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Milk Wave

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Status Updates posted by Milk Wave

  1. Rawr, birthday.. <3 ^w^

    1. Digiral


      Hey, Happy Birthday :D

      wish you the best :3

  2. Man i've been slowly dropping out of MLP forums for other things.. What's keeping me from leaving though is my friends here, and RPing as well. Some people are so nice :3

  3. After speakers, came cat. Brought cat home, played with him, happy. Nuff said :3

    1. River


      Yay. <3 *nuzzles you*

  4. Bought speakers, tested speakers, happy. Nuff said :3

    1. CMQuickfireTK


      5.1 or bust!


      also mechanical keyboard or bust!

    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      lel :P

      They were just Logitech z130 2.0 speakers. 25 bucks, but I got them for 10.

  5. Happeh new year you guys <3 *kisses to all of you*

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Celestial Panzerhund
    3. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Male wolf, okay~ *begins rubbing faster*

    4. Celestial Panzerhund

      Celestial Panzerhund

      Mmmmm~<3 *purrs louder and leg twitches more*

  6. Good morning world, I do like you indeed :3 Also Moon needs a hugging, can anypony voluenteer?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Commander Tangent
    3. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      You has skype? Or we can PM through here to roleplay if you do that stuff :3

      I totally wanna do it.

    4. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Ok sure I guess xD. Skype is cmd_tan.

  7. Hey guys! I'll be gone for a week from the holidays, so i'll see you all around from then! Marry Christmas to who celebrates it, and have a happy holiday for the rest of you <3

  8. I look at ponies profiles and the next thing you know they add me as a friend. It's happened about 2-3 times already in 3 days.

  9. I have now gotten quite a big brain fart, since i'm forgetting even how to type in some cases. Moon, could you help me please?

    1. Heretick-Tock


      Moon? You mean our moon or do you actually want someone to show you their ass?

    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Moon is my lil Tulpa next to me. She's quite a cute pony, but she can't type with her hooves.

    3. Celestial Panzerhund

      Celestial Panzerhund

      Well, moon... Help your buddy!

  10. YOU, SELUNE.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Hewwo :3

      I just wanted to say Selune is a really cute pony, and I want to boop her nose~

    3. IridscentNionios
    4. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave


      Also, can I hug you? Moon wants to hug you because you're very interesting.

  11. I switched over from Internet Explorer to Chrome! That's a pretty big milestone since IE's always suited me until this past month when I got something called the Google Redirect Virus. I couldn't remove it from my computer since all the different types of methods to remove it didn't work.

  12. So I just made a new record of strikes in a game of bowling, but it wasnt strikes in a row and it wasnt my highest game. So without further ado, I got a 263 with 11 out of 12 strikes, 8th frame I messed up on. But oh well, good score :3

  13. I just got back from the dentist. 5 out of 7 cavities removed and I was only numbed in one tiny area :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Cat face, no teeth shown. Refer to avatar.

    3. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      I am so confused right now

      Oh well :3


    4. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
  14. Buu~! I've been looking at Sunset Sky all day just evaluating her. Does that make me a stalker?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Oh, just her personality, backstory, everything.


      Yeah pretty much. She's so interesting for some reason, and I just wanna hug her <3

    3. sunne


      Everypony wants to hug Sunset. <3

    4. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Really? x3

      I've also been reading that one on one RP thread with Sunset too, seems pretty sweet!

  15. I shoulda put this as a status update long ago, but I bought a Razer DeathAdder with the 3500dpi sensor for 10 bucks at a flea market rather then 60-70. It looks brand new, though it's been used a little before but i'm just happy I have it now <3

  16. 2 status updates in one day, usually not my thing. But I have a reason for this time, and it's because after coming from the dentist, they discovered 7 small cavities in my teeth. A good thing about it though, is that they brought in a new machine so you dont have to be numbed to get it out.

  17. Well, it looks like Moon has become a grandmother at 35 :3

  18. Hm, today is a fine morning. Hopefully the world will be happy today, as it is never in a good mood.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Count Paradox

      Count Paradox

      *shrug* sure, why not? *hug*

    3. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      *hugs you and whispers*

      I molested you..~

    4. Count Paradox

      Count Paradox


  19. Oh my god, I just watched people jumping off the world trade center.. It was stomach turning to see, especially if they didnt have a parachute.

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      I didn't read the second part of this status. I asked myself, "Do you really want to continue reading about suicidal people jumping off buildings?" xD

    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      I know, it's already that bad.

  20. Tis been a while since I posted any status updates. Maybe I just never liked to post since on occasion it could annoy others, like how some do to me.

  21. By today I feel much better then before. I guess I was feeling a little homesick since I was at a friends house for a bit. Even being there I love my privacy so at times I miss being alone in my room playing video games on the computer and talking with friends.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      uhu, thanks for understanding. I appreciate anypony who knows about it .w.

    3. GreenBlade


      Been there, belive me :)

    4. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Oh ok, so we share a common thingymajigger :3

  22. Lots of things wrong with me after I started to like someone. Chances are im not going to be active tomorrow unless one of the RP

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dashian500


      Hey man wats rOng

    3. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Eh, just personal stuff. More or less it's my body that's going crazy.

    4. dashian500


      Well if u needs to tlk I'm. Here

  23. Got my new tablet today! Freakin excited as ever to use it.

    1. ~Rogue~


      Can you use it to go on the forums?

    2. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      I can in fact and im doing it now :3

    3. ~Rogue~
  24. I never knew that I would change sexuality because of a good friend ;3

  25. Phooooo, this Roleplay im in right now is killer! Ever since the start of the roleplay, nothing has slowed down at all!

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