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Everything posted by Abaddon

  1. Exactly. I hope that AJ's role increases in season 3, it would be great to see her receive more attention. But for now we can raise Applejack awareness through posts- trying to show everypony why AJ is worth a second look
  2. And on top of being an unbelievable sister and pony, she helped Rarity understand what it means to be a sister and encouraged her (along with apple bloom) to go outside of her comfort zone and work with Sweetie Bell in Sisterhooves Social. Yes, she can be considered stubborn, as was evidenced during Apple Bucking season, however, she was ultimately doing it to help out Big Mac and Sweet Apple Acres. All of her actions are a result of her undying loyalty to her friends and to Ponyville (and let us not forget her element: Honesty.) AJ would do anything to help them out, even if that meant she would be hurting herself in the process. I guess that is her biggest flaw, constantly putting everyone else before herself. But that does not make her any less amazing. Unfortunately, she is not as "radiant, random or magical" as the other ponies, as she represents the average, hard working person. Most people latch onto the randomness of Pinkie Pie and the coolness of the Rainbow Dash, instead of realizing how mature, in-depth and stunning AJ is. If everyone gave AJ a chance they would realize that she is most definitely one of the best ponies in the Mane6. I mean just look at her, how could you not love AJ
  3. I agree there definitely needs to be more AJ love. Having only been part of the fandom for a few weeks, I was wondering why AJ is consistently ranked as the least favorite pony? She is quite amazing, dependable, funny and heroic and yet nopony seems to give her a chance, why is that?
  4. Finally, my depression is starting to lift! Hopefully I'm on my way out of the darkness :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. False Perception

      False Perception

      Please cont. for the char. count cut off rest.


      Btw, I was just joking on that previous post. Nice to know you're feeling better.

    3. Abaddon


      ...remember that there is a world outside of my door. I tend to forget that.


      I know you were and thanks :) As I said your comment did help. :) But I do agree, Bieber is a horrific blight on our society. As well as the kardashians. It scares me how popular they are and makes me sick to my stomach :(

    4. False Perception
  5. I would have to vote for vinyl scratch. All that amazingness needs to be explored on the show. She has so much potential and it would be great to bring her to the forefront at least for one episode. If not, I would love to see her get a few lines, or at least be in a few more episodes. We need more Vinyl Scratch!!
  6. Nighttime is here time to read more Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons!!!

  7. Honestly I think this is hard to determine, because everyone's favorite pony seems to shift overtime. Yes, there are definitely some strong favorites (pinkie pie, rainbow dash etc.) but the overall consensus has yet to settle. Further, everyone's favorite pony might shift once season 3 comes out. Just look at the differences between season 1 and 2. I know that my favorite pony changed after finishing season 2- initially I was in love with fluttershy, but after witnessing the awesomeness that is pinkie pie, she became my favorite pony. As noted above, it will be hard to determine who the most popular pony is. Maybe in a few years, once the show is over we can finally find out the true favorite, but until then it will constantly shift.
  8. I would have to say none of the above, the most beautiful princess is not a princess but a Queen, the true and rightful leader of Equestria!!! (http://www.deviantar...ter-d4xgk9u.jpg) No pony can rival her radiant beauty and no pony can deny her rightful place as leader of Equestria
  9. Why can't it be Friday! Why can't everyday be Friday?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marshmallow


      I like wednesday better than fridays actually. Cause I don't work on wednesdays.

    3. Abaddon


      marsh: awesome!! I hope your day off is going well :)

    4. Marshmallow
  10. I think in the end they will all stick together, there is no denying the strength of their friendship. Just look at how they have grown and evolved during the series, they are almost one entity. Plus, the experiences, hardships and struggles they have gone through will keep them together, even if one of the crusaders receives her cutie mark before the others.
  11. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. - Dalai Lama

  12. No pony is as hardcore as Blackjack from Fallout Equestria: :Project Horizons!!
  13. I wish I was living in Equestria! Life would be better with hooves!! Maybe then my depression and anxiety would go away.

    1. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      From what I know of depression, it's better to work towards improving reality than to try to live in a fantasy.

    2. AngryGamer432


      I thought the same thing wishing I could live in equestria with depression but unfortunately it is fake

    3. Abaddon


      Thanks for the responses! And yes, it is better to look towards reality, but some days reality is just too much to handle, so I rely on my fantasies, just as I did when I was a little kid. It helps for a bit, until I realize that it is all a lie. But at least for those few hours, I can be content with myself. I'm just hoping this darkness passes :)

  14. For me season two forged my love for MLP, but season 1 will always be in my heart as it introduced me to the wonderful world of Equestria. I'm currently re-watching season 1, and I now have a better appreciation of the first season as I get to see how my friends (the mane6) evolved, lived, loved and fought for friendship.
  15. If I died after opening this thread, my family would mourn me. My parents and sister would torn apart (I don't have any friends) and would most likely suffer for a few years. After a while they will most likely return to stability and remember me for who I was. Through the years I would become a distant memory, until one day my image, my emotions and my actions would no longer be remember. They would mourn my being, but with the years I would become a distant and forgotten. The only thing keeping my "memory" alive would be my journals and blog entries, where my true self actually exists. In the end, the words I wrote would be the only memory and tie I would have to this world. Hopefully, the pages do not disintegrate, and hopefully the internet never collapses. If that happened, my existence would be snuffed out forever.
  16. I know you asked for online resources, however, the most unbiased information can be found in academia. There are numerous books and journals out there that have detailed information about Scientology. If you live near a major university I would suggest going to their library and examine the religious studies section where you could find tons of books (I have a BA in Religious studies and I was working on an MA in Religion). A great book to start with is The Future of Religion: Secularization, Revival and Cult Formation by Rodney Stark and William Sims Bainbridge. They have a whole chapter devoted to Scientology, where the examine the church's history and impact on society. Further, it is an amazing resource on New Religious Movements. If you can't make it to a library, the book can be found on amazon. Not to create any controversy, but what about catholic tithing that requires a portion of your salary to go to the church, and in the Jewish faith (I was raised in a Jewish family) to belong to a temple you had to pay yearly dues based on the amount of people in your family, further you had to pay more if there were children and you had to pay for Hebrew school among other expenses. There were no exceptions, to belong to said temple you had to pay for your membership. There has always been a monetary aspect of religious organizations. I understand that Scientology is run like a business, however, they are not the only religious movement that requires its followers to give money to a church or temple.
  17. This is definitely right. Although MLP is a children's show, the characters and the place the characters live have provided fans with a base in which to live out their fantasies and emotions. A large majority of the fanfics (and clopfics) are a creation of our lives, they might be fiction, but the stories, the characters, the emotions, the events and the actions of the characters have been influenced by real life experiences. That is the brilliance of writing, it provides us with the ability to express our deepest emotions and feelings, as well as provide readers with a way to escape their own problems. As such, ponies have become our salvation from life. They have become a way for us to live a new life, one influenced by friendship and happiness. Yes, sometimes the creations are extreme and very sexual, but they are fan creations and not intended to be replicated in the show. Look at how many different shows, books, movies etc have led to fanfics, communities and art. Further, the communities are extremely open and tolerate all different types of human experiences. That is what I love so much about the MLP community, we provide an outlet for everyone. But that is not for everyone and we must accept and respect everyone's opinions- although, the bigoted comments are not right and sometimes evil, we must not stoop to their levels. We must stand strong and promote tolerance and above all FRIENDSHIP!
  18. I'm a writer and I deeply struggle with this. Every time I produce a piece I think it's utter crap. I'll read it over and over again, each time finding new things to dislike. However, I have learned to just post my work, after editing, regardless of my utter hatred of the piece. What boggles my mind is that everyone likes my writing, even though I can't stand my work. It gets very confusing and disheartening, however, I just keep writing because I love to write.
  19. Why disgusting and unnatural, they might be ponies but there is nothing wrong with lesbianism, it is just as natural and right as heterosexual love. They are both equal and in the end love is love.
  20. I sleep on a massive chair in my living room, beds are overrated. Nothing feels better than sinking into my ultra comfy chair, wrapping myself in a thick blanket, pulling it over my head and eyes and falling asleep.
  21. I fear everything that is outside of my apartment door- that includes other humans, especially other humans. When I'm around new people I get visibly sick, start shaking and want to run away crying. It's horrible, because I get so lonely. I'm only 25 and I am afraid of other people. This is because I have horrible anxiety due to long term psychological abuse (this all happened in the workplace, for over three years) that destroyed my self-confidence and exacerbated my already existing anxiety/paranoia/agoraphobia. So I spend most of my time on the internet, because I can actually converse with other people without having to fall apart every time I have a conversation. Anxiety and extreme low self confidence sucks! I'm trying my hardest to work at it and have finally forced myself to go to a support group, but I'm looking at a long and painful journey before I can overcome my fears.
  22. At first I disliked RD, but as the show went on she slowly grew on me, and by the time I started re-watching MLP I really began to like dashie, she truly is a deep character who loves her friends, loves her abilities and at times realizes she is vulnerable. Plus, who doesn't love a great sonic rainboom!!! And what's up with all the dashie hate, she is truly amazing!! As are all the mane six!
  23. I like the idea of twilight messing up and gender-swapping the mane6, but that is a stretch, I don't know how good the episode would be. But I have to agree with everypony that would be a horrible idea if they were permanently gender-swapped.
  24. All of this boils down to tolerance. I don't think it's right to force us not to dislike other ponies, but I think it's wrong if you "hate" other ponies for liking a certain pony. That sounded really confusing. Essentially, we should all have our own voice, but we should be aware of other pony's views, regardless if we dislike them or not. Unfortunately, our world (not equestria) is built upon intolerance and hate. In the human realm, we are all taught to shy away from something that is not "normal," or to not associate with "others." I grew up in a Jewish family and was sent to Hebrew school where we were constantly taught not to associate ourselves with non-Jews. It was beat into our head that the only good people were Jews. This, among many other reasons is why I renounced my Jewish faith as well as all religion (I'm an atheist). However, I still have deep respect for all other religions and beliefs, because everyone should be allowed to follow whatever they believe. I just wish there was more tolerance and love in our world. That is why I truly love Equestria, it is a place of harmony and friendship. A place where everypony is accepted and everypony has a place. However, we should still be allowed to have our own beliefs as long as we accept other pony's views and continue to be friends.
  25. Well, I started watching MLP February 1st of this year. It took me a few weeks to watch both seasons. Just the other day I started re-watching the first season. So thus far I watched the first five episodes twice, and the rest of the episodes I watched once. I'm going to keep re-watching MLP, maybe1-2 episodes a day for as long as a can. Although I watch a bunch of other tv shows, I constantly come back to MLP before I go to sleep as it helps me relax, laugh and feel good (I suffer from severe depression and anxiety, so MLP has become a great tool for me in helping to combat my depression). My favorite episode is "A Friend in Deed." I cried so much at the end of this episode, it was beyond amazing and it made me realize that I truly loved Pinkie Pie. I felt so good after watching that episode. So there you have it. Although I only started watching MLP a few weeks ago, it truly has had a major impact on my life!
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