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  • Birthday 1991-07-23


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    The Derp Knight

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  1. Gosh dang it, I HATE having to explain to people why a "Lion King" CGI remake is NOT the same as a "Jungle Book" CGI remake, and why the former won't work!!! :okiedokieloki:  QUIT EATING UP WHATEVER REMAKE GARBAGE DISNEY SHOVELS AT YOU WITHOUT EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT, YOU CRETINS!!!!! :angry:

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    2. Batbrony


      Ehhhhhhhhhh... to me most of that was already under the surface in Lion King, just not explicitly stated (I always assumed Scar was just inept and not lazy even though we didn't really see much of it).  I don't need it stretched out, that's exactly what they just did with Beauty and the Beast.

      But even if I can accept that new dimensions COULD be added, if you look at my above thread, my second point in particular is the one I'm most worried about.  Lion King relies on music too much to work in a CGI setting where the animals are made to look as real as possible.  Animated animals can be given emotions and facial features that humans recognize as similar to their own, and which we will never see in real life animals (or CGI representations made to look as real as them).  This is also why animated animals (or animated characters in general) can transition into song so easily, it's easy for people to accept it as part of the medium.  Jungle Book didn't have to worry about that mostly, and when it did it was awkward and out of place.  Lion King is a whole other beast in the music department and the idea that CGI live action animals made to look as real as possible can transition into some of these songs without it being ridiculous is laughable to me.

    3. Jeric


      Off the top of my head a few of the songs can be done 'off style'. Some don't have the same issue from go. 

      Circle of Life is not character sung. Be Prepared has only a few close up shots, and they could go for long shots and focus on environment to limit uncanny valley. Can You Feel the Love Tonight is mostly sung without characters. When they do 'sing' it's in their head. 

      I Just Can't Wait To Be King has the benefit of the world turning bizzaro even in the original film. That can actually be done via a host of other visual differences (rock paintings for example). 

      That leaves only one song that I can't figure out. 

      Either way, it's more doable than Jungle Book and Beauty and the Beast were. And BTW Lion King is my favorite Disney film. If they make a bad film, I'mma be first in line to piss all over it. I'll give them the BotD. 

      Well... I was first in line ... until the little hairball was born. 


      I do want them to add in He Lives In You. That song fits perfectly. Leave out Morning Report and whatever the hell that Scar x Nala song was in the play. 

    4. Batbrony


      I envy you, I wish I could be as optimistic about it as you are. ;)

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