Eh, so-so, most of it felt like a rehash of "Baby Cakes" for me, but it's not without its redeeming graces. Flurry Heart seems quite reasonable for a baby and has grown up quite a bit as a character, being more empathetic for example. Also, Shining's friend, Spearhead, is rather interesting and i wish we get to see more of him later on. And most of all, DAT GROGAR REFERENCE! As much as i want him to show up, though, i'm afraid this season's final enemy will be Chrysalis once more, considering she's out to get Glimmy's flank. Anyway, not a bad episode, but not too great either, the whole thing could've been solved easier if Twi left Spike in care of Flurry, considering he can be the show's Only Sane Man at times. ("AM I THE ONLY SANE ONE IN THIS CRAZY WORLD OF TECHNICOLOR PONY WEIRDOS!?!" )