96943a3d80a63f9267fce59e88e93f99.jpegA6522C6B-1739-4EF9-9ABC-7D6FEB2B139B.thumb.jpeg.69c804e5c0eef76993d41ca9d2eedfbc.jpeg9CFA11B2-621E-40F1-B989-E6E7CE07C1BB.thumb.jpeg.a2a053b809023e3822e5305b20df2b06.jpeg

  12. (Face palms) PLEASE tell me Nao Tomori’s brother isn’t voiced by who I think it is.........

    1. Tacodidra


      I've never seen that series, but I immediately guessed who you were referring to... :sunny: *hugs*

    2. Luigi


      Really? You didn’t seem the type.....

    3. Tacodidra


      Yeah, I don't watch anime much (and as such I don't know a lot about the voice actors), but I read about the whole thing a while ago.

  13. The United States as a country has now reached 2 million cases and 115,000 deaths from Coronavirus. I still can’t believe people act like this and the second wave is a big joke

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      This could be something to do with Memorial Day and a certain number of people did not follow the social distancing rules. However, there have been reports that the number of cases in New York, Chicago and a lot of countries in the US are dropping harshly. So, not all people are complete muppets.

    2. Yoshi89


      I guess that's to be expected after people were allowed to crowd in the streets these past couple of weeks.

  14. That’s funny. Even Fairy Tail gave “changeling” a new meaning. So it wasn’t just MLP

  15. Ah yes. Another morning where I wake up to another Randy Rainbow parody. This one was his best yet

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      You mean Born this Gay?

  16. Honestly these block chains I do on Twitter are exhausting. I can only imagine how badly it’d bite back when they’re no longer necessary 

  17. Spoiler



  18. I really can’t believe I’m having to do this


    1. Megas


      I don't blame you one bit

    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      What exactly do you mean, JoJo?

  19. (Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha) Good Times at Alcamoth

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Where's that?

    2. Luigi


      It’s a location in Xenoblade Chronicles 

  20. I’m gonna hit it. I got Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition in the morning, and I also might watch some more Fairy Tail

  21. I’m trying to think what I should write on Linus’ sign next.....


    1. Sparklefan1234


      Twilight Sparkle was better before she got wings! :P

    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One


      @Jojo mine is bigger than yours

  22. Absolutely loving the detail of this game. And there’s only two days left before launch


    1. Tacodidra


      I hope you have fun playing it then, my friend! :yay: Hopefully it'll be worth the wait! :squee:

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