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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Neko-Chan

  1. I need a lot of sleep to function...if I could sleep 9-10 hours my body would be happy. I don't actually know how much sleep I really get, because it takes me at least 1-2 hours to fall asleep at night if not more, so I end up not looking at the clock anymore after awhile and don't know when I actually fall asleep. Then I try to stay in bed as long as I can to try to get enough sleep so I am not sure what hours I am actually asleep for in between trying to fall asleep at night and trying to stay asleep/get back to sleep so I can sleep more in the morning... I get yelled at for sleeping too late but I'm just trying to get enough sleep, it's not my fault my sleeping starts later than everyone else in the house! I think I have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome because no matter what I try I just can't ever fall asleep earlier!
  2. I have to give a 30-minute presentation with Powerpoint slides on transcription termination and protein maturation (part of the DNA/RNA replication process) on Tuesday. I also have to actually know what the heck I'm talking about because there is a 10-minute Q and A session afterward, with me and the person I'm presenting with providing the "A". To give you an idea of how much work I've done towards this so far, I actually had to go and get my school bag and look up what my talk is supposed to be about before I could write it here. My presentation partner isn't much better, I asked her if she wanted to discuss our presentation sometime this week (like maybe after class which was Tues) and she said we could meet up next Sunday (2 days before the presentation...) Some people actually presented already this last Tues but we lucked out as we drew the final presentation of the final day.
  3. Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: High Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
  4. No I am not a troll, what I meant was is your dog a show dog? Or has a lot of performance titles? Been health checked (ie OFA hips/elbows, CERF eyes, tested for genetic heart problems or whatever other issues are found in your dog's breed)? If not why would you allow her to have puppies when there are already so many dogs and puppies in the world looking for homes? Why not get her spayed?
  5. Some of my food tastes have changed although I still dislike a lot of the same things I did as a kid (mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, orange juice, coffee, etc...) I started liking zucchini in the last couple of years, which I used to hate. A few others things too but I can't think of any offhand. I don't like ice cream or pizza as much as I used to, but that is mostly because I developed lactose intolerance a few years ago and now I can't eat those things without getting stabbing stomach pains. I used to hate miso soup and not be able to stomach any fish sushi (only ate veggie rolls) but now I like some types of fish sushi and can stomach the rest without gagging which I couldn't back then, and I love miso soup. I seem to remember that I used to like some flavors of yogurt when I was a little kid but I can't stand any type of yogurt now, or any sauce made with yogurt, etc... I used to LOVE Pokemon when I was younger but after they started adding all those other characters (beyond the original 151) I totally lost interest. I still have all the Pokemon merchandise I collected back then though... Also back when I was crazy about Pokemon I did not watch much other anime but in the last ~6-7 years or so I started watching a lot more. I also used to collect old 80s toys but I stopped that years ago, I just lost interest... I still like them enough to keep them but I don't buy anymore. I also used to buy a lot of My Little Pony stuff (G1, G3 mostly) but not in the last several years. I still like MLP of course and I did back then too so that hasn't changed. I never liked Barney and never watched unless my neighbor's kid made me watch it with her. I did like Arthur though, and I still have been known to watch an episode now and then.
  6. I don't know about in love but I had a crush on a cartoon character when I was younger...
  7. LOL they let you do that in class?
  8. Yeah you're also missing Baha'i in the poll, although I'm not sure how large that religion is, I have a friend who is Baha'i...
  9. I don't mind blood unless it's my own Seeing other peoples' blood just makes me want to help them.
  10. Neko-Chan

    movies/tv Best show?

    Futurama, but it would have been even better if Phil Hartman had voice Zapp Brannigan...RIP Phil
  11. It's not really a phobia but I don't like being water where it's too deep for me to touch the bottom at all... I also don't like the idea of being in water where I can't see the bottom and there possibly being large fish swimming around in there... I will still swim in water where I can't see the bottom, but the idea that there could be big fish around my feet scares me. I'm not scared of bugs in general (when I was a kid a friend and I used to turn over rocks to watch or pick up the millipedes and pillbugs underneath, and I used to rescue worms from puddles when it rained) but I can't stand maggots, ticks or leeches. I'm not scared of bees/wasps but I am scared of getting stung by them. Not all dogs are jumpy! My Golden Retriever was extremely calm (actually she helped some kids get over their fear of dogs somewhat.)
  12. Well I went to Catholic grade school and my family went to church and such when I was in grade school, but I stopped and pretty much wasn't at all religious after I left that school. For a while I would have said I'm B'nei Noah(although it's not really considered a religion per se), I grew up in a jewish neighborhood and most of my friends are Orthodox jewish... Although I'm not really spiritual/religious now, I guess I could still be considered to be B'nei Noah and maybe agnostic. Is there an option for "undecided"?
  13. My friend helped me make brownies yesterday for a bake sale for my school's anime club... We made them at her house because my oven is broken. Well ok it's not actually broken, it just has melted plastic in the bottom so we can't use it without being suffocated by burning plastic fumes until we can call someone who can take the bottom out to get to it. So anyway we ended up making gluten free, dairy free, kosher brownies. She made me watch Epic Cupcake Time again first. I wanted to make the gluten free ones because her mom made them a few weeks ago and they were really yummy. The kosher/non-dairy part was just a bonus, since her kitchen is kosher we had to make them kosher anyway. So I asked her if she would help me make a sign. She said she wanted to put a human version of Pinkie Pie (my friend basically IS the human version of Pinkie Pie, she acts like her) in the corner so I said sure. Then she started making the sign. I told her to put "Yummy gluten free kosher brownies" in big letters. I looked over her shoulder and saw it said Yummy Gluten Free + Kosher BRONIES in big letters and started cracking up. She didn't know what was funny until I told her there's supposed to be a "w" in BROWNIES. I probably should have spelled it out for her because she's not that great with spelling... SO I told her to just add a little "w" in and we'll see if anyone gets the joke. She decided to add everyone's cutie marks too. It's hard to see but there's also a human Applejack peeking out of the other corner saying "I beg your pardon?" They were a hit at the bake sale, there were only 3 left at the end even though I couldn't deliver them until 2+ hours into the sale.
  14. My favorites are: Sluggy Freelance (but I haven't read it in a LONG time and I am way behind) Kevin and Kell (recently caught up on years worth of this!) User Friendly Dudley's Dungeon I also sometimes look at xkcd and I don't know if it counts but I like The Oatmeal.
  15. I have an "other"! Right now I have a German Shepherd, cats, and sugar gliders. I'm also hoping to get some more pet rats soon...I miss my ratties! I might also be getting a hedgehog from a friend when she moves out of the country. If you don't know what a sugar glider is, they are a small marsupial that is somewhat similar to a flying squirrel, except cuter: In the past I've also owned other dogs/cats, ferrets, rabbits, a guinea pig, rats, hamsters, mice, a gerbil, frogs/toads, anoles, newts, fish, snails, and a snake. I'm probably forgetting something...
  16. Yeah Masters of Horror was pretty good. Each episode was directed by a different "famous" horror movie director, so they should be good, but some were better than others IMO. Some were also based off of short stories by well-known authors, like The Screwfly Solution which was an award-winning scifi story. I think my favorite was The Fair Haired Child. There is another series called Fear Itself which is based on the same idea. I loved the Masters of Horror title sequence and music too:
  17. Neko-Chan

    gaming Crash Bandicoot

    I've only played it on the original Playstation but I liked it a lot! I also like the original (like the first 2-3) Spyro the Dragon games. I tried buying one recently for the Wii and it was nowhere near as fun.
  18. I love Jacob's Ladder, that was always one of my favorites! Not a series though... I'm not a big fan of the slasher/tortureporn type like Wolf Creek and Hostel though. I will watch them but I just don't care for the "gore for the sake of gore" type stuff. Meh. I'd rather have a creepy/spooky movie with a good plot. The gore generally does not bother me except for a few certain scenes in certain movies that make me squeamish, but I just don't see the point and I don't think it makes them more scary.
  19. Yeah I don't recommend any watch The Human Centipede. I watched it because it was on Netflix Instant but I wish I hadn't. Horror movies don't scare me, very very rarely a single scene might scare me but in general I don't scare (and I don't startle easily either so those 'jump' scenes don't usually work on me.) However horror is my favorite genre. I don't think it needs to scare you to be good. For example my favorite horror movie is The Shining (even though it's totally different from the book.) I also love going to haunted houses even though I don't get scared by them either. It's just fun. And I like to see the creative scenes they do, and all the props and music and such.
  20. I liked him too, he just wasn't my favorite. Well, until the 10th doctor came along he was my second favorite.
  21. I have two favorites, but the poll would only let me choose one. My favorites are the 4th and 10th doctors. Why I love the 4th doctor (ok there are other reasons too):
  22. I think it's partly because it's English... There are some animes that have japanese pop songs as themes. I also think there are some other animes with songs that don't really sound that much like an anime song, like Cowboy Bebop or Trigun. This isn't one of those, but I really like this opening/song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRtsIJXrhqc Cowboy Bebop opening:
  23. I am not a hipster but I do get annoyed sometimes when people suddenly go crazy for some fad or person and they only like it just because it's popular, especially if it's something/someone I liked before, for other reasons... For example I liked Johnny Depp from 21 Jump Street and Edward Scissorhands but when suddenly everyone was drooling over him because of Pirates it was annoying (not that I was a fangirl or anything). Same thing with Elijah Wood, I liked his earlier movies (when he was a kid) but then suddenly LOTR came up and everyone was irritatingly crazy about him and I just found it grating. But yeah I am definitely NOT a trendsetter and would prefer that the things I like not get "trendy" ever... If they do though I DON'T generally go around making comments about how I liked it before it was "cool" -- I just shrug and try to ignore it... The only plus to things getting trendy is that they might be more available, like the upsurge of Invader Zim and Nightmare Before Christmas merchandise can be nice even though it is a bit annoying (for example it's annoying how half the stuff has "quotes" that aren't even from the show/movie, or things that don't make sense.) If it's an actor or something though that can get annoying because once they are popular they often start taking lame roles for the money or the popularity.
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