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Everything posted by Nightshroud

  1. hey naiya how you been

  2. hey techno I was gonna ask if you do any gaming?

    1. Techno Universal

      Techno Universal

      Well the only video game I've ever played outside of IOS devices is Minecraft. The thing is that other PC games are too expensive and my parents won't allow me to get any sort of game console until I'm 18. I've always  wanted a game console and currently it's a PS4 but my parents simply won't allow it until I'm 18. But because the don't want one in the house I might not be able to get one until I move out into my own place. :) 

    2. Nightshroud


      man that sucks my grandma is super cool with me playing games.

      and doing witchcraft

    3. Techno Universal

      Techno Universal

      I know I'm really annoyed about it but for now Minecraft is good enough for me as I play it every single day building stuff in my creative world and occasionally I play on servers. One thing I'm able to do in my head that is really interesting is perfectly simulate 3D graphics just like a 3D world in a computer game. Like my system automatically memorises every place I go to and I can then load it up as an explorable 3D world. I can also do the same with objects and even there's an effect where it disassembles the item just like in one of those smart phone ads. I think it's just my brain has developed to emulate the same signal fires as a computer but for the 3D memories it simulates a computer GPU. :)    

  3. hey widdershins how you been *hugs*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nightshroud


      no I don't believe it ive practiced wicca today.

      I feel better.

      do you know this character?

      images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSDNFop99C_AEnzYeFSx9A--3lv6JLqesqB67U8a-aV53C8GmyaRVZTQc in my stories hes also pagan

      hell he looks the part.

    3. Widdershins


      Zane Truesdale? Older brother to that blue-haired twerpy sidekick to Jadeden, the main character in Yugioh GX? Ah, I wouldn't know what you mean by Pagan.

    4. Nightshroud


      like wiccan he can curse you ewithout saying anything.

  4. hello I was gonna tell you.

    thank you for all you helped me with.

    1. Canteen_the_unstable


      Yeah no problem my net is sorta wonky today 

    2. Nightshroud


      heh so is mine hey arid if theres anyone you need me to pray for I will.

      I'm doing this as a way to help people through their hard times.

  5. hey I got your message I came to apologize for all I did I know that crush thing was creepy.

    I quit that already

    I shouldn't have snapped like that  I know that was wrong.

    I know what I did was wrong so I came to apologize to you and own up.

    1. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      No worries man; it's all good. Just keep what I said to you in mind. :)

    2. Nightshroud


      well my great grandma taught me to own up to my mistakes.

      um if you are okay with this statement.

      I was gonna say i'll pray for you.


    3. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      I'm fine with that. ^^

  6. yes I have he was in china have you seen this man?
  7. see this creepy sonic?banned because of this creepy sonic.
  8. dear starlight glimmer do you believe in witchcraft? are you sure that twilight mislead us?
  9. banned because hell Kaiser don't take that shit.
  10. hello I'm Nightshroud

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Nightshroud


      oh I do dynasty warriors kingdom hearts Mario practicly anything

    3. CinnamonPop


      Oh, so pretty much family games huh? I can respect that. :catface:

    4. Nightshroud


      and mature ones too just whatever piques my interests.

  11. never mind he was in the outback.

    he still looked at me like this.

    Related image
  12. well I found him he was in mexico he glared at me

  13. banned because you stole Kaiser's cyber dragons.
  14. I will have debates with myself on things,
  15. hello

    1. Show previous comments  60 more
    2. Nightshroud


      ah so what games do you play?

    3. Weak Freak

      Weak Freak

      super mario, sonic, pokemon, that sorta stuff

    4. Nightshroud


      me I play dynasty warriors kingdom hearts Mario sonic and whatever else.

  16. spiders just spiders in general uhh I may be pagan but these little bastards are the only thing I pray for gaia to kill.
  17. this asshole his battle wastes sooo much time with that clock gimmick!!!.
  18. the rules are simple name a place where you think this guy could be. then ask the user below you if they had seen him.
  19. hey sir hugoholic have you seen this man?


    Image result for hell kaiserhe vanshied after we did a witchcrafty thingy can you point me in his direction.

    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      First time ever I see him :P 

    2. Nightshroud


      well he has a heart condition. lets hope he aint dead.

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