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Everything posted by Abaddon

  1. That works, but what about the fact that in the last RP everypony posted really fast, making the story run out of control. I like the idea of having a growing RP, but I would step away for a minute and story would be in a complete other direction. Also, will we be doing the same thing where both sides post in the same thread, but we just jump back and forth between factions? What about powers? Are they going to be regulated too? Lastly, I saw something about three sided dice, is this necessary? I'm broke so I can't purchase any, will there be another option?
  2. Have the sides been determined as well as the ranks? Being that I was gone I missed the entire discussion, also will the RP start at the beginning, middle or end of the war? And how will the interactions be between characters, will it be similar to the previous RP or has that changed?
  3. What are the new rules that have been decided on? How will we be able to keep this structured and I saw briefly this morning that there was talk of a way to decide how battles are won?
  4. Are there any spots still open? I'm interested in joining: Atum- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/atum-r1043 (if I'm accepted will this character work or should I create a new one?)
  5. Have I missed anything? I just woke up and noticed that this thread is growing quite rapidly. What stage in the RP are we? And is there anything I can do to help?
  6. I'm interested, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/atum-r1043 I'd like Atum to be turned into a vampire, unless you need more vampire lords.
  7. Guys remember to keep this thread un-cluttered. This is turning into a repetitive discussion and would be best suited for PMs. Sorry, I just don't want this to be closed down again.
  8. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo hot. Urgh, I'm melting :(

  9. Would it be alright if Atum is leads a small group of soldiers, at most 3. If not, I would like to at least have Atum fight, that is his destiny to fight in the trenches.
  10. Atum: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/atum-r1043 New Lunar Republic, Sergeant, NLR Army ((OOC: I"m now going to diner, I'll be back in a bit. I hope this ranking works)
  11. Nope, I sleep in a massive chair in my living room (its huge, comfy and I sink into it, I've never really been into the whole bed thing) and all I do is drape a blanket over it and fall into the comfy goodness that my chair provides.
  12. Does anypony love to sleep a lot, or at least sleep more then they should? I love sleeping, it helps me escape...

    1. Whiteshade


      escapism? I still use it from time to time

    2. Abaddon


      I don't know why, but every time I go to sleep it is a struggle, but when I wake up all I want to do is go back to sleep.


      In fact, I can control my dreams (lucid dreaming) and a lot of the times I know exactly what is going on. It's really amazing.

  13. Welcome Welcome Welcome *tries to find a party cannon, but fails so he throws paper confetti* It's great to have a new member of the herd and I know you will have a fantastically, amazingly, wonderful time here Also I really like your OC, I think Juliet would be a perfect name, but that decision is up to you . Again welcome to our family : )
  14. Welcome to the forum and community!! I know you will like it. We are like a family and it helps to make life just a little bit better. Well I hope to see you around and again welcome
  15. Well first, I wouldn't be me. My only abilities are: complaining, being neurotic and being able to write. So, I would evolve and become Siris/Ausar from Infinity Blade (if you have never heard of the game, it's an amazingly addicting Iphone game that came out about 2 years ago.There is also a sequel. The game was created by Chair a subsidiary of Epic Games the creator of the Gears of War series). The soundtrack:
  16. This could be a very interesting concept/episode but remember there needs to be a lesson/moral at the end of the story. So maybe Spike turns into a pony, events occur and he finally realizes that his comfortable in his own skin, being a dragon. Although he might have a chance to be with Rarity he would be living a lie, something that could have a huge impact on his emotional well being. Further, I think if Rarity really liked him, it wouldn't be because he turned into a pony, rather, it would be because he is Spike. Just look at the reaction Rarity had when Spike turned into a full grown, greedy and possessive dragon; she didn't express her true feelings until he turned back into the original Spike. Whatever the case, I think this would be a great episode that could lead some very funny scenes and great lesson that would provide Spike we chance to grow/nurture his friendship with the mane6.
  17. How is everypony doing? I hope your week is going well and I would love to hear about it...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AngryGamer432


      it was more active because I went to Six Flags and New York city and We walked around Manhattan

    3. Abaddon


      Thatpony124: I love six flags, I went to the one in southern cali when I was in middle school. And I've always wanted to go to NYC, I flew over it on my way to DC but I never made my way to NY

    4. AngryGamer432
  18. my back hurts, too much sitting, argh

  19. Firefly!!! Firefly!!! Firefly!!!! I will be a browncoat for life!! Fox really screwed up on this show, it is one of the greatest shows ever and didn't deserve to be canceled the way it was.
  20. Must kill the God King!!!

  21. My childhood consisted of playing a ton of fallout 1 & 2, so I was expecting the same type of game (not necessarily the same look) what Bethesda produced didn't even come close. Bethesda ruined my childhood, or at least tried to ruin my childhood
  22. Fallout Online, and the real sequel to fallout 2, not the crap that bethesda put out (fallout 3 was a disgrace and an affront to the fallout universe)
  23. Abaddon

    movies/tv Haruhi Suzumiya

    I'll have to check the show out, is crunchyroll any good I've heard of it but never tried it out . I'm trying to get back into anime again (haven't watched it since college 5+ years ago) so that I can get lost in new worlds that are better than this one. (on a seperate note does anyone know of a good site for reading manga online?)
  24. nap time, then Up again at 3:30 am, yay for nap time

  25. Like cosmic charlie I've had years of "experience" with mary jane (I quit awhile ago and have been sober for almost 6 months) and I've never come across any negative side effects. It is a misunderstood and horribly slandered drug, one that is safer than alcohol and tobacco (I do not condone the smoking of weed, being a reformed addict I wouldn't want any one to fall into the trap I was in, however, I think it is ludircrous that our society accpets alcohol as "legal" when it causes more harm, more deaths and a mirriad of other problems compared to weed.) Switching back to the topic at hand, honestly I think all of them would try it at least once, but I think Twilight would be the most likely to use. Having numerous anxiety issues (something I can relate too) she would find that weed helps to calm her down and provide her with the ability to stabilize her mind (again I can relate, I smoked because it helped to control my anxiety and panic attacks, as well as other issues). The other candidates would be dashie and fluttershy (again weed helps with extreme shyness). As for pinkie, I doubt should would use long term, as it would curb her ability to party and I doubt Rarity would smoke as it would impact her ability to design. Lastly, in regards to the weed debate there are a tremendous amount of medical benefits (ie. pain management for cancer patients, increased appetite for eating disorders, pain management for patients who cannot take pain killers...) and it would be great to see the medical community continue to utilize and evolve marijuana for medical purposes. *again I do not condone the smoking of weed, but I'm not against it, in fact I think it should be legalized.
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