Eyes swollen shut, Atum had a hard time figuring out where he was. He tried shifting his body and was met with a wave of pain and vomit. What exactly happened to me? I remember getting into my mini-cooper this morning, but that's it. Did I crash? Am I dead? What is happening to me and why can't I see?? Using his right hand he swung it in front of him, hitting nothing but air. As he dropped it back to its side, he bumped into the plastic railing of the bed. Startled, Atum tried grabbing the plastic object and realized he could use it as leverage. He began pulling himself up, until his body was overcome by immense pain. Atum began screaming as the pain increased.
"We need to get him to lay back down. Nurse, please increase his IV and fresh robe for our patient here...."
"It's alright Atum, we'll make sure to decrease the pain and clean you up."
"Where am i? Who are you? Why can't I open my eyes?"
"You are currently at a hospital and I'm your attending doctor. You were involved in a nasty car accident and when they brought you in. Well lets just say you are lucky to be here. When you hit the other car you were ejected from your seat and smashed through the windsheild. Most of the bones in your body were broken, but luckily you landed on the left side of your body instead of your head. Now, I want you to lie back. The nurse will give you something to sleep and we can talk again when you wake up..."
Atum felt a cold sensation enter his right arm, it slowly snaked up his body and by the time it reached his head, he had drifted back to sleep.
A fly landed on Atum's nose, causing him to sneeze. He slowly rolled over onto his left side, but stopped when realized there was no pain. In fact, his eyes were no longer swollen. Atum slowly sat up and looked over his body. There were cuts or bruses and he was able to move all of his limbs. It felt like only moments ago the doctor had told him he had been in a horrible car accident. But there he was, unscathed and partially naked.
"Is someone out there??"
"Can someone get me a doctor?"
All that responded was silence. As Atum got out of the bed he realized the floor was littered with broken glass and old towels. The paint on the walls was peeling and the light above him was dead. What is wrong with this place. it looks like it was abandoned years ago. Maybe they just ran out of money? Walking to bathroom, Atum found his clothes neatly placed on the floor. Pulling on his soccer jersey and shorts, Atum was overcome by a feeling of dread. Something isn't right. I don't know what it is, but this place gives me the chils." Walking out of the bathroom, Atum made his way to the door....