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Prince Midnight

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Everything posted by Prince Midnight

  1. why do you keep banning me multiple times -_- i quintuple ban you
  2. blinks* i feel funny

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AngryGamer432


      i don't know then

    3. Jadefire


      *points and laughs* ...oh wait, not that kind of funny?

    4. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      no, and my brother is just making it worse now -_-

  3. banned for not speaking in a speak all you want zone
  4. banned beacuse the monarch censored him and you dont need to know what it says
  5. banned beacuse celestia claims the 9001th post X3
  6. as i said, made it myself, so its pretty bad XD anyway, 9/10
  7. ehh, i made all the ones i used myself, X3, so i kinda expect them to be bad
  8. Dear humanity, we REGRET being alien bastards, we REGRET coming to earth and we most definetly REGRET the CORPS just blew up half our raggidy ass FLEET!!!!! HOORAH!" Sgt johnson, Halo 2
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