On average, about 149,608,900km from the centre of the sun.
Personal Motto
Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina
- Engineering (particularly geotechnical),
- Physics,
- Mathematics,
- Formal logic,
- Philosophy,
- Adorable things (especially ponies, cats, bunnies, and grey ducks),
- Collecting/accumulating various aesthetically pleasing oddments,
- Collecting/accumulating various interesting antique miscellanies,
- Collecting/accumulating various second-hand dictionaries/thesauri,
- Collecting/accumulating various nifty and often archaic vocabillularary words,
- Finding and categorising various forms of genetically mutated daisies,
- Making things up on the spot (intellectual ad-libbing is my forte),
- Owl City, Pentatonix, & chipper chiptune music,
- Reading Sir Terry Pratchett & Brandon Sanderson novels,
- Reading C.S. Lewis' classic theology books,
- Reading the surviving observations and deductions of various ancient philosophers and scientists (e.g., Da Vinci, Aristotle, etc.),
- Lego (great for modelling simple engineering problems),
- Minecraft,
- 8-bit games,
- Irony,
- Being interesting.