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Midnight Solace

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About Midnight Solace

  • Birthday November 9

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Equestria, Ponyville
  • Personal Motto
    I Think I Need To Accept That I Will Never Be Loved.
  • Interests
    Well, I guess I'm a very unpopular pony artist, kind of a hardcore Xbox gamer, and that one guy that no one seems to notice. I suppose like listening to music, like R&B, Piano and Neurofunk specifically. Honestly, I’ve lost interest in all the other things I used to enjoy, and I don't really have anything to live for anymore. I'm even surprised that I've come this far. My life was always in constant despair and hopelessness, and I think it just keeps getting worse. I feel awfully vulnerable and alone, and these days I just get really lost in my thoughts.

    There's only one thing that makes me truly content in my emotionally fragile life, and that’s hanging out with my beloved Twily. You know, she’s like somepony I can trust. I read books and play Xbox with her. Sometimes I eat waffles with her. The Forums also makes me feel better, as my only friends are here. So, I guess I spend most of my life currently on the forums, sharing my artwork and talking to them. It's nice to know that some ponies would care for me. <3

    Wait, you're actually reading this?

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Pony Visual Artwork

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    My Beloved Twily. <3
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. Is it weird to dream about the forums? :-D I guess it had become such a big part in my life that it appears in my dreams now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      what if you're still in a dream about the forums? and when you wake up, what you thought was the dream was the reality. anything is possible

    3. Midnight Solace

      Midnight Solace

      @Kevin Tang Yeah, it was actually. I was just so Tired.

      @Lord Valtasar Ok, now you're just scaring me. :-D

    4. Tacodidra


      That has happened to me a few times too! :laugh: I don't think it's weird at all if you spend a lot of time on the forums – such activities will almost inevitably appear in our dreams! :P

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