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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Abaddon

  1. We need to get more ponies interested in this rp as it has a lot of potential, but we also need to get the current characters to be more active. I really like this idea and I hope this rp doesn't die. Is anyone else on?
  2. Noticing that a pony was standing in front of him, he kept staring at the sky hoping that she think he was just a statute. Unfortunately, his "disguise" was not working. "O hi. Um. Sorry. I. Well. What are you doing out at night? And why are you talking to me?" Realizing he was being rude and accusatory, Atum tried to speak again but words failed him.
  3. Atum was staring at the sky when he thought he heard something. Scanning the town, he saw a dark shape rushing by one of the homes. I thought I was finally alone. Nopony should be up. Instead of getting up to investigate, Atum just sat there trying to ignore whoever was out there. He was convinced that if he just kept his head down and stayed quiet, nopony would ever bother him (then again, nopony ever seemed to acknowledge his existence). Convinced he was once again alone, Atum went back to staring at the sky.
  4. How is everypony's monday going? I hope it was restful and pleasant : )

  5. It is almost my bed time, when it hits 6:30 am I will be able to sleep, until I must play more infinity blade 2, or maybe DC Universe for the ps3-I just downloaded this game and I'm curious to see if it is any good.

  6. Awesome, I'll be on tomorrow for sure, most likely around 330 pm pacific time, or maybe a little later, its just been a weird few days that has kept me from actively participating in the forums. I'd be interested in helping you, or at least working on something as I'm trying to use my rp experience to move into fan fics.
  7. time to take a break from the forum, I'll be back on later tonight. I hope everypony is doing well :)

  8. For the longest time I was asexual but not by choice, due to my meds and extreme depression it eliminated all desire and attraction to anyone, and for the longest time I thought anything sexual was just a burden to my life. At the moment, I'm still technically asexuality, although I don't know anymore as my mind is all over the place, my meds were changed and my depression is down.
  9. My head has finally quieted down....but now what, it is so quiet up there :(

  10. Looking up, Atum realized that night was about to begin. Today had been another failure, he was still unemployed and still friendless. All the other ponies saw him as an outcast, and although a few smiled at him, he knew that it was just facade hiding their contempt. Sighing, Atum walked towards his house hoping nopony saw him. What a lovely night, the cool air and the growing silence. Just once I wish something exciting would happen in my life. Just once I wish my life would have meaning. Arriving at his front door, Atum decided that he wasn't ready to go inside, instead he sat down and rested in front of his house.
  11. I'm just excited by the fact that Nightmare Moon might return, she is the rightful ruler of Equestria and it was evil of Celestia to destroy her true form. Is there a chance that Atum down the road might become a follower of nightmare moon? I would love to see him help bring darkness back to Equestria. Also, great prologue/write-up I really really really liked it!
  12. Sorry I disappeared , I haven't felt well the last few days and I was lacking the ability to creatively think. So ya, i guess I will just read the RP, as it is too far ahead for me to join in now which is a bummer because I was looking forward to being a part of it....
  13. thanks for the clarification, I just assumed that he misspelled the word, I'll have to go look up polyamory.
  14. It has nothing to do with loving multiple people or feeling attracted to multiple people, polygamy is the marriage between a man/woman to more than two spouses. Being attracted/in love with multiple people is not wrong at all..... Polygamy: is a marriage which includes more than two partners Polygamy exists in three specific forms: polygyny - wherein a man has multiple simultaneous wives;[2]polyandry - wherein a woman has multiple simultaneous husbands; or group marriage - wherein the family unit consists of multiple husbands and multiple wives. (wik)
  15. Argh, I guess I was tired, I woke up at 6pm...depression is still clouding my mind though....*sadness*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abaddon


      awesome song, thanks this does help a bit, i've never heard of ferry corsten before I will have to look up more....

    3. Whiteshade


      Try the Tritonal remix of the same song. It's even better

    4. Abaddon


      *brain explodes*


      you're right, this is great....I'll have to expand my techno tastes, I usually only listen to happy hardcore (dj ravine/dj cotts)

  16. Time to take a break, Ill be back in a few hours, need to recharge and think about my existence and hope what I find is worth fighting for.

    1. Abaddon


      thanks for the comments and kind words, I'm glad to hear that your friend's father found him...the only thing that stops me from killing myself is the pain it would cause my parents and sister, if it weren't for that, well I don't really want to think about that.


      And you are right, I need to preoccupy myself with other things (if only I did have a partner, but alas I'm alone, and that makes me even more depressed), I've gotten back into anime so I've...

  17. Most definitely!!!! Barca is the greatest squad in the world, bar-none. When they came to LA a few years ago, I waited hours just to get into the coliseum, and when Ronaldinho came out onto the field with the rest of the squad, it was the most religious expeirence I've ever had (I'm an athiest, so soccer is my one and only religion).
  18. I wanted to further my previous comment. I guess I could also consider myself asexual, but not by choice. Due to my depression and psych meds I have lost all interest in anypony. This has been going on for almost 1.5 years and as a result, I'm not interested in anything sexual. Even if I wanted to be interested in somepony I can't; there are have been girls I've liked, but no reaction whatsoever. So here I am, asexual, disinterested and frustrated because I had no choice. Hang in there!! Just remember you are amazing and whatever these bullies say or do is because their lives are fucked up (I know it might not help, but I've been bullied numerous times throughout my life and this thought has helped me quite a bit). However I still think it's bullshit that they bully you, there is no reason that they should be doing this (if only our society was tolerant, I hope one day we can overcome this). Just keep your head held high and remember that you have nothing to be ashamed of!!
  19. Lonely and depressed, it feels like the world has forgotten about me once again. FML

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AngryGamer432
    3. Abaddon


      Ya, my life has been a big cluster fuck, I was diagnosed at age 7 and it has only gotten worse since :(


      Sorry, when I get depressed, I start hyper focusing on every little problem of my life.


      Thanks for commenting though, it really helps.

    4. AngryGamer432


      Your welcome and it's ok. I do the same thing

  20. Depressed, paranoid and can't leave my apartment due to fear of the outside world. I really hate my mental illness :( :( :( :( :( :(

  21. I'm back sorry it took me so long to return, the last day+ I've been dealing with anxiety and low-grade depression and all I did was sit in front of my TV pretending the world and life didn't exist (I still have these feelings, but I needed to start doing something proactive, so here I am) Is there anything I missed and can I still return, or has the RP gone far beyond what I can participate in?
  22. I'll be back in a bit, I haven't eaten in a day and I'm about to pass out. I look forward to seeing where this RP goes from here. Thank you all for the opportunity to participate in it : )
  23. Atum bowed and fell to his knees. He was in the presence of Princess Celestia, a moment he had been dreaming about since he was a foal. "Your Highness. I'm. Well. I'm sorry to have created this disturbance. I've just come from the battlefield, and was told to report to Col. Nightfall for orders. And well I guess I got a little carried away. I've never been given any sort of responsibility before and I guess being promoted to Sargent has made me nervous." Bowing his head in shame, Atum awaited his punishment.
  24. I've got to leave in a few minutes to get dinner. I should be able to get in one more post. I won't be back on until 11:30 or 12. So , I don't know what the procedure is for that.
  25. "Um. Sorry, Sir. I was just trying to. Well you see I was told to report to you Sir. But I guess everything got a little confused." Pulling himself up off the ground, Atum tried to keep himself from crying. He had already made a fool of himself, especially in-front of his military hero. Ever since he had entered the Solar Empire Army, Atum saw Col. Nightfall as the perfect soldier. A true role model. Turning towards the Col., Atum saluted him. "My name is Atum Sir! Sargent Atum."
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