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Sovereign Leader Rarity

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Everything posted by Sovereign Leader Rarity

  1. Definitely the season 4 finale. Until that point, while I thought that the 2 part intro/outro episodes were good, most of them merely met my expectations. This was the first episode of the show that truly blew me away the first time I saw it and still impresses me today. And I've said this before, but I just have to say it again:I LOVE THE VILLAIN SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Though I like all the ponies(except for Pinkie Pie)Rarity is easily my favorite. Stylish, funny, classy and so much more, I could go on about this character for days. But since I can't due to school, I'll just say this:she has glam that the ponies could not mentally comprehend. My girl Rarity is an icon for what all ponies should strive to be. And that swag though....
  3. This episode. Truly the finest the show has to offer. Great story telling, great visuals and FANTASTIC FIGHT SEQUENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guy above me knows what's up. This episode really set a new standard for not just season finales, but for mlp episodes in general. That fight scene between Twilight and Tirek was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I don't know why but all of the main characters being female was always a major reason for me liking the show as much as I do.
  5. What I very much like about this community is how everyone acts with different views, but everyone respects them nonetheless. Sure makes a change from YouTube. You say one controversial thing and you have people telling you to kill yourself and other unfriendly gestures along those lines. All my friends don't understand how serious the topic of the mane 6's sexuality is. Serious, serious stuff. SERIOUSLY.
  6. I seriously hope not, Where will I be then? I need my little pony. I need my fellow Bronies. I NEED MY RARITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In all seriousness though I hope it doesn't. I know that all shows have to go at some point(unless you're the Simpsons)but not yet. I'm fairly new to being a Brony(I've been one for about 6 months now)and I would like the chance to further my interest to an even larger degree.
  7. Sunset Shimmer began the Equestrian Girl series as a run of the mill teen movie bad girl. Wanted to be prom queen, dated the protagonist's crush, so on, so forth. However the writers of the show quickly realized that this did not work so they changed her almost immediately to not just a very likable protagonist, but into a very strong protagonist, who quickly became a part of the mane 6(human 6)which is where the term mane 7 comes from in those movies. She became the glue that held the series together. Only thing that I regret is that terrible demon design in the 1st movie.....oh god.
  8. My friends and peers were very confused when I informed them of my new passion for mlp. But you guys...you guys get it.
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