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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by CurMo

  1. Long hair is awesome but it mostly depends on the hair. Long hair is not for lazy people mine takes a lot of care. I was born curly, I have this afro with me wherever I go!
  2. King sombra kinda reminds me of the shoa kahn from mk Someone must make this fanfic My little kombat fatality is magic
  3. It kinda hurts that a game with such marvellous and moving cinematics has no story mode. As said even now the game has better story than most other games, robot people trying to live with humans and stuff
  4. The show actually lets us see that allicorn earth pony unicorn even princess or donkey, everypony is great powerful and capable of great stuff
  5. So much ponies it is nice to meet all of you! Today is a good day I had my graduation from high school with a descent score, unfortunately we don't have proms here instead just a boring conference about stuff. How are you guys?
  6. How did you find MLP Forums?: I googled it How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I thought, it would be rude of me to misjudge people for liking a kids show before seeing it.One episodr let to another and I am here. I have been enjoying the show since the may but as "18 year old male" it still feels strange. I am from Turkey, probably I am the only brony from my country. I don't have an OC, I am simply unable to make time for drawing practice. I left the favourite mane 6 question empty because I think everypony is best pony no need to be selective. But of course I have my preferences Marvel >Dc Ps > Xbox Android > apple Team Stark > Team cap Superman > Batcreep Destiny > Division Jazz > anything I am looking forward to meet people, friendly people who beleves that they can be part of something bigger, people thinking outside the box and people believes in power of ideas and every single individuals
  7. 384364 First ever post I am new in the fandom im 18 and I think this is wierd
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