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About Telferi

  • Birthday 2001-10-03

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    Stuttgart germany
  • Personal Motto
    The Earth without ART is just EH
  • Interests
    You :3

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    Pony Visual Artwork

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    Rainbow Dash/ Vinyl 0w0
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  1. Meow :catface: 

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Telferi


      I didn't even bothered reading it. Not that i'm interested anyway. Although there was one time where i wa interested in vore. But i lost that a long time ago :| 

    3. Widdershins


      @Trotteur Sauvage I know, right? Beautiful, ain't it?

       Oh, and I won't deny that I'm shooting the shark there, @Trottermare Galamane. That's why I bring it up. I do truly love seeing how others see things or re-imagine them. I do love to give enough slack most of the time, just some intonations are worrisome, you know? Like, I've seen a couple times a f'nart of the pie sisters... with robotic spider legs. It's totally super cool, but I really do have to worry about what the story would have to be to get to that point.

         Take Freddy! I'm half inclined to watch those slasher films just by dint of just how artistically creative he gets with killing people! ...but it's still a portrayal of something to a point I'm very concerned about. Don't get me wrong, most everything can be validated and I do love me some surreal imagery that borders on creepy! I can even get most of the different parts of it that come together to make the idea; I just can't shake the notion of it being the glorification of hurting others. 

      Would if I could, but I can't so I don't cause it ain't so it isn't.

    4. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      I know what you mean @Widdershins it's why I can't stand people doing the Reddit 50/50 challenge, there just forcing themselves to see thing they really wish they never just for a few laughs ¦S but who am I to tell them they can't? if they fail to understand what it means then the only way they can understand is through personal experience or regret. 

      when it boils down to it, what do you think you could do if you pulled yourself to the brink and how far do you think you can go to do what you think is right? 

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