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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by WanderingPony

  1. art from about 2021 that i never posted anywhere because I'd completely forgotten i had this account here. just a couple of OC's i've had hovering around for a while.

  3. i honestly really wanted him to have some lines after his transformation too, its sad that he didn't have any bruh the spoiler tag is there for a reason, and the topic is about the character. oh man, it kinda does, doesn't it???
  4. I'm still laughing bc Spoiled Rich's maiden name was Spoiled Milk X'D

  5. ;A; thank you, i do kinda agree with the colours thing, but i actually really like the designs.
  6. i mean yes it's not about the art itself its about the content but seriously guys pls

  7. negative feedback on my art always gets me down ;A;

  8. okay like it says SPOOOIIIILLERRRRSSS~! but if you want to see both Part One and Part Two of the Season 6 Finale (still don't know why they were aired early in the UK or why they skipped two episodes to GET to this finale) you can see them here -> Part One and Part Two ANYWAY i really liked the idea of there being more to the Changelings and that they were really only a sort of 'pupa' form and now WHAT'S THIS?? THORAX IS EVOLVING!! BING BING BING!! THORAX HAS EVOLVED INTO...well...that's a good question wtf even are these evolved changelings???? anyhow i liked their new designs despite the whole what the heckers involved SO yes of course i did a quick piece of Thorax in his new form; trying out a slightly different style with the colouring and so forth here....not reaaaally happy with it but HEY. practice makes perfect amirite? Trot on friends, ~Wandering
  9. hey folks, here's a handful of the completed final designs for the Equestria's Dawn main characters To start us off, here's the lovely Chamomile Brew; next up, the flashy Whiplash Dazz; next we have the sweet Telula "Tilly" Blossom; followed up by the energetic Honey Dew; Followed closely by the brave Sunny Steadfast; And last but most certainly not least, the protagonist, Clover Bramblebit; aaaaaaannd a group pic i'm currently working on, using pose references from MLP FiM itself bc i'm in a bit of an art slump at the moment and needed something to get me going again; ------- ANYHOOO, i'm currently trying to get back into working on Equestria's Dawn itself, i'm about halfway through sketching up chapter one (life gets so in the way all the time i've had very few chances to sit down and get anything done!) so KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED. HOPEFULLY I'LL HAVE THE PROLOGUE UP SOON! Stay safe my friends, ~Wandering
  10. ;A; thank yoooouuu <3 i actually use photoshop elements 10, and you can find my dA page here -> http://mercyantebellum.deviantart.com/
  11. so some time ago i made a post with a whole bunch of the other mane 6 and i finally dug out the old sketch for the Twilight Sparkle print and completed it (like...idk two months ago...) but i decided to make it a Rainbow Power version instead of just a normal Twilight. SO MANY STARS ERMAGHEERRRRDD- stay safe, -Wandering
  12. hey everypony what's been a happening?

  13. hey everypony, it's certainly been a while. i've been so busy lately =_= anyhow, here's a completed design (without a cutiemark), of one of my mane 6 for Equestria's Dawn - Whiplash Dazz. i know the text on the flag is off, i don't have my wacom tablet on hand to fix it up i'm afraid ^^" more of the other ponies will be coming soon...well, as soon as i can get to them X'D stay safe and stay happy everypony~! ~Wandering
  14. Sunflower (Sunny) Steadfast
  15. *after watching S6 Ep8*...this is at least the second time Hasbro has had a very VERY similar design to something i've previously designed. first Celestia's crown, now Applejack's braids. maybe i'm just paranoid...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      there's a little difference it that one lass.

    3. WanderingPony


      i realize that but i'm still disgruntled lol

    4. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      I think I can tell ;)


  16. Compiling sketches sounds easy until you have to dig out an unused sketchbook and the motivation to sit down and do it!

  17. huh...maybe i should take some commissions?

  18. Hi everyone! Wow, i really never meant to let it get to May before i brought a new update on Equestria's Dawn. I promise the final pages have been scanned in and are ready to be inked, and then the prologue will be ready for publishing! I'm still debating whether or not to make a separate Tumblr page for it, it might be easier to do it that way purely because of the navigation system and all...plus i know how (sort of) to use tumblr (kinda ha ha). BUT. all is not lost, for a bring you a basic outline of what the Map of ancient Equestria will look like, the who and the where of what things will be where. of course it's going to be different to what Equestria currently looks like, i know, but please, use your powers of suspension of disbelief ^^ please forgive my horrendous handwriting. Also please note, the names at the bottom of the circles are the names of the 6 mane characters, however since then some names have changed. also, big picture is big and for that i am sorry. Also, i really must beg your forgiveness with these following pieces i've been doing - I've been experimenting with the use of Copic markers with my traditional art (not like i do a whole lot of it anymore BUT anyway...) and where I'm currently living i don't have access to a scanner. Lighting is also pretty awful, and my phones camera is a big pile of owl pellets, so please do forgive the poor quality. First up is Party Pooped - oh hush now, i really like Cheese and Pinkie together, they're so cute <3 Next is Zecora - back when i was about 14-15 years old, i became obsessed with drawing HUUUUGE Alice in Wonderland A3 sized pieces, and every single one of them had wooden frames covered in plant life and decorated like this. So i thought i'd revamp the old style a little and see where it took me. I love using the green colours and blending the shades and URGH this one was a lot of fun. Third, I've always loved the idea of Trixie, Sunset, Moondancer and Starlight all being potential candidates for the role of Princess of Friendship - they're all unicorn mares who share similar traits with their personalities, their diligence to study, their attitude towards other ponies...any one of them could've been in Twilights position. So as a part of Equestria's Dawn, I'm adding in a prophecy, one that speaks of this princess of friendship, but only says, "with eyes of the stars". What else do all of these characters have in common? a twilight/evening theme - Sunset, Starlight, Moon(dancer), and Trixie's last name is supposedly Lulamoon, but her colour and design theme also resonate with the evening. and of course, there's Twilight. bit of a no brainer there. ANYHOW. It'll be a bit of a side step in Equestria's Dawn, kind of a nudge at the FiM series going HEY LOOK THIS IS THA FUTURE WHOOOOAAAA. anyway....this one was taken in two parts because some of the closer detail got lost when i tried to take a picture of the full thing. Part One: Part Two: Also, if you'd like to know what the writing says on the side, it reads: To my Master Starswirl, It has been many moons since my last letter, and in my search for the Elements of Harmony I discovered an ancient archway and a plinth that spoke a prophecy of futures untold...that someday a Princess of Friendship would walk among us, a unicorn mare with eyes of the stars. Who do you suppose it means? Perhaps she reigns in years beyond ours. She would have to study and surpass many a challenge to earn the crown of royalty. Perhaps we should seek out candidates to teach and train... ...In the meantime, I plan to activate the archway shrine to see what may lie beyond. Perhaps I may catch a glimpse of this fabled princess... Please, Master - keep me in your thoughts as I venture forth... Your faithful student, Clover Bramblebit, the Clever. ---------------------------------- Next up, once again with bad camera focus and lighting issues, here's a few sneak peaks at some of the sketch designs for the protagonist of Equestria's Dawn, Clover Bramblebit, and her assistant Toulouse. who is basically playing Spike's role, since we needed a trusty side kick dragon. we all need a trusty side kick dragon. Please keep in mind, a hand-draft all of Equestria's Dawn's pages before scanning and digitally inking them, so the process has taken me longer than anticipated, plus with my studies currently time has been shorter for this project than i'd hoped. However i am persevering, and I will soon proudly be able to present the very first installment of this years-overdue project Stay safe everyone, -Wandering
  19. Its been almost two months since the drafting for Equestria's Dawn began - and the prologue is almost ready!! Through all the set backs, procrastinating, and all other road blocks that have put the start of this project on the backburner,

    1. WanderingPony


      Its finally almost ready to be presented to you all!

    2. DwhitetheGamer
    3. JeyWiz


      I can hardly wait! ^_^

  20. 15 pages drafted and i've started the digital inking process - Equestria's Dawn is a go!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WanderingPony


      Hey Crypty! i'm sorry i didn't get back to you sooner, i've had no internet ;A; i'm using back FireAlpaca (usually for the main panelling work), and Photoshop Elements 10 for the rest :D

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      But you're back, WanderP, and it's awsum! Thank you for useful info.

    4. WanderingPony


      :D indeed i am! and ED is now well under way in the introductory chapter; it's sketch ups are almost complete, which means it's almost all completely ready for inking and following editing!
  21. first 10 pages of Equestria's Dawn have been drafted! thank goodness for the 1st of February Monty Oum Project for kicking my ass into gear!

  22. okay, thank you very much - i really wasn't certain where else to post it ^^" but thank you for correcting it for me! i'll put any more posts like this one in the Creative Resources section ^^
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