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Nova Wings

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Everything posted by Nova Wings

  1. Ok ponies, so I went and saw Deadpool (so far best movie 2016 ), but now as I'm talking to people about, with the exception of those who have seen the movie, I've discovered a rather troubling problem... NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THE 4TH WALL!!!!!! :okiedokielokie: No I'm serous, out of about roughly 10 people I've talked to, 8 had no clue what the 4th wall was. And I'm not talking about people with lacking education or anything like that, no educated ADULTS, I mean for buck sake even a teacher, A GODDESS DAMN TEACH, had no clue what the 4th wall is! So my question you all of you, how many know the term "4th wall"? I'm going to guess most on here do, simply because of Pinkiepie , if so how many others around you know what this is?
  2. Anypony wanna chat? Gonna have my Skype up for the next while

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You can add me on Skype if you want to. ^_^ My username is kyoshilonehearted

  3. You work the midnight shift as well? /)(\
  4. So special somepony for today, some how I really don't care. More cake for ME!

    1. SynBassilicious Pony
    2. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      No special somepony=me having all the cake! what is there to understand XD

  5. Just a quick question, how many out there have a special somepony for Hearts 'n Hooves day? (Nope)
  6. Fair warning, this is VERY sad...... Earlier today (2/11/16), I received very sad and troubling news... my brother (though we are not close), had a daughter born earlier today, she was 10 weeks early. Needless to say she did not make it.... While I do not know all of the details, I do know she had severe medical conditions beyond being underdeveloped that even if she would have survived, she might not have lived long anyway. At this time I reach out to you the community, of the most loving fandome, to please send them your support. I do not mean financial, but the support of directed love to them. There is a new star out tonight, A star that shines so bright, It is an angel, who never had a start in life Who looks back with teary eyes, Not for sadness nor pain, But for the life and family she left too soon, There is a new star out tonight, the brightest one in the night.
    1. The Cynical Lone Wolf
    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      What if she wants to be a Garbage Man? Hm?

    3. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      When your an Alicorn, you don't get to choose, YOUR A PRINCESS AND YOU WILL LIKE IT

  7. So according to my fimfic account I have: Total Words: 6,861,588 Estimated Reading: 2 weeks, 5 days. Yep...

  8. I need more ponies in my life

  9. MLP S5 EP18 is now my top fav episode!

  10. Some MLP holiday music for you all:

  11. Just powered through 4 seasons of MLP, can you OD on ponies?

  12. Just finished MLP season 2 (for the first time), only 3 more to go XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      I only became a Brony over this spring, I'm getting there XD



      My sister too lol

    4. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      Well I'm through 1-4 now

  13. @, Nova glanced around, the ship was on fire, more so then he wanted. Well... plan B then. Lighting his horn, Nova drew the fire its self into himself, feeding his magic from the flames power. That's the beauty of having elemental magic, you can feed off of it and grow your magic, at a cost obviously. With his magic now restored and boosted, he teleported into the captain's quarters finding the mare and fillies. "Don't know why the captain let you off on this wreck," Nova said as he levitated the fillies onto his back. "But we're taking you back until we can find some place not on fire to let you off." With a snap of magic Nova teleported all of them off the doomed ship and back to the Centurion, they appeared in Facade's cabin, where Nova promptly collapsed unconscious.
  14. Nova Wings

    gaming Fallout 4

    WARNING! SPOLIER! Still here? Good. I saw this blog by a friend: And it was relieved that Rarity, yes Rarity from MLP is in fact in Fallout4, why? BECAUSE PONIES! THAT'S WHY!
  15. @@Yoshikupo, "Your ship is full of holes, and if you think your going to survive, then you are severely underestimating us. I'm here to take them back, and unless you want to share the same fate as them," He said gesturing at the ponies on deck, several of whom were dead. "Then you wont stop me."
  16. @,@@The Down Trotten, @, Nova landed back on the Centurion, just as the cannons from the other ship fired. the point blank shots rocked the ship, causing Nova to loose his hoofing, dropping the unconscious captain as well. "All gunners, aim as low as you can, and FIRE!" The Centurion's guns fired, ripping holes into the other ship just above the water line. Nova wasn't sure if his captain would approve, but right now he wasn't in a position to arguer. "Break off! We need to withdraw!" One of the crew ran up. "The fillies we found are on that ship!" ".......DAMN IT!" Taking flight again, Nova flew to retrieve the fillies, he was a pirate but he wasn't a foal butcher.
  17. Updated my twitter! Link now on my profile :3

  18. @@The Down Trotten,@, Never underestimate a unicorn. Nova focused on his captain, reaching deep into his magic he teleported with a flash of light. He was now standing over Facade, the force of his teleportation spell knocking back the pony threatening his captain. "Ye be a rather large fole for threatening the captain, especially when cannon be pointed at ya." Taking his duel flintlock Nova fired off a single shot, right into the other ponies back leg, not enough to kill, just enough to keep him out of the fight. Levitating Facade onto his back, Nova called on his signature spell. with a flash of magic a pair of translucent pegasus wings appeared on Nova's sides, putting all his strength and magic into his wings, Nova took off heading back to the Centurion.
  19. (OOC @@Missklang, I'm just guessing i'm untied at this point) @, With the sound of clattering hoofs, Nova ran out on deck facing the 'privateer' ship. He could see the 2 squads of marines, Oh this is gonna be fun! Pulling out his custom duel barrel flintlock, Nova took aim at the group a marines. Runes on the side of the flintlock began to glow as he fed his magic into the spells, with a keen eye Nova zeroed his aim and fired. The lead ball zipped through the air, missed all targets, and detonated into an explosion of smoke and pressure, the blast sent all with in rage staggering back and blinded all the marines in thick smoke. "Alright fillies! Who else wants some!"
  20. Fallout 4 go's live in less then 12hr, prepare yourselves everypony

    1. MinunShy_Kay


      I'm so ready for it >:D

    2. Mr Unknown

      Mr Unknown

      Oh, I'm ready all right. >:)

    3. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      Try not to explode from hype

  21. @@Missklang, Nova looked around, enerypony was nervous, and with good reason. Missklang was good at causing pain, so much that he made it an art form, a scary bloody art. Weighing his options Nova could do one of two things: A:) Let Missklang 'interview' him up front, after all he didn't have anything to hide. or B:)just wait for him to get around to Nova and clear the air then. Mulling it over a moment Nova decided to just get it over with, and hope he didn't regret it. "I an't got nothing to hide, I'll be first."
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