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Everything posted by Otaku-sempai

  1. I wouldn't hold my breath. We might be more likely to see the fate of the Crystal Empire explored in the comics than in animation (unless a new 22-minute show pops up). But the comics are not necessarily in continuity with the animation.
  2. Otaku-sempai

    answered Help for new ponys

    I'm fairly new to these boards too, but I think you're meant to start out in the Welcome Plaza with an introduction post.
  3. In terms of centaur-like body structure, I was thinking along the lines of Edgar Rice Burrroughs' Green Men of Mars, with a secondary pair of arms that could also be used as forelegs. The digits on the second pair of arms could end in thick hoof-like structures or the "hands" could be padded (like the frogs of a horse's hoof). Actually, the Dawn Horse shows how this might be able to work! Btw, I basically like the name Equae, but would Equaes (both singular and plural) roll off the tongue a bit better?
  4. Phantom H. Fetlock "We fight only for what we believe in!" Phantom Harcourt Fetlock was raised in a proud tradition of chivalry and service to the Crown, and to value freedom. The Fetlocks have long protected the coasts of Equestria as sailors and privateers. However, Phantom H. Fetlock sees an opportunity to make use of the captured airships of the Storm King to form a Royal Aerial Navy. Note: Fetlock's sabre is a family heirloom; its hilt is decorated with his family's crest. Fetlock's goal is to command his own vessel on a mission of exploration and diplomacy beyond the borders of Equestria. About 400 years ago, the pirate Captain Emeraldas Fetlock terrorized the high seas in her ship the Equus, until she was defeated by Princess Celestia (some say in a battle of wits). Seeing the error of her ways, Captain Fetlock named herself a "pirate knight" and pledged her service to the Princess and to the good of Equestria. In turn, the Princess issued a Letter of Marque allowing Fetlock and her descendants to act as privateers under the Crown's authority for as long as they performed their duties with honor and for the common good. EDIT (08/15/24): Here's an alternate image of Fetlock made on Pony Maker:
  5. No rush at all; I know that I gave you a lot! And, as you can tell, I used Pony Creator for my own pic. I don't draw well at all.
  6. That seems possible, at least! But don't set your hopes too high. Here's notes on the Crystal Empire from the Core Rulebook: And from Story of the Seasons:
  7. Interesting. Don't feel bad about not being able to draw. I don't draw well either! When I adapted my pony OC as a 1st-level ttrpg character I had to use an art program myself. Have you considered the use of ley lines and ley-line nexuses as a source for more powerful magic in your world? The concept has worked well for a number of fantasy authors. Maybe (roughly) centaur-like body would work better for the Equae; giving them hands with digits (maybe 3 or 4 on each hand?). Telekinesis would still be very useful, but some sort of hand would help a lot with technology. (and maybe with spell-casting as well). Alternately, they could have four limbs as you envision, but with hands that have tough pads on their palms that enable them to run on all fours when they need to. Don't mind me, I'm just brainstorming a little. Ignore any ideas that you don't like for your game!
  8. Would you like to attempt to re-imagine my own OC, Pirate-Knight Captain Fetlock? This is Fetlock as a 1st-level cadet: He's based on Space Pirate Captain Harlock: And Fetlock's airship, the Equus (if you want to draw it), is based on the Queen Emeraldas crossed with one of the Storm King's ships:
  9. MLP MARETIME MYSTERIES #4 CVR A STARLING IDW JUL241157 (W) Stephanie Williams (A) Abby Bulmer (CA) Abigail Starling A dark force looms over Maretime Bay despite Misty and her friends solving each of the ghost's riddles! What is going on, and who is this mysterious spirit from the board game? The answer may prove to be hauntingly relatable to Misty, but can she take on the final challenge to save her friends and Equestria in time? Find out in the grand finale to Maretime Mysteries! In Shops: Sep 11, 2024 SRP: $3.99 CVR B GRANT
  10. You beat me to it (I was waiting for the Diamond solicitation)! It sounds like Zephyr Heights might be menaced by the remains of Cloudsdale and its weather factory. It's hard to tell if any G4 characters are going to show up unless it's in flashback.
  11. Would Hasbro's ownership of Wizards of the Coast allow Hasbro to adopt the name Noctral (from Gulheru's fanfic "Interview with a Batpony") for Bat Ponies? Noctral seems to have originally been coined for an owl-like race of avian outsiders that inhabit the plane of Mount Celestia (yes, Celestia!) in D&D's Forgotten Realms setting. Thestral is problematic as it would likely invite a cease-and-desist order from Warner Bros. and/or J.K. Rowling.
  12. Equestria's Changelings are not very similar to the D&D monster of the same name, but I can see how the show staff might have taken inspiration from them. There are also the Changelings of European folklore were fairy-children left in the place of a stolen human child.
  13. Even the first dragon we meet in the show, other than Spike, could speak (Season 1, Episode 7 "Dragonshy"). So we already knew it that episode that dragons were intelligent. And we learned that dragons can grow very quickly if greed takes a hold of them. Spike seems to be the oldest dragon that we've seen (so far) in G5.
  14. Las Pegasus, Baltimare, Cloudsdale, Fillydelphia; did all these cities survive the fall of Twiligt's Equestria? Or are the team names just taken from Equestria's history? And do Kenbucky, Dazzlebrook, Meadowbend and Sandy Shores represent real locations in post-Unity Equestria?* * Well, Kenbucky seems to be a real place, at least in IDW's canon.
  15. Honestly, and please don't take offense, but the design doesn't work for me. It's a bit too human, veering deeply into the uncanny valley. I do wonder what the culture of the Equae is like and what are their abilities? Are they bipedal or quadrupedal? Do they have hands with fingers? Hooves or more human-like feet?
  16. The description says nothing about an Origin for a new playable creature type. However, with an emphasis on Canterlot this would be a good place to introduce the ponies that make up Princess Luna's personal guard: The Bat Ponies! Who agrees?
  17. Renegade Game Studios has announced that the Knights of Canterlot Sourcebook for the My Little Pony Roleplaying Game is available for pre-order: My Little Pony Roleplaying Game: Knights of Canterlot Sourcebook PRE-ORDER My Little Pony $35.00 Description Pre-order now for an October 2024 release! For a limited time, orders will come with a PDF copy of the My Little Pony Roleplaying Game: Knghts of Canterlot Sourcebook at no additional cost. Any order cancellation involving a free PDF will only refund the price of the physical book minus the price of the PDF. The PDF will be added to your account upon release. Quest for Friendship! Knights of Canterlot transforms your My Little Pony Roleplaying Game into an epic fantasy campaign. This book gives you tools to tell tales of adventure, friendship, and magic, whether it’s a game of Ogres and Oubliettes, dealing with the Pillars of Equestria, or as part of a questing or scholarly society dedicated to the ideals of Equestria. Become a swift archer, charming bard, mighty fighter, wise magicians, cunning rogues, or powerful witch ready to support their friends with song and a story. Add new spells, magical Perks, or mysterious Threats to any My Little Pony campaign. Delve into dungeons, find new friends, and adventure across Equestria! Requires the My Little Pony Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook to play. Features Create epic fantasy campaigns for your pony heroes. Inspire new stories with the Knights of Canterlot or Magical Orders. 10 New Adventurous and Magical influences. Over 40 new spells. Oodles of general Perks, magical items, and artifacts. A full chapter of new Threats to befriend or defeat. The Mares of Malevolence, an exciting fantasy adventure for intrepid ponies. At a Glance For Ages: 14+ Game Type: Roleplaying Game Adventure and Sourcebook
  18. Very lovely! Does she have a name?
  19. The next Renegade Con Virtual event is Friday, June 14, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time (4-9 p.m., Eastern). Any reveals for the My Little Pony Deck-Building Game or My Little Pony Roleplaying Game should be in the second stream which starts at 2 p.m. PT (5 p.m. ET). Here is the full schedule: Heroscape Reveals: Wave 2 & Gen Con! At 1:00 PM PT, we're spilling the beans on all the stuff we've been cooking up for Heroscape! You'll be able to watch this stream on June 14th live on YouTube HERE, but until then, you can hit "Notify Me" so you don't miss a thing! Renegade Reveals & Gen Con Overview! Join us right after at 2:00 PM PT for more Renegade reveals for some of your favorite game lines! We have so many goodies coming out this fall, and we're excited to share more info with all of you! Be sure to his the "Notify Me" button, so you know when we are live! Renegade Unboxing Party feat. Becca Scott! We had the pleasure of hanging out with Becca Scott & unboxing some fun games coming out very soon! Get a closer look at some of the components featured in these highly anticipated games! This video premieres at 3:00 PM PT on the Renegade YouTube channel! Unstoppable: Designer & Developer Interview! You may have heard us talk about Unstoppable, our newest edition to the Solo Hero Series coming to kickstarter June 18th, so we decided to sit down with John D. Clair and Jordan Johnson, the brains behind the project, for an in-depth interview! Tune in for the premiere at 4:00 PM PT on YouTube! Heroscape: How To Paint! Long-time Heroscaper & expert painter Nox is here to break down the basics of miniature painting for folks new to the hobby! This step by step guide will make painting easy as pie and help you get your army table ready as soon as possible! This video will premiere on our YouTube channel at 5:00pm PT! Announcement: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mylittleponytabletopgamers/posts/2651421828369206/
  20. My wife found a used copy of Alan Moore's novel Jerusalem. But it's been slow going.
  21. What's your cutie mark and what does it represent? That might help.
  22. Alcoholic: Samuel Adams Summer Ale. Non-alcoholic: Tap-water, just now.
  23. Like I said, "everything is canon" might be overly generous. I expect that some things will become canon (like Violette) and others will not. Personally, I don't think that the ruins of Canterlot should be so close to the New Equestria of the show. The entire Discord arc from the comic can probably be discarded.
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