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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Pulcinella

  1. *Sigh* I'm bored.

  2. Is it weird that I'm obsessed with obsessions?

    1. Shiki


      Is it weird that I'm obsessed with the obsession of obsessions?

    2. Pulcinella


      Lol. Ya. Everybody's obsessed with something.

    3. Nah


      yo dawg.......

  3. That was the weirdest sentence I ever heard.

    1. Lightning Fluttershy
    2. Pulcinella


      My cousin just said:

      "Now, I'll give you my spiders."

      BTW, aaaaaawwwwwweeeeesssssooooommmmmeeee username and avi! Kid rocks!

    3. Lightning Fluttershy
  4. Man, kittens really like lights, don't they?

  5. Hay, Bobby, play that one about falling down the stairs. Sure thing, Jonny. *crash* I love it!

  6. OMG, my stepdad can be so funny sometimes.

  7. Cuuuuuz! Taaaalk wiiiith uuuuuuuus!

    1. Nightfall


      You sound like Gollum when you do that...

  8. BTW, Imma go randomly read my messages.

  9. New avi uncredited from Tumblr. I was browsing the Pinkimena topic randomly. XD

  10. I found my kimono yesterday when I was cleaning my room. I forgot how comfy those were.

  11. Oh, what the internet can give you if you search hard enough.

  12. Nightmare Night is freakin' tomorrow! *frantically runs around in circles*

  13. Omygerd, I like saying omygerd. Omygerd, I omygerd'd again, didn't I? Omygerd.

    1. the_bob_mob


      why omygerd


    2. Pulcinella


      Because it's fun to say IRL. Try it.

  14. Just changed mah avi. Do you like?

  15. Omygerd, Halloween is tomorrow!

  16. Alright, guys, I'm super tired. I had a long day. So, see ya in the morning.

    1. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Night then comrade.

  17. Oh, wow, Halloween is just around the corner.

  18. This banner is getting a little old.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      Rarity? Getting old? Blasphemy.

    3. Count Paradox

      Count Paradox

      Leave this place, KKR XD

    4. Octavia's Cellozoid

      Octavia's Cellozoid

      I agree with KKR, how could Rarity GET OLD????

  19. Cool! Now when you scroll up on my profile, the words "Now You're Thinking With Portals" is visible!

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