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Everything posted by Otaku-sempai

  1. "Shout out if you see or hear anything!" Fetlock activates his magic and launches a beam of magical energy at the golem. Does it have any effect?
  2. Captain Fetock replies: "Thank you, Aligner. You've confirmed my own suspicions. I still wish I knew what they want!" To everypony: We need to stay alert; we could be ambushed!" "We can try", says Fetlock, "if any of the holes haven't been filled in. But we already have a direction in which to start." Fetlock: "I'll send the boat back up to the Equus with orders to keep us in sight, since it seems that we are going to stay on the ground for now!" Felock tells Moonlight: "Stay within sight. We don't want anything to happen to you!"
  3. "The evidence points towards Diamond Dogs, but they don't normally glow, much less glow brightly. And I can't think of any reason for them to attack Kirin!" "Thank you, Aligner! There are still a lot of questions to answer. I think that it would take strong magic to create portals, much less portals between alternate worlds--if that is what is happening!" "Let's get you back to the Equus, Rain Shine. I want my ship's doctor to give you a once over." Did Rain Shine actually indicate a direction? Or was shie speaking metaphorically?
  4. "Holes? Bipedal? That sounds familiar somehow, but it can't be! The shining radiance doesn't fit." Fetlock thinks back to Diamond Dog sailors that he has met from Dimondia and even Caninia, a couple of whom have served on his father's galleon, the Celestial Shadow. "Let me take a look at some of those holes." Fetlock looks for bits of fur, broken claws or other clues.
  5. "Great job, everypony! Titanium, you are certainly fast!" Turning to the Kirin leader, Greetings, Rain Shine. I'm Fetlock, captain of the Equus," indicating the airship. "If you're up to it, can you describe your attackers in any more detail?" "I understand that Kirin go through some sort of transformation when they are upset, is that correct? Did that have any effect on these other creatures?"
  6. Well, I'm in Western New York (not far from Niagara Falls).
  7. 4/11 8:49 pm (EDT): I'll give Evil and Shiny a chance to respond before I make my next in-character post. I'll wait at least until morning.
  8. With a swirl of his cloak, Fetlock turns towards in the direction from which came the voice, scanning for the sight of any bodies (living or dead)! "Over here!" to anypony who might not have heard the plea. Without looking to see if anypony is following, he heads towards the voice.
  9. Fetlock issues final instructions to his first mate, Tochiro: "It seems that we may have had a stowaway on board. Have the ship searched and find out where the rat was hiding, if you can. And check all ship's stores and equipment for sabotage, including the weapons." To the landing party: "Does anypony have any idea of where we should start first? Rain Shine was the leader here; should we start with her home, if we can find it?"
  10. The inspiration for Fetlock: And here is an approximation of what the Equus would look like:
  11. Going into the issue, I did not expect tricky shenanigans so soon. at least not until the suspicious "invitation" was revealed! It was interesting that the comic is clearly set after the "Blockywokys" special. IDW seems to have been given the inside scoop on the special. It's too bad that we don't get to meet Queen Calla Lily right away, though she does seem to be featured on Amy Mebberson's alternate cover. Can we name all of the Seven Seas? We have the Celestial Sea and the Luna Ocean. From there: - The Sparkling Sea (My Little Pony Annual 2013; My Little Pony: Under the Sparkling Sea; and Set Your Sail, issue #1) - The Fillypine Sea (Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore) - The Crystal Sea (Friendship is Magic, issue #98) - The Singing Sea (Tails of Equestria: Melody of the Waves) - The Jade Sea (Tell Your Tale Special, "The Blockywokys") - The Shining Sea (Set Your Sail, issue #1)
  12. Okay, the air-boat is on the ground and everypony who is supposed to be in the landing party is present. "Everypony be on your guard! We don't know what happened here. And," side-eyeing Shiny Silvermoon, "we might be being watched!" Fetlock carefully scans their surroundings, his magic and his sabre at the ready.
  13. Let's say that Aligner isn't part of the regular crew but volunteered to help out since he's never been on an airship before! Are you joining the landing party, Aligner? Let's see what's going on down there! To Shiny Silvermoon: Arrrh! I don't see why I should, lassie! How was that?
  14. Fetlock isn't exactly an "Arrr, me matey!" sort of pirate. Think more of Space Pirate Captain Harlock, who he's based on! He's all about personal honor and freedom and disregarding authority when it's corrupt.
  15. Fetlock is as surprised as anypony when Titanium is swept off the deck! Before he can even activate his magic to try to levitate the other pony he sees Shiny and Moonlight literally leap into action! With relief, he watches the other ponies return to the deck. Great work, Aligner! I'm very glad everypony is safe. Please, be careful on deck! There are rails for a reason. But you were asking about me being a pirate, Miss Sivermoon? I'm not exactly a pirate the way you mean. My family, the Fetlocks, have adopted the title of Pirate Knights. We act as privateers against the foes of Equestria. We have even carried Letters of Marque form Princess Celestia herself, authorizing our activities. In return we are obliged to act with honor and fairness. Now, shall we assemble and check out the village? I think we'll leave the Equus anchored in the air with Tochiro, my second-in-command in charge of the ship.
  16. I'm looking for a good place to either anchor or land outright. Maybe at the edge of the village. We could send out a flying boat (courtesy of the Storm King's confiscated tech).
  17. Renegade Game Studios has released a sixth preview for the Story of the Seasons expansion for the My Little Pony Roleplaying Game. This time it looks at the Winter season and the Grand Galloping Gala: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mylittleponytabletopgamers/posts/2608793189298737
  18. Is Slipstream coming with us as an NPC? Or are you just describing yourself for fun?
  19. Renegade Games has released another preview for the Scholarly Shenanigans expansion for the My Little Pony Deck-Building Game: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mylittleponytabletopgamers/posts/2608745019303554/
  20. I had been putting OOC comments in brackets, but this works.
  21. It clouded up in WNY so we couldn't see much of the eclipse, itself. It did, of course, darken dramatically (accompanied by local fireworks and a drone hovering nearby). Ah, Buffalo.
  22. Five Page Preview for My Little Pony: Set Your Sail #1 Released by Sethisto (Equestria Daily)
  23. I'm not sure what you mean by "them"? It's just fun to see Seaponies showing up in TYT and in the comics. I don't have much confidence in the TYT staff presenting Alicorns particularly well.
  24. Yes, but Tyrek and Grogar. also had G1 origins. Does that really matter? Skyros could fill a multi-episode arc even if it isn't the focus of a special.
  25. Yep! That's the one! Well, let's do introductions now! I've briefly described myself already, I'll add that I was born in Horseshoe Bay and my family have been "Pirate Knights" (privateers) in the service of Equestria for generations, practicing trade in times of peace. [I freely admit that Fetlock is very much an anime-inspired character. In fact, he looks like a ponified version of my avatar!]
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