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Everything posted by Xe__or

  1. Is eating a 1kg Yogurt too much?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xe__or


      Technically 1kg = 1kg, so I would say yeah

      (600 g is fine tho )

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      ..... Did you just...talked to yourself:laugh:

    4. Xe__or
  2. wtf what wedding am I invited to

    1. Tacodidra


      There were no birthday cards around... :adorkable: The only thing I could do was repurpose a wedding card. :orly:


      The wedding was Lyra and Bon Bon's. :arethosehands:


    2. Xe__or


      Ohhh okay okay; thanks man

  3. damn thanks man

    no problems

  4. It is time


    1. Xe__or


      embrace your true self

    2. Xe__or


      For it is dinner time.

  5. You look quite smug there my dear dear Splashee; looking for trouble, perhaps? :orly:

    (and quite animated)

    1. Splashee


      :orly: you only get one chance to animate this many frames (since it takes a lot of hours), so I was forced to figure out the most effective smug look I could manage to draw for the "still" expression :orly:

    2. Xe__or


      Smug people usually are looking for trouble... are you? :orly:

  6. top 10 monke moments

    1. Xe__or


      wait this isn't po**hub

    2. Splashee


      I hate top ten stuff :yeahno:

    3. Xe__or




  7. don't watch if easily offended because that's just gonna bore me



  8. Monday may be my favorite day; sure it's after the weekend, but seeing the depressed look on everybody else's faces just makes up for my own fatigue

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv9hVBvs3ck



    This speaks to me on a spiritual level.

  10. I come back for a bit and the website crashes

    As it should :orly:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xe__or


      I wasn't accepted into the X-Men so I formed the X-guys

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Luckily you didn't end up at the kid X, or xXx... :laugh:

    4. Xe__or


      The xXx movies are good :orly:



  11. Guess even super saiyans can't beat it


  12. Spoiler



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xe__or



      Well I was bored so I thought "fuck it let's check how some people on the forum are doing" :bea:







    3. Tacodidra



      The forums are always a nice place to visit when bored. :kindness: I hope the rest of the day is more interesting for you!


      I couldn't be bothered to add more spoiler boxes this time. :please:



    4. Xe__or



      The day is almost over for me anyway; going back to college. Thanks; you too, have an "interesting day" :orly:.


      No spoiler boxes? WEAK :glimmer:




    1. Splashee


      I'll watch when I get to my PC. I feel like this could be a bad one

  14. Okay, so, this is officially my last post on the forums; the other one was the heads up, this one is the application of that heads up. I just wanna shoutout once again @Splashee, @Blivy@Emerald Heart, @Tacodidra, @Nsxile, @Lucky Bolt, and everyone else I forgot to mention.

    There shall be no reply from me anymore; as such, ladies and gentlemen, I tip my hat to you all. It has been fun; have a fun life everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Goodbye and farewell :blue_baloon:

    3. Emerald Heart

      Emerald Heart

      Goodbye! It has been a pleasure knowing you

    4. TBD


      Good riddance.



      we’re gonna miss your  meme and ya da ya da all that stuff you probably don’t want to hear:LunaMCM:

      so here’s a dark meme for ya which I believe that’s more worth your attention 




  15. I've been thinking; I should continue my shitposts while I'm here :confused:  welp here goes something i found sometime ago it isn't the best but meh


  16. Good afternoon, everyone. It has been a bit of time since I last came here, I suppose. Happy new year by the way.

    Let's not beat around the bush; this post is meant as a farwell post not only to the forums, but to the MLP community as a whole. It's been downgrading in quality for some years now, and I finally came to terms with the work of fiction as a whole; it doesn't appeal me anymore as it did before. Sorry boys; won't stick around for the next gen of MLP either, or any new gen for that matter.

    I am sure some of you are glad I'll be gone though; I know I have been quite a controversial figure for some things that I said and speaking my mind on some topics . No hard feelings of course; especially the mods/admins, you guys do a fine job :orly:

    It's been fun; not gonna lie. Though I disliked the forum more and more over the past few months, there are people I had a lot of fun with, most notably @Splashee@Lucky Bolt , @Blivy, @Emerald Heart , @CypherHoof, @Cyclone1066 during the summer, as well as @Nsxile of course.  :orly:

    I don't know how to sugarcoat this kind of speech, so yeah, I'll be gone after today; I'll stay connected for some time if some of you want to talk a bit before I leave... I'm not dead tho; you can always reach out to me on Discord if you wanna talk, and if Discord ain't your thing... well do it anyway, I'm sure we can find another medium to talk apart from Discord (looking at you specifically @Splashee boi)

    Sooooooo yeah



    1. Show previous comments  41 more
    2. Xe__or


      Of course; it won't matter after today anyways :applehat:

    3. Tacodidra


      You didn't have fun with me? :sunny:

      Just kidding – I know that's impossible... :orly: I'm sorry to hear you're leaving, my friend. :( I wish you all the best! :kindness:


      Even though I guess you don't really care for sappy posts like this. :adorkable:


    4. Xe__or


      @Tacodidra I did have fun with you ; sorry boi, I have trouble with names :orly:

      I still appreciate the sappy posts, even if it's not my style :orly:

  17. I challenge the fbi to look through my webcam

    I'll just do the Ronald Mcdonald makeup on my face, I'll be covered in black paint and will scream random arabic words

    just to mess with em

    1. Oblivion


      GOD im so FUCKING tempted to make a dark joke!

    2. Oblivion


      Id prolly actually get fbi called if i made it though....

    3. Xe__or


      send it in private :orly:

  18. So how have you been? It's been quite some time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Emerald Heart

      Emerald Heart


      Lol. You do your bed, man.

      Exams are a b****

    3. Xe__or


      It's okay for me ,I love what I'm doing... but it's the sheer quantity you know? Not easy, waking up at 8am, going home at 11pm :applehat:

    4. Emerald Heart
  19. While on youtube I got an ad which talked about a funny video

    The thumbnail was a guy getting really intimate with a cow like really intimate

    I wish I clicked it now

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