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About Widdershins

  • Birthday 1989-07-06

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Japan, actually. Amazingly.
  • Personal Motto
    It's all a show, I really should relax.
  • Interests
    Been loyal to the gameboy console my whole life. Deeply entrenched into the Pokemon fandom to where I'll buy anything Gamefreak puts their stamp on no matter how bad of a glitchy mess their games may be. *cough*pokemongo*cough*

    Recently got into Fire Emblem & Phoenix Wright's games.
    But mostly else, I try to practice my drawing & reading. Other then alot of listening to the radio & YouTube with occasional Netflix, not much else. Haven't so much as seen any television in over a decade.

    As to topics I like, I'm usually prone to the supernatural, magical or fantastical. I'm also quite the rabid DragoNerd & am incapable of viewing anything they do as bad!
    I'm quite interested in biology & sciences and a big animal lover. Though... if the 22 dogs plus more pets I've had over the years has taught me anything, they're quite messy too... so taking care of said animals isn't all that high on the list, heh.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Forest

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony
  • Best Mane Character
    Twilight Sparkle
  • Best CMC
    Diamond Tiara
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Limestone Pie
  • Best Season

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      Like, reeeally, reeeally....

     Been looking more into Dungeons & Dragons since I heard there's a guy in this local Brony club who runs "Pony Pathfinder." I'm rather excited! And when I get excited about things...

      I can see me playing a kobold, you know. Little clever things that aspire to be like their dragony ancestors, yet are mostly food for them. Do love me some toadies!

      I can see there being an old, old dragon. Grown crotchety, grumpy and mostly harmless with age. Grumble the ShagScale; so old his scales are growing down over his eyes like a whole-face beard. "Dunno how'm the young welps stay alive these here days. Back in mah day, we collected somethin' of personal value for our hordes... like... my bottlecaps n' scrap metal. Gold jist gits yah kilt, yeh know!" Grumble keeps a whole dungeon's worth of Kobolds scurrying around his lair tunnels and other then the few times a month he eats a few when the weather & his joints are too bad for him to go out and hunt, they have a pretty much free tribe culture as dragonslaves go.

      Heh... and I can totally see Widdershins as a Bard. Don't even know what a Bard IS, but it's so him! Though I can imagine most of you would get a little panicked expressive If I announced a Draconequus Bard. Lol!

    Now I sing you da song of my peoples! *Flang-a-Twanga, Dwang-Dwang!*

        Beeee INSPIRED!!! *Beats monster over the head with his lute*


      D&D! It's cooperative storytelling! I can't think of any other notion that gets me all Bright-Eyed! ...and yeah, it's pretty much the only thing I can think of to use as an excuse to "hang out" and find me a friend.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Duality



      There, Widds, this can be your life's work. Saving up enough money to buy the largest Western dragon sculpture (and largest pegasus sculpture, for that matter) in the entire world. :yay:

    3. Widdershins


      ...what's wrong with its face? ...Bad angle, bad angle.

        I feel a bit awkward about how close that pegasus's flank is to the roof of that building.

      And I do beg your pardon, but that clearly shows dragons being inferior! /Snub :proud:

    4. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      Pegasus: "wake up, Mr. Dragon."

      Dragon: "I don't want to go school."

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