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Midnight Blaze 98

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Everything posted by Midnight Blaze 98

  1. It’s a Wonderful Life (Second Christmas movie in one week)
  2. Uh, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 82148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938? Dont worry, I did just copy and paste all that! *scrolls back up to top to put emoticons in* b
  3. Because... actually I have no idea. Who would make a good mod?
  4. It looks nice It’s good for skiing It’s Christmassy. Why do you watch mlp?
  5. Happy Hearthswarming, Merry Christmas! 










    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Thanks! Merry Christmas you too!

  6. Of course! *Comes out of fiction mode* (Sad, I know...) To be honest, I don’t think that time travel is possible, and I almost hope it isn’t, since people would probably fail to learn from all the sci-fis and mess time up if it were to be discovered. But then again, most people would probably have said that touch screen phones weren’t possible 20 years ago. So you never know!
  7. Merry Christmas everyone! I just thought I’d share this, which was on a card someone sent me: Silent Night, literally...
  8. This morning when someone asked me if I'd bought them a Christmas present. When was the last time you said the word 'like'?
  9. Watched Elf with my family last night... I usually have a different taste in movies, but hey. @Buttonmash1973 Saw your first gif while eating a crisp... Thanks for that! .
  10. Is this glitch happening for anyone else, or is it just me?



    1. sciencewill98


      On my phone, yes. On my PC, no.

      Other people have pointed it out to the mods so they are already aware of this issue.

  11. Never given one; I don’t get the new update. Same question
  12. Greetings fellow pony! I’m also in to art and music. I hope you’ll have a great time here! And don’t judge us on @Trotteurliciously Sauvage spelling.
  13. .....................
  14. Because @The_Gobo hasn’t been on this thread for 6 hours. What should I eat for breakfast?
  15. I’m back! Took a week off skiing, which was great. 

    It’s now Hearthswarming time by the look of things... I’m loving the new banner, and now that I have the Christmas holidays are ahead of me, I’m looking forward to invading this place. :smug::oneheckofahat:

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