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Everything posted by Abaddon

  1. I would have to disagree, the real answer is tacos, 42 tacos to crack open the riddle that is the universe. mmmm tacos (but now that i think about it muffins are good too hmmmm, this question hurts my brain)
  2. Well this was a first yesturday and just now I cried for the first time in 2 years. I haven't been able to cry in such a long time, I forgot what it felt like..

    1. Whiteshade


      Spilt milk? Do elaborate.

    2. Abaddon


      because of the meds I'm on, it took away most of my emotions, I felt nothing for such a long time. Only recently have I decreased that medication (seroquel) and in a week I will finally be free of it, I will finally be able to feel again...seroquel almost destroyed me, but I somehow survived.

  3. For a rough estimate I would say between 300 and 400 books. From the pictures I have seen, most of the shelves hold about 10 books and with each bookshelf having 4-5 layers we can estimate they hold between 40-50 books. The problem is we never get a full view of her library, so there could be countless other books. What we do know is her current library is at least half the size of her former library in Canterlot. So with my horrible math skills, I'm guessing that her library has at least 350 books and at most infinity. Maybe one day we will get a chance to see Twilight's entire library. As for how much Twlight has read, I wouldn't doubt it if she has read most of the books. When I was in college, a lot of my profs had hundreds of books in their offices and most of them had read them all- in fact a few of my profs could recall exact sections form most of the books, so I wouldn't doubt it that Twilight could do the same.
  4. Yay, so many ideas are bouncing around in my head, now I just need to figure out how to write them down..

    1. Adro2503


      Ideas for what??

    2. Abaddon


      That is a good question lol, I've yet to pin them down. I'm a mental health blogger so I'm working on formulating my next post, I'm also trying to create a fanfic and my first role play scenario.

  5. Your right, thanks for the clarification I wrote that post as I was about to go to bed, honestly I really don't remember writing it However, I really believe evolution plays a major role in the creation of the chicken. With my very limited knowledge (the last time I studied evolution was 10 years ago when I read Charles Darwin's book, so I'm not very well versed on this subject), I would argue that evolution in some form was the key. To me I cannot accept creationism because I don't believe there is a god.That is all I can say on the subject and again thanks evilshy for the response
  6. Well it seems like the night is over, time to surf the net and decide my next move.

  7. I would have to go with the chicken, it somehow evolved from another creature and when that happened it gained the ability to reproduce leading it hatch an egg. So in the end the chicken came before the egg. Yes this is a basic analysis, but to me evolution is the key.
  8. Argh, I've been cooped up in my apt too long, time to take a break and get dinner. Ill be back in a few hours.

  9. I have an idea for a possible fanfic, anypony willing to listen to it, and where could I get critiques?

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      Send me a PM about it and I'll get back to you about it tomorrow.

    2. False Perception

      False Perception

      Send me a PM about it and I'll get back to you about it this hour.

    3. Abaddon


      k let me write it up, give me a few minutes.


  10. Well now that the tears have stopped, its time to get dinner, Ill be back in a few horus

  11. Queen Chrysalis will most definitely return, but not as the villain, rather she will return as the savior of Equestria. Celestia and Luna will realize that Queen Chrysalis is the true leader of Equestria, and will abdicate their throne in favor of the Changeling Queen. Well, that is my wish, but I doubt it will ever happen. In truth, I really could see Chrysalis coming back as a main villain; the response she and the changelings received from bronies was huge and unfortunately she didn't get as much screen time as she deserve (yes she was in the first part, but she was mimicking Cadence instead of being herself; shoot, Discord had almost two episodes of screen time, Queen Chrysalis deserves at least that much screen time or more). Further, there is so much that can be done with the Changelings- I would love to know more about them, how they were created, are they an evolved version of ponies and are there more "creatures" that exists within Equestria. As you can see I absolutely love Queen Chrysalis (my favorite clopfics include her as the main character, so beautiful :wub: ) Well that is all for now
  12. "Art (or writing) saved me; it got me through my depression and self-loathing, back to a place of innocence" -Jeanette Winterson

  13. I'm a writer who specializes in non-fiction that borders on the gonzo genre (I'm supposedly good at writing, at least that is what my readers tell me) and I currently run a blog that showcases my writing. However, I've never been able to transition to fiction. As such, I would love to write an MLP fanfic, but I have no clue how to start or where to go. Does anyone have any resources, suggestions or ideas/tips/options on how to produce fictional stories? There are a bunch of ideas in my head that want to come out, however, at the moment I don't have the means to produce them.
  14. I actually got up before 5pm!! Now I'm bummed cause I'm no longer dreaming :(

  15. Well that is a bummer, then again most sequels pale in comparison to the originals (except for a select few). I think I'll still do a Korra marathon tonight I'm getting sick of watching Hell's Kitchen and MasterChef.
  16. This is absolutely awesome, the forum is loading faster and I have yet to come across any errors. Again, thank you Feld0 for continuing to grow and expand mlpforums!! Now back to reading Fallout Equestria.
  17. Is Korra worth watching? I was absolutely obsessed with Avatar, in fact I started watching it the first day it aired on Nick and continued watching it throughout college. The reason I'm asking is, Nick has put all the episodes up on their site and I was planning on doing a marathon today, should I do it or take a pass? The show looks interesting, but I don't want to ruin my memory of avatar with a sub-par show.
  18. Good luck! This will be great for the whole forum and thanks Feld0 for making this such an awesome place to visit Although I've only recently joined, I'm glad I did..it's my new home
  19. Well, I've always been fascinated with animals. As a small kid I was never allowed to have a pet (actually I did have a gold fish that I had won from a carnival game but that was it), so I was always jealous of my classmates because most of them had a animal companion. Fast forward 15 years and now I live with the most amazingly wonderful, smart, playful and loyal cat I could ever have. To me he is my furry child. He is more than just a pet, he is my best friend and my companion. If it were not for Domino I doubt I would have survived the last few years (addiction, mental illness among other things). Every time I wake up he is right by my side, every time I come home he is waiting at the door. Yes there are bad days when trashes my apartment, but overall I am glad that I live with Domino. Here is a picture of Domino: Just as the title states, I would love to hear your stories and see your pets. I hope you are all well, Abaddon.
  20. Yay!! Friday is here Friday is finally here. Crap now I'm bored :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. False Perception

      False Perception

      I'm nocturnal during the summer as well.

    3. Abaddon


      Awesome! There is just something amazing about nighttime, the smells, the sky, the stars. That is why Nightmare Moon was right night should reign, always!

    4. False Perception

      False Perception

      And the fact that a lot of people vacation in summer and no one invests in security measures, if you know what I mean...

  21. Well I believe we have reaffirmed the fact that Diamond Tiara is the worst pony (in regards to my look at her, I just love to dissect everything, I think it has to do with the fact that I have seen a psychologist all of my life and as such I've been deeply fascinated by emotional states). Somepony needs to do something about her and I hope the creators address her actions, it's not right they allow her to continue bullying when the show is about friendship and harmony. Yes, the CMC have over come some of her actions, but the idea of bullying has not been fully addressed and being a kids show I think it would be great to see an episode show why bullying is wrong and what can be done about it.
  22. I understand what you are saying, but that is just the surface- how her father reacts around other ponies. What I'm talking about is what possibly could happen behind closed doors. Most children don't become bullies because they want to, most become bullies due to abuse (psychological or physical), extremely low self esteem or other major psychological problems. Yes, the majority of bullies really enjoy terrorizing other people (trust me I know, when I was middle school I had to deal with two bullies and I was scared for my life, they would beat the shit out of me, make fun of and torture me) because it makes them feel better, but what I'm looking at is the potential root, where her need to bully began. I do not condone her actions, in fact I think it's horrible what she is doing. I'm just fascinated by psychological aspect of it. As for the "maturing" quote, that's just a cop out, an excuse to allow them to continue on. Instead of actually dealing with the problem most people will turn their backs claiming it's just how kids act. Because of that response look at how many kids over the last 5 years have committed suicide because of severe bulling (this does not including the countless kids that are psychologically scarred for life because of the abuse).
  23. Yay I'm now a cupcake! It looks amazingly delicious. Dinner Time!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2.  spas-ticShotty


      I'm gonna set you guys on fire with mah Phoenix powers :o

    3. Abaddon


      Sooo bright my eyes my eyes *runs out of the room screaming* :)

    4. False Perception

      False Perception

      Finest and Lady Rarity Pony will blind you wit der ahwzome belt buckle badge!!!

  24. Fluttershy. I'm extremely shy, I'm scared of everything (even my shadow) and sometimes I just want to melt away into the background. It is very hard for me to partake in activities especially if there is a large group (just like Fluttershy). However, if I'm pushed to much, or if someone I love is in trouble I break out of my shell and try to protect them. So I guess you could say that I am a fluttershy. However, my brain and a lot of my thoughts are similar to Pinkie Pie. Back when I was in college (before I lost my self-esteem) I was extremely random, constantly using non-sequiturs and I loved to party. But it is truly amazing what can happen over time. So in the end, I'm very much a Fluttershy but deep down inside of me I'm a Pinkie Pie.
  25. Diamond Tiara is most definitely the worst pony. However, it is not her fault that she acts the way she does. Tiara is a product of her "wealthy" upbringing and was most likely taught, at a young age, to belittle other ponies as a way to increase her stature. As somepony noted above, Tiara's true self emerged during her reign as editor-in-chief of the Foal Free Press. Her goal was to find as much dirt on everypony, in an effort to demoralize them (and to sell papers, as we saw everypony loved the gossip when it first started) and provide herself with a platform to shine. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara must suffer from low self-esteem (this is my opinion and it might not be right, but this is my analysis of Diamond Tiara)- Tiara has to constantly make herself look amazing in front of her peers, by putting other ponies down. This is evidenced in the numerous episodes where the Cutie Mark Crusaders are in the classroom with Tiara. I would love to see what Tiara's home life is like, as it would provide us with a better understanding of Tiara and her vicious actions (does her father make fun of her, does he beat her, is she ignored by her parents and left alone in the house, is she constantly praised even when she fails at something, does she get everything she wants...there are so many possibilities and each event that occurs at Tiara's home, could potentially alter and mold her emotional state). At this point, we do not have enough information to fully understand Diamond Tiara. As for Trixie, she is just an amazing show-off, that is cocky, brash and arrogant. Again, like I noted above we do not have enough information or background history to fully understand why Trixie acts the way she does. We know, that Trixie crumbles under extreme pressure and is prone to running away (as is evidenced in the episode Boast Busters, where she freaks out when confronted by the Ursa Minor and then later runs away from Ponyville). However, she acts very similar to Diamond Tiara when boasting and showing off. When the mane6 tried to compete against Trixie, she both belittled and made fun of them by using her magic-each time one of the mane6 went against Trixie they ended up in a compromising position. Trixie did this to affirm, in her mind, that she is the greatest wizard in Equestria. In the end both Trixie and Diamond Tiara are very similar, however, I still think Tiara is the worst pony. Trixie is just too amazing and I would love to see her return to MLP.
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