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About Rikifive

  • Birthday August 20


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    Pixie Pink Pony

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  1. me trying to make sounds in a tracker:

    pretty crappy if you ask me kaZdxtE.png eh, always something for starters I guess.

    Making all the music and sounds will be such a pain heh. SB2bpHO.png

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. HereComesTom


      I found it fun to put music together for the one game I ever released on iPhone (it's off the app store at this point since my license expired), and I think it turned out decent enough.

      Shoot, should I try putting together a track or two for you?  I'm not sure I've ever done anything like it before, though I could give it a try.  Is your only environment so far the Everfree Forest?

    3. Rikifive


      Mm nice, you got me curious. Would like to hear more dfEG13d.png Generally I'm enjoying working on all this stuff and I did have fun when I was quickly making some rushed tracks for the game for a jam I worked on back then. :P That game was rather silly and due to the deadline I didn't care much about quality, so I was fine with whatever I got, which made it fun. Here though, I'd like to approach it more seriously, so I imagine I'll be tinkering a longer while - Basically I'm concerned if I'll manage to keep up with my own expectations. I have the target style in mind, but I'm not sure if I'll be actually capable of putting it all well enough in actual tracks. In any case, I'm pretty sure it will take multiple attempts before I'll catch the style I'm looking for, so in the meanwhile I'll probably have some "meh" tracks I'll be changing once in a while, heh.


      Oh, thank you for your offer, although I believe it will be better if I try to tackle it myself first. Don't get me wrong, it's just that I'd like to avoid wasting anyone's time, should anything go wrong with the project. The insanely slow pace of my progress is an enough concern, to not search far.

      Actually in the past someone outside MLPF reached out to me offering help with music here. From the tracks they posted I've heard, these not only were nicely composed, but also absolutely accurate to the style I'm looking for. They knew the references I'm kinda going with, so I wouldn't even have to explain anything, as they already knew what's good - most likely knew even more than what I think I want. :P They seemed to be a perfect candidate to work with, but I had to decline, fearing I could waste their work - Thanks to rl job, I'm making the progress very slowly, so I'm not really a reliable person in that regard. I already caused some mess with the RPG I've been working on, so here, I'd prefer to put only my own work at risk, at least until I get to some solid playable stage of development, where the others' effort will have a real thing to play part in.

      Well in any case, I do have some interest in music composing, so I'll see how it goes lmao hx1ik5o.png

      ~but again, thank you for your offer. There'll be always time for improvements in the future ~ for now it would be a good idea for me to at least make a basic shape of the project to polish afterwards. SB2bpHO.png

    4. HereComesTom


      Cool, I understand---I've been making really slow progress with my project too, so I can relate!

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