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sprinkle nostrils

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Status Updates posted by sprinkle nostrils

  1. Yo! Extremely sweet avatar. I'm dying *w*

  2. Hello there. Your avatar is awsum! ^-^ Made me dance on my chair 9w9

    1. Denim&Venöm


      Thanks. Glad I can still inspire. 

  3. Yo, ponis! I'm drawing a comic. Didn't draw comics a thousand years ^-^

  4. Hello there =]
    Just wanted to say that your avatar is extremely adorable =3 Who did draw it?

    1. starrymiss


      Wow, thank you so much! :) I actually drew it, so I really appreciate that! It's a doodle from my planner.

    2. sprinkle nostrils

      sprinkle nostrils

      Awww, I love it so much I can't stand ^o^. How come your DA gallery is so empty? And yah, I must follow you, if you don't mind ^.^

    3. starrymiss


      Well thanks so much ^-^ that's so sweet of you to say!! I'm glad you like my stuff!! I haven't drawn very much as of late, but I'm hoping to fill up my DA soon!

  5. Yo, Riki! Your avatar is extremely cute ^~^ Can't stand ^0^

    1. Rikifive


      I know, right? :pinkie: thank you! c:

  6. Yo, Emma. Your avatar is awsum! ^o^ Did you draw it? ^~^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sprinkle nostrils

      sprinkle nostrils

      Wowz! Do you publish it anywhere?

    3. emma_22


      I do not know how to load them on a computer unless you're talking about the pictures I draw on paper.:please:

    4. sprinkle nostrils
  7. Yo, TaZe. Awsum avatar ^-^ You made my day ^o^

    1. MangoFoalix


      Thanks, my dude! Really appreciate it! :squee:

  8. Well, now I'm a cupcake with glass... I'm not sure how to react. *~*

    1. Telferi


      Those are crystals actually :P

  9. Hey, @Rainbow Dash, what will you say about @Rainbow Dash? ^-^

    1. Rainbow Dash

      Rainbow Dash

      I'm so cool there needs to be two of us to contain that much sheer AWESOME!

    2. sprinkle nostrils

      sprinkle nostrils


      [Fanboying intensifies]

  10. And the award in nomination "Avatar Of The Day" takes @The_Gobo! ^-^

    1. The_Gobo


      lmao why thank you very greatly XD


  11. I love your avatar, dude, and can't stay silent about it ^3^

    You made my day.

    1. Wannabrony


      Thank you so much! But you should thank @The Recherche too, he was the one who found me the gif so he's the real master. :P

      Glad to hear we could make your day better! :squee:

    2. sprinkle nostrils

      sprinkle nostrils

      I'll take a note, thanks ^-^

  12. I logged in after couple months of lack and POW! The only person who I talked on forms has a BD. ZEE MAJIK! CONGRATULATIONS!

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