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Status Updates posted by dreamstream

  1. As a waitress I don't know what is worse:

    A. A customer that leaves a 0-$3 tip on a bill that costs $50+


    B. A customer that is super nice and then asks to see my manager afterward to get free food and then no tip....


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadOBabe


      @Snow If we presume that @dreamstream is a good waitress, then it's not rude at all, at least here in the states. That's because waitstaff get paid a really low hourly wage. If you're eating in a restaurant in the U.S., and the waiter was just average, you're supposed to get about 15% as a tip. Higher if they did really well, and lower if they sucked.

      The only time that you should not give a tip is if they were absolutely abysmal. Like straight up ignoring or arguing with you. Or if it's like a tip jar on the counter and all they did was hand you your food. That's not tip worthy.

    3. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Damn. I'd say #2 is worse, that's just a person putting on a nice face to get free stuff.

      I'd tip you, @dreamstream, if it makes you feel any better. :P

    4. dreamstream


      Thanks guys. I do my very best to be a great waitress. I make sure I make at least one person at my table laugh. For example one of my favorite jokes to play with my customers is the ones that get water. If they ask for a refill before I get to it first I tell them, "Sorry, we're all out of that." Or if they ask for something and say, "would it be too much to ask..." I respond, clearly joking and then laugh afterwards with "Oh absolutely, that's too much to ask, and then I bring them extra or do something extra to make them extra happy. The highest tip I got was $10 on a $3 meal ticket. I was shocked. I'm also that waitress that will chase after my customer if they leave something at the table. My philosophy when it comes to being a waitress is this: I'm paid to serve because they didn't want to cook dinner. I know there are days I wanna be lazy so I work like they want to relax.

  2. I'm ALIVE! I'm sorry to all for my disappearance, but I'm back.

  3. I'm Sooooo excited to come home. 5 days in Vegas is too much. Honestly, I'd be just fine if I never came back.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dreamstream


      On that note, the Slotzilla is an awesome zip line. Especially when you superman it.

    3. dreamstream


      @Trixie . yeah. Big cities aren't my thing. I'm more of a country side girl. I do also like the mountains and beach.

    4. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      I like that too 

  4. Found my new boyfriend. Here's his picture Haha!https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/58/34/03/58340393a2281089821a0e8221b63f3a.jpg

    He's stolen my heart. (yes, I'm talking about the dog)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dreamstream


      Hahaha! Yep. I'm head over hooves in love. :lol:

    3. Nightshroud


      awww that's so cute reminds me of my dog lestat

    4. sin kai
  5. Oh, sweet Celestia guys. I caught my cousin's bouquet at her wedding. :adorkable: I'm scared of life now. The stress is real! :lie:

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. dreamstream


      hahaha. :lol::okiedokieloki: A terrible mood. :orly:

    3. Snow


      naturally, ^_^ i think you are already aware of the face that i use quite frequently when in one of my.. terrible moods.. i best be getting out of your hair now, it appears i have guests :) until next time!

    4. SweetPurrl


      She is very interesting. I get annoyed sometimes. But hey! Nopony can help but love her. 

      Ps. I'm on my phone. It autocorrected nopony to no loony! Lol. It knows us so well!

  6. Well I'm off to the airport. :scots: TSA here I come. I probably won't be on for the next week. I'll miss you guys! :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Aqua Sunshine

      Aqua Sunshine

      Have a save trip!! btw: where are you going? haha:squee:

    3. dreamstream


      ... :bedeyes: Thanks Purrl. I'll keep that in mind for when I return... :orly: ( :sneer: )

      @Aqua Sunshine Vegas.

    4. SweetPurrl


      Please! Have mercy!

  7. *boop*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DubWolf


      You're solar-powered :ooh: . Photosynthesis! Watch out for vegetarians :C .

    3. dreamstream


      Haha! I'm a Venus fly trap! *nom* :nom:

    4. DubWolf


      I was gonna say; you're a carnivore :=: ! M33333T!

  8. I'm sitting on the edge of my bed and my cat wants my attention, so she's petting my back. :catface: Even if I move her paw she doesn't stop.

    ...3 PAWS NOW?! Really?!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. dreamstream


      Yep. Brownie the black, fat cat.

    3. Kenshiro


      She needs to make exercise :P

    4. dreamstream


      I know. She's the definition of lazy though.

  9. Just woke up from a 1.5 hour nap. I feel ready to finish the day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DubWolf


      *hugs :squee: * Tuna is meat; tasty meat =F .... And endangered :C

    3. dreamstream


      :sunbutt: I didn't know that! :please: But they make good sashimi.

    4. DubWolf


      Indeed, I just wish there was more so we wouldn't feel bad about them running out :C.

  10. I really like some of these Pony FM songs.

    Especially these two:

    Lunar Phases & Sunrise

    Check out the station if you haven't Pony FM Radio

  11. AHH! I'm being followed! :love: WHO ARE YOU PONIES?! and...non-ponies...

    *starts to run away, screaming*


    Totally kidding, I love you guys! *hugs*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DubWolf


      *always following :umad: *

      *hugsies ^_^ *

    3. SweetPurrl


      Well, you're kinda stuck with me :derp:

    4. dreamstream


      :wub: yay

      :twi: Oh. Wait. I mean, Oh Nooooooooo! :pout::orly:


    I'm leaving on Wednesday for another relative's wedding. This time...Vegas. I've never been, I'm excited. I'm gonna stick with my family. :P They've been. But still, I have to pack. :scots:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Standing in ankle deep water during a thunderstorm while holding a metal bat above your head, whilst singing, "This isn't safe but I'm doing it anyway, this isn't safe but I'm doing it anyway..."

    3. dreamstream


      Yes! That's Fun! In fact, it's thrilling!

    4. Aqua Sunshine

      Aqua Sunshine

      I've been there three times is pretty good!! have fun!!!!!


  13. Finished another digital piece!

    Dreamstream with scarf


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SweetPurrl
    3. dreamstream
    4. DubWolf


      I didnt it was supposed to be in Comet's colors :blush::wub: . (Maybe it's just a coincidence :derp: ).

  14. How do I keep running only 2-4 hours of sleep a night? :confused:

    Out of the last 7 days, I got only 2-4 hours of sleep for 5 out of 7 of them. Without naps! OR Coffee! :huh:

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      You might just be solar powered. Maybe yOu don't need sleep after all?

    2. dreamstream


      I'M A PLANT?! O.o

      My mom has a lot of explaining to do... o-o

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      What if she is a plant too?

  15. *sneaks up and squirts you with water gun* :sneer::wub:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DubWolf


      Uhh.. Internet :adorkable: ?

    3. dreamstream


      what's that? I haven't seen an internet in Equestria. :wacko:

    4. DubWolf


      Exactly xP

      *hoof bumps self again :proud: *

  16. It's glad to have MLP Forums back. I'm surprised Rarity didn't do more to it. Like a bit more sparkle... :twi:

    1. Wingnut


      Sadly, they changed it back before she had the chance.  :P

    2. J.T.


      Who knew Rarity had such mad hacking skills :pout:

    3. dreamstream


      @J.T. I KNOW RIGHT! She's into more than just fashion. Unless that's her cover and she's really an ancient alicorn in disguise! :wacko: Maybe all of Twilight's friends are really ancient alicorns, each hidden in a disguise! :wau: Now my mind is whirling!

      Rarity- Aphrodite?

      Rainbow Dash- Hermes or Zeus?

      Applejack- Demeter?

      Pinkie Pie- Dionysus/The Muses?

      Fluttershy- Cybele/Artemis?

      If that's the case, is Twilight the recreation of the Goddess Harmonia?! (basing this off greek mythology)

  17. I forgot to say this. This morning, I had the breakfast of champions!

    Donuts and sushi. :catface: A well balanced diet. :orly:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. DubWolf


      Average :wacko: . Hrmm, but if you called me unique, doesn't that mean I'm unlike others and doesn't that make me different which means weird :wacko: .

      I guess what you're saying is we're all unique hence it's normal; problem solved. *hoof boomps self :proud: *

    3. dreamstream
    4. DubWolf



      *boops you :3*

  18. Hello friend! *boop*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      I've not knocked anyone out today, so that's good i suppose. Hoping to visit my buddy in the hospital tomorrow.

    3. dreamstream


      O.O Do you knock people out often? If so...why?

      I hope you will be able to. You and your friend are in my prayers. Is he doing better? (If you don't wanna answer, that's okay)

    4. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Let's just say I have more baggage than a 747.

      He's been in good spirits about it. He went in with chest pains a week ago. The thing he has makes heart conditions common, but it's also a story for another day. Tell me about yourself.

  19. I'm going to wear something cute today *looks in closet* Looks like I'm not going anywhere today...

    *sits in home wearing yoga pants, T-shirt, & hoodie, watching HGTV*

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Want to go to work for me so I don't have to?

  20. Happy Birthday, Autumn Rhythm!


    1. sherri


      thank you :pinkie:

    2. sherri


      greet pic as well :)

    3. dreamstream


      Thanks, I got it off the internet :derp:

  21. Happy Birthday Stranger! :pinkie:

  22. I was off 22hours. Only 22. And I got 41 notifications overnight. Do you ponies sleep?


  23. I like how Rarity has taken over the forums. What will she do to it? :twi:

    1. Show previous comments  59 more
    2. DubWolf


      It's been a few hours :wacko: .

    3. dreamstream


      YAY! Let's go home. I'm not interested in another epic battle. I'm still tired from the last one.

    4. DubWolf


      *opens portal and we exit yeiiii the end :yay: *

  24. I recently create a DeviantArt account. I haven't uploaded all my pics yet, but check it out if you want


    1. sin kai
    2. SweetPurrl


      So cool looking at it all publishized like!:muffins:

  25. Everytime! Without fail, when I see your new profile pic I notice that I start to sway left and right. It's a subtle movement, but it's there. :orly:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dreamstream



      Glad I'm not the only pony this happens too.

      @Kenshiro Your profile pic's energy is contagious. :muffins::derp:

    3. Kenshiro
    4. Kenshiro
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