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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by MrL0LZ

  1. Home from school!! YAAAY

  2. I love the theme I downloaded! I had forgotten about until I realized my computer was hibernating instead of off. I log in and out instead of just turning it off now because it plays Sweetie Belle's Hush Now Quiet Now remix when I log out and the theme song when I log in

  3. It turns out the other forum I go on is now corrupt.

  4. Were all players and life is the game..

  5. Toaster caught on fire while I was listening to winter-wrap up wtf.

  6. Toaster caught on fire while I was listening to winter-wrap up wtf.

  7. Toaster caught on fire while I was listening to winter-wrap up wtf.

  8. I have inkscape! :D

  9. I'm a Mega-Brony according to the Brony Quiz.

  10. Damn you laptop. my legs are BURNINGGGGGGGG I need a cooling pad TT.TT

  11. My best friend just got off, I feel lonely now.

  12. Romantic RP! Y U STOP?!

  13. Greeaaaat got trolled by another brony. Told me to leave the herd and that I was the worst brony because I trolled another troll....*headdesk* I thought Love and Tolerate also meant not being a jackass to your fellow brony?

  14. So, Andrea Libman likes math and physics, and she's in MLP... so since I like math and physics, when will I get my role in MLP?

  15. So, Andrea Libman likes math and physics, and she's in MLP... so since I like math and physics, when will I get my role in MLP?

  16. today was so gay

  17. today was so gay

  18. Ever have one of those nights where you just can't sleep?

  19. commander? can it wait for a bit? im in the middle of some calibrations.

  20. Pinkazoid is a status lurker :3

  21. So angry right now.

  22. Troll Status? Y U NO WORK?

  23. Troll Status? Y U NO WORK?

  24. Troll Status? Y U NO WORK?

  25. Troll Status? Y U NO WORK?

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