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Vera Veil

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About Vera Veil

  • Birthday 1995-06-09


  • Title
    Element of Flightlessness

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  • Personal Motto
    Darkness is only an illusion, it can only be dark if u let it, me? I turned my back on the light a long time ago and instead joined the Derp side, as they have muffins ;)
  • Interests
    My main 4 intrests are as follows ...
    1. Music .... I LOVE EDM and light metal/classic rock ... It is bae ...
    2. MLP ... Duh, I mean, I AM a brony after all :P
    3. Cars ... Irl, I own a 08' Subaru Impreza, 5-speed Manual ... Naturally
    4. Video Games ... Out of all these, this one is the biggest no brainer ... I LOVE my games ... Speaking of which, I'm keen for Forza Horizon 3 but I already love some older games as well, like gta San Andreas, that game was the shit for its time, too bad its now a dead game that people on pc who don't want to upgrade to console and cbf to play modern games play ... Hehe, I know its true for me even thou I play on console mainly xD ... K gtg, baii

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    Pony Visual Artwork

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  1. im bored

    1. Snow


      lol same XD

    2. SolarFlare13


      I'm in the exact same boat as you two :P <3

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