Blueberry Waffle says to him "Well. I heard that buisness down in Manehatten in simply fantastic. There are many tourist attractions that are pretty popular and the jobs pay well. When i had a job in Cloudsdale, I barely got paid anything and my boss pretty much stiffed me. In Cloudsdale, I was a chef working in a cafe. But my job was aparently low wage, which seemed rediciolous to me. So i quit that job and decided to work in the weather factory. Of course, it wasn't an easy job. But the wage was a bit higher than the lower wage I had working in that cafe. And about the racism, I never heard anything racist in Cloudsale. I was probably missing out on a lot of stuff because i didn't really go out anywhere much in Cloudsdale. The government secrets seem like a mystery to me as well, I just thought of Cloudsdale as my home and didn't really think that there was secrets behind the government. And I wouldn't mind if you showed me around Manehatten."