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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Jedishy

  1. I am thinking I am going to do an MLP marathon this weekend and maybe some reading. What about everypony else? Those are served primarily in the yard I presume? I dont think plastic tastes too good. Though now I wonder about calorie content.....
  2. Oh, I know the feeling. Last semester my pc crashed and I thought I lost 4 hours of legal research and another hour of note taking. I wanted to cry. By the time I got the corrupted draft back I only had half of what I wrote up and my links. So I had to power run all weekend to get all my papers back and turned in on time. By Monday when I turned it in I wanted to just not move for a week. I always keep some on hand for a bad day even if I am enjoying other teas. Yay! Virtual muffins do not mess with real-world diets Not bad. Just relaxing and listening to some music
  3. Thank you so much. I love tea and wish I could spend more on the higher quality stuff. Yea especially when I have to argue with the rest of the leadership AND the membership. Frankly, the law degree is easier than trying to herd Jedi. How about you how is your day thus far?
  4. Ah then " Tea, earl grey, hot" if I may. I am well. Taking some time to destress from the irritation of helping run a church and trying to get my legal degree
  5. *Pokes head in* Ummm who/what is this lounge for? Might I join?
  6. Looks like a good bag. Ever since I got out of the military I have tried to find a bag that lasts to no avail.
  7. What sort of backpack do you use? I use a small sling bag for day to day, If I am out longer I might use a "murse". Anything like overnight or if I need to bring my laptop I use think geeks back pack of holding
  8. Bro Hoof for this Has it? People use words improperly all the time ( confusing respect for civility as an example ) does that mean that the meaning is lost? Or does that mean we ought to ignore them like someone who misuses there when they mean their
  9. I think the term will fall out when they stop with their moral busybodying and ruining lives over a bad joke. Sure I can get that the overuse of the term sucks and sure some people see things everywhere. But there are concerning trends towards PC bullying and people are tired of it.
  10. Is this the proper definition? Waifu Noun (fandom slang) A fictional character from non-live-action visual media (typically an anime, manga, or video game) that one is attracted to and considers a significant other.
  11. Winter Bolt bowed and said his goodbyes. As the Princess left he felt the sudden urge to just head back to his room and try to figure out what he wanted to do. He had nothing connecting him here and a lot to think about. But Luna had seemed to want this night to make ponies happy. Would leaving be ignoring the point of the evening? Was he meant to mingle for a bit? His head spun with questions and no answers served as an anchor. More now than ever he missed his uncle. He always could ask him what to do. But now he regretted not making more friends along his travels. With a wry chuckle, he thought maybe Ponyville could be a good stop after all. He knew that the famed Twilight Sparkle lived there along with Pinkie Pie who was said to be the friendliest pony around. Maybe they could teach him how to make friends? With a long sip on his cider, he reached into the pockets of his vest. Pulling out a parchment and quill. He was not sure how to start so he sat there sipping at his drink and losing himself deeper and deeper in thought. As per a colthood habit, he started to unconsciously flap his wings while he was trying to write. Soon as often happened when he was too focused on a task only his head and forehooves were level with the table. The rest of him seems like it was trying to escape towards the ceiling. His mother had often found him reading a book almost vertical if he was left with his thoughts too long. It was one of the small habits that Honey Leaf had found endearing and never tried to correct. Slowly the words came to him and he wrote. Dear Princess Luna, I have put a lot of thought into your offer. Despite the short amount of time that has passed, I am now sure what I should do. I have never really had any friends and from the rumors that have reached me even at the farthest corners of Equestria, Ponyville has some ponies well versed on the subject. So I think that trying to tame the weather of EverFree Forest gives me the best chance of meeting them and learning from them. As such, I feel its in my best interest to take that job and try to find somepony to connect with. Warm regards and deepest respect Winter Bolt Now he was just floating there staring at the letter. In these few words he might change his life.... should he send it now? Wait till morning. The pegasus was lost deep in thought almost oblivious to the Gala around him.
  12. Winter Bolt took in the possibilities in front of him. He had never been afraid of risk. He had never worried about getting hurt. Generally, his skill or luck carried the day. He had already traveled over most of known Equestria, the exceptions being Ponyville and Cloudsdale. In all of that time, he had never once run into trouble that he could not handle. So being a scout or courier made sense. But a chance to try to handle the weather of the Everfree Forest.... could he pass that up? He had never seen Ponyville which would be a logical place to resupply during such an endeavor. Further, he could really test his nerves and skill with weather manipulation in the process. The risks where there but he always ran other risks before. So what would that matter now? With shrug, he looked up. " Princess all of those jobs seem to fit. I am well versed in travel and used to long flights. So scouting and courier work would be natural. There are not many dangers in such work that I am likely to face that I have not faced and survived before. I have always dreamed of weather work and the risks might be there with your personal task but that does not bother me. I left home at the time I reached age of majority and have hardly been back since. Doing that with no money and just the travel gear gifted by my uncle was a risk. Yet I faced and overcame it without an issue. So I have to ask for your guidance here. All of these jobs could make me happy. All of them seem a dream compared to my current life. How can I decide?"
  13. I did not say that the use of them in the sense that you are trying to imply here. I said that they can be used to study how to better clean up after them. As in used in a lab setting to better understand how it could be cleaned in the real world situations. Further, I have argued before and you are ignoring the fact that I have said its the use or misuse that makes it bad not the thing itself. So the argument of its abhorrent that they were used in the first place is moot. The fact is that scientist in country 1 could see that country two has weaponized disease A. Realizing that disease A is weaponized he not only creates that in a lab to test cures etc on but thinks that disease B would be worse if made a weapon. So he weaponizes that and proceeds to figure out how to combat it. There we go, the weapon itself is not bad. Its the use with malicious intent that is bad. Which is my point. Simply because you argue that they are generally made with ill intent does not mean they must be used with such. They can be used simply for study which means they are neither bad nor good until used. You can try to argue that we dont need to weaponize them to study them. Bunk I say. The reason being is that often weaponizing them means creating different strains that are stronger and spread easier. That means to fight that strain we must make it as we might not have the resources to fight it without studying it. This ignores the fact that you likely have not done any study into good vs bad done or adjustment of older religions to modern situation Which in itself is important when attempting to render judgment. As for the surviving the test of time and passing of the founder well you mean like Wicca or Satanism and those are just off the top of my head. The fact is that a blanket failure to adapt and outliving its usefulness just falls flat without actual data.
  14. Oh they are? You do realize that research and thus the use of the weapon IE the disease can lead to improved cures, treatments, and clean up procedures in the event of someone else using them right? Research of a thing indeed involves the use of the thing when it comes to a disease and thus no they are not inherently bad. How many religions are you aware of? How many can you tell me the changes in throughout time? How many have you weighted the good that they do vs the bad people use them to excuse? Somehow I question if its even a fraction of what the data available that has been considered. Do you know of Joseph Campbell and his monomyth? Are you aware of the religions that have come about since the 1950s? So how can you claim with surety that they are outdated and not keeping pace with the times? I am aware that all of these questions could seem aggressive. But that is not the intent. My intent is to point out that many peoples knowledge of religion is regulated to bad events from a handful of major faiths and a few classes of philosophy 101.
  15. Having been in the military yea I do it all the time with the people I served with.
  16. Winter got himself a second cup of hard cider and a candied apple to go with it. He sipped his drink carefully being mindful not to overindulge. Considering the offer before him he wondered where he could do the most good. What would he be most helpful at? But then a sudden fire sparked within him. No the voice seemed to whisper. Stop looking for ways to be useful and do what you love. That is when it struck him. He didn't want just any job. He didn't want to be useful or labor under a yoke anymore. He knew what he wanted. Deep down he knew what his spirit needed now more than ever. He wanted to fly. " I want to fly. I dont care what the job is I just want to be in the clouds. I want to feel the air in my mane and the clouds at my hoof. I want to come back smelling of sunshine and dew not earth and apples. Bucking has earned me a good bit but hurts my flanks. Pulling a plow just musses up my feathers and leaves my back sore for days after. I miss helping with the weather and feeling like my job fits me. So please more than anything I want to be able to help with something weather patrol related or at least that gets me off the ground" The earnest look in his eyes was born of years of jobs that chained him to the ground sometimes literally. He had spent so long just getting by that the rare times he got to have fun while working stood out as bright as his sapphire necklace in his mind. He had missed the feel of moving the clouds and bending the weather to the schedule of a patrol leaders instruction. He missed the happy smiles a sunny day or cooling rain could bring. But most of all he missed making it snow. Somehow the pony that got his cutie mark for winter high jinx had been missing out on that fun for more years then he cared to admit.
  17. Winter Bolt was surprised by the offer of help. He was so used to figuring out his own way and being alone that the idea of anypony lending a hoof unpaid seemed almost nonsensical. As much as there was a pride to earning his way he had to admit that it would be hard to get by on two bits even looking for work. It left no room for error and little time to find work to earn something to keep going. Logically he ought to accept the offer and do his best to be an understanding Equestrian citizen to pay back the kindness shown to him by his Princess. Accepting the realities of his situation he nodded almost to himself more than anything. " Princess even if I wanted to be prideful right now I am in no real place to turn down a helping hoof. With two bits I would not get far and odd jobs are not easy to find this close to Canterlot. I humbly accept your offer to help. But I have to admit its not easy to say yes. I have earned my kee since I left home and never really had to ask anypony for a hoof without earning it. I've always thought I was too much trouble to have around and so I roamed and ask for nothing I did not work for. But it seems from a few ponies I saw here tonight that maybe my clumsy mishaps have not made a bad impression all over Equestria as I feared." The reality was that if the Princess or Winter Bolt asked around they would find out that rather then a bad impression left in his wake it was rather the opposite. Many ponies missed the affable pegasus with stories from all across Equestria. The enjoyed his soft manners and hard working spirit. His small blunders never bothered them and the ones that involved snow often made his somewhat of a mythical hero to the fillies and colts that got days off of school because of him. The adults always felt bad that he left so soon most times without half the pay the promised. To him, it was to repay what he messed up. To them, it was small sums of bits he was owed in various towns across Equestria.
  18. With a sigh, Winter Bolt met Lunas' eyes. He was not often ashamed of how he lived but then again he never really had anypony to share the details with. It was mostly one odd job in one random town after another moving on as soon as he did something clumsy. He was used to sleeping in the wilds and wintering down wherever he could get work as weather patrol support. But in this moment surrounded by finary, it felt like Manehatten and the judgment of more well to do peers all over again. It was only the kindness in her eyes and the sincere ring of her words the pushed him to drive on with the truth. " To be honest I have two bits, a wool blanket, a set of leather travel bags, a canvas tarp, a journal and this necklace to my name. Oh and I guess this vest now too. I neve stay in one place long and never do more than odd jobs. So I never have many bits to my name and have really only owned what I could carry in my bags. I spent my last few bits of earnings getting a room last night. I had traveled from Appleoosa to here in pretty much a straight shot only stopping to grab water and a bite to eat. So by the time I got here I was low on funds and could barely afford the room for the few nights needed to attend the Gala." He had finished his hay fries and was now working on the fritter slowly enjoying each morsel. To go with it he had ordered a hard cider which was slowly helping him relax and find the jovial spirit he had before the ill-fated news. He was once more starting to smile in spite of his living situation. It never mattered before but now for some reason, it bothered him. Maybe because now he felt there was some chance at finding a place. At more than the life of a wandering pony who never really had a place. Or maybe it was just he wished he had more to show for all his travels. Even friendship had eluded him in the years he spent wandering. If somepony could pull Winter Bolt out of his head he would see his potential. If he missed that pony well who knew where he would drift to.
  19. I dont know if I should thank you for educating me on this fact. Or to be depressed that people can be so dang thick-skulled and blinded by ideology that they damage things of beauty in the process.
  20. One cannot deny that looks matter. If you are repulsed by a person its far harder to find the desire to get to know them in the first place. However, people get with someone who looks good but after the "honeymoon phase" end up repulsing them on a personal level all the time.
  21. I see a lot of people carry a defensive tool which is great. But please be sure to know the limits of its use. The risks of its failure and to train accordingly. Nothing is fool proof and some items take more skill or have a higher failure rate than others.
  22. But organized religion is simply : Organized religion (or organised religion—see spelling differences), also known as institutional religion, is religion in which belief systems and rituals are systematically arranged and formally established.[1] Organized religion is typically characterized by an official doctrine (or dogma), a hierarchical or bureaucratic leadership structure, and a codification of rules and practices. Which Wicca would fall under. So I do not understand what you are saying with a dislike of organized religion. As for groups being kept small to stop disagreement well why is disagreement inherently bad? How can one grow if you only ever hear that which you agree with? How can a faith or path grow if no one challenges it? A lack of leaders is impossible. Someone has to make decisions and keep order. It will happen naturally via personality, via a merit system or vote. But it will happen. You even point out your own leaders while saying that leadership is bad. Finally, I am sorry for all the flack you are getting about religion. Wicca is not the path for me but keep your head up. Too many people take misuse of a thing for the item itself being inherently bad.
  23. So many people on a crusade go forth with blinders as their starting equipment. They then add headphones to drown out all that counters their quest for what feels emotionally good with practical views and long term analysis
  24. Winter Bolt nodded gently. He took the plate and found a seat so that he might eat at his own pace. Despite his hunger, he always took his time to enjoy his food and tonight was no different. Besides he had made the mistake of eating too fast after a period of no food. It generally leads to an upset stomach. So he took small mouthfuls of food chewing thoughtfully and letting the flavors of the fries and cheese wash over him. He sipped some water poured from the tables' carafe by yet another staff member that passed by. He let out a soft nicker of pleasure at the taste. It was cool without any ice and tasted as pure as snowmelt. " Princess where in Equestria did this water come from? It's like drinking a cloud or snowmelt." He again moved back to savoring his food. It had been a while since he had eaten and he was grateful for the heavy nature of the hay fries and cheese. In truth his last meal was just before he got the letter inviting himself to the Gala. He had gotten it and flown straight to Canterlot with hardly more than a water break in between. His endurance was impressive and so was his drive when triggered. From there he had gotten his room, cleaned up, and found some new clothing for the event. At which point he had exhausted everything but his last two bits. Tucked safely away in his room they were to get him one more meal before he found work to earn his keep.
  25. Honey Leaf was torn about what she did tonight. She knew that she violated the spirit of the Gala with the news. Worse she sprung it on her son out of nowhere after almost a year and a half of not seeing him. She had even exaggerated how hard she had tried to find him. But she was so close to a break through on zap apples. On getting them to bloom with the use of unicorn magic and not just as a natural event. The mare was blessed or cursed as one might see it with an obsessive personality and when close to her research she could hardly be driven to eat never mind the travel to Canterlot. The reality was that she would be back on the train to Manehatten tonight. She could only hope for forgiveness later. Winter Found his voice. Just barely a whisper but it rang clear. " I think I need to eat. Too much travel, no money for food last night, I need to clear my head and get some energy/" He was so dazed by the news that he was not even thinking to hide the fact that he was starving. He was at this point on autopilot. The gentle touch of Luna had woken him from the stupor only partially. He still needed to gain the strength to fully process the situation he found himself in. Worse would come later when he realized his mothers' callous departure was related to her research but that was not for him to know now. Shakey legged and still coming to grips with it all he looked around as if lost before realizing what was going on around him. "I'm sorry Princess. This is just all a shock. Some food and drink might help me get my wits about me. My mother being her was a surprise. Not to mention the rest." His voice trailed off. He looked around and could no longer spot his mother. Something deep inside told him she left. His face was torn between anger and relief at not having to face her just now. He managed to grab the attention of a passing server pony that was passing cider out. He took a deep drink from his glass. The cool tang soothed his nerves and the sugar gave him a spark of energy that got his hooves under him again. He bowed slighting to the Princess as he finished the drink. " Again my apologies for losing myself for a moment. Once I eat a bit and maybe have something stronger than the regular cider I am sure I will be a better companion for the evening."
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