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Everything posted by OverTheStars

  1. I think it could go either way. Either they don't care anymore because it's cancelled, or because it's already leaked and most of the fans already know/ it's been happening so much that they can't keep up with it as well.
  2. I like her design, voice, personality, and story. Being a little sister myself, I think some parts of her character are funny and relatable, especially in the episodes focused on her. As for the rest of the fandom, I feel like she's just a relevant character, and most relevant characters are given similar treatment (although her fans are a bit more passionate I think). I think another factor could be that a lot of her traits can appeal to a wide variety of people so it makes sense she'd have a lot of fans. Like when I was little I just liked the fact that she was a magical princess who was pretty, but a lot of older fans found her mysterious design and personality intriguing too.
  3. I drew a few pieces of her! One is of her in her gala dress (which I adore) and the other is her with my ponysona! Hoping to draw more for this month, maybe something Fluttergoth? I've had a lot of free time lately though, so who knows?
  4. I'd love to see more of your art, both mlp and non-mlp related!
  5. Unfortunately not really. I have an art account on Instagram that I've posted on a few times, and I've been thinking of making an account on Bluesky or Rednote, but most of the time I just post any pony or OC art here She probably knows her way around a forest but (despite not being a pegasus) she likely wings it when it comes to camping
  6. finally made my own ponysona! She doesn't have a set home, she travels everywhere and stays in her tent most of the time.
  7. Yes! But it's still scary, even after a few years...
  8. It's so scary but cool at the same time!
  9. Probably saying "like" too many times or getting my words mixed up. I feel like I'm always getting tongue tied, for instance, if I tried to say "a collector's edition pony" it'd come out as "a collection editor ponies".
  10. I want to play Arkham Shadow so baddddd but I don't have anything to play it on As for your idea about a g4 series for an older audience...it's gotta be a no from me (and probably Hasbro too). I could maybe see them doing something like that in the comics, but MLPs target audience is and will probably always be for young girls, and that's okay since anyone can still enjoy and appreciate it regardless of who you are. I'd even argue that in later seasons a lot of the references or fan service directed towards bronies was kinda forced and bad. I also just don't think it'd really add anything other than "Heh...these ponies can say the F word and stab other ponies..." because a lot of what G4 fans love about G4 (characters, worldbuilding, etc.) really has a lot to do with how mature it is. Never once have I watched the earlier seasons and thought it'd be better if it was aimed towards adults. I don't want Hasbro to cater a ton to what bronies want because I feel like that would take away from a lot of the charm, MLP was good because it was a wholesome show with occasional dark moments and fantasy action sequences. If you took that away to make it edgier it wouldn't really be My Little Pony, it'd be My Manly Brony. Good for a fan fic/comic I guess, but I don't want Hasbro sinking any money into it. At that point, just make another horse show. Also I feel like if Hasbro suddenly started catering a lot to bronies and making things edgier I'd turn against everyone on this site and probably resent bronies as a whole
  11. I don't hate Starlight, but I feel like her motive and redemption was kind of weak. Like, when I was watching her as a villain I thought "Woah, either she's evil just because she's evil (which is fine), or she has a horrifically traumatic backstory". But then her backstory was revealed and I was just like...that's it? And then she just gets a redemption arc? I mean, I understand that thinking you're losing a friend as a kid is incredibly difficult. As a kid, I lost multiple people in my life and it always felt horrible, but I don't think it would really drive an average person to do anything similar to what Starlight did. I understand how her line of thinking went, but it just felt like such an extreme leap to me. I think it'd be more interesting if she or someone she knew thought they were locked into a life they didn't want because of their cutie marks, creating resentment towards the system, but that might create a few more problems in the writing. I guess my problem is less of her being evil and getting a redemption arc, but more that I feel like other villains (Chrysalis and Cozy Glow) didn't get redemption arcs. It feels like there wasn't much effort for redemption for them, despite the fact that Starlight pushed back/tried to get revenge too and they still worked to redeem her.
  12. I don't have anything meaningful to contribute, I just want more Transformers Maybe if I buy enough toys...
  13. Not much of a story there. The show came out when I was around 4-5, my mom sat me in front of the TV at some point, and the rest is history...
  14. Aww, yeah I felt something similar since raccoons and possibly stoats(?) are illegal in Washington to own as pets, which I guess is understandable but still disappointing. As for alligators, have you heard how the baby ones sound? They're like little laser guns
  15. Small elderly dogs are literally the cutest! my neighbors used to have some and they were the sweetest old ladies, one of them loved sunbathing and the other could do a walking handstand for some reason? Wolf dogs are really neat too though, it's kind of funny to compare them to other breeds though, like to see just how far some dog breeds are now from wolves. I could not imagine my dogs hunting for anything other than dropped food under the table (well, maybe my smaller dog could, but he has a bit more bloodlust anyways) Bats are really cool too, I follow this one account that rescues flying fox bats for their sanctuary and they're really neat. I think it would be cool to work at a bat sanctuary or to work in wildlife rehabilitation in general, where you could probably interact with bats and all sorts of other animals.
  16. I've been thinking a lot about pets I'd want when I'm older and can move out...and also pets I couldn't/wouldn't ever get Realistically: I've ALWAYSSS wanted a cat. I love both cats and dogs, but I've never been able to get a cat since my sister's allergic and the bother my dad's eye contacts. I'd also like any small dog, but I'd have to research any specific breeds before getting one. Big dogs are cute too, but I've always had such a soft spot for little ones, plus I'd want a dog that I could easily keep up with and that didn't have any super specific requirements for where you live or the size of your house. Less realistic: Stoats are one of my favorite animals alongside rabbits, but since they aren't as common of pets it could be difficult to find care/supplies for them. It also might make it hard if I ever had to go on vacation since I'm pretty sure overnight care places for them aren't common either. Another out there option is a deer, but I wouldn't actually to have one as a pet since that'd involve taking them out of the wild which I wouldn't want to do. It makes me so sad that I'll never have a deer friend since you aren't supposed to feed them/interact with them or else they could get hurt or too comfortable around people. Mythical: Less of a pet, but I'd love to be best friends with a unicorn. Even before watching MLP, I was always obsessed with them as a kid. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't like being kept as a pet though.
  17. Oh my gosh, your chihuahua is SO CUTE!!! does she have a name?
  18. There doesn't seem to be a question about the store specifically , but there is a question about potential improvements which you could probably comment about the store on.
  19. Berry and Dreamy will hopefully lend him a hoof! Or a basket of strawberries in this case...
  20. Hello and welcome, I hope you like it here! From what I've seen, a lot of ponies here are really nice and chill! As long as you're respectful and generally friendly you should get along with everyone just fine. In my (albeit limited) experience, interacting with other topics/conversations is a great way to meet others. Reading and responding to others' posts and discussions can be a lot of fun!
  21. Just a silly lil comic I made of Heracles (accidentally) terrifying Berry and Dreamy. I think I just really like drawing these goobers...also this is the first comic I've ever made, so I was a bit unsure of the formatting
  22. "You need scissors? Stay there, I'll toss 'em to ya. CATCH-"
  23. Not sure how popular or unpopular this opinion is, but I'm actually fine with Twilight being an alicorn while the others aren't. Since she's Celestia's student, I assume that Celestia was training Twi to follow her in her footprints to be a princess and so it makes sense for her to become an alicorn. While I wouldn't have an issue with the other mane 6 becoming alicorns, I understand why they weren't. While they are still important and vital to protecting Equestria, they didn't train under Celestia for this specific purpose and I feel that unlike Twi, not all of them would really have a ton of interest in carrying the burden of being royalty. Also I don't think Flash Sentry is a horrible character, but he just isn't that interesting. I don't think EG needed any romantic plotlines and I feel like Twi having a crush on him has some odd implications.
  24. Not sure how I'd feel...but I don't think I could do anything about it either way. It's not like I have her legally copyrighted or anything and in almost every mention of her she's linked firmly to MLP as an MLP OC, so I don't think I'd have any legal claim or ground to stand on. Maybe if they were actively selling merch of a stolen design I could do more, but if it was just as a background character I'm not so sure. I think it'd take a lot to convince me it wasn't a coincidence though, I feel like my OCs design is normal enough that her color palette and hairstyle could fit into the background with a few adjustments. I'd say I'd probably start to get a bit more skeptical if not only the colors and hairstyle, but also the cutie marks were the same. Although I feel like I wouldn't really mind if I got a shout out on social media or something. The only time I'd really have a problem is if they were actively profiting or taking credit from the design. Either way, I feel like the backlash of MLP stealing an OC with no credit would be enough for MLP to either compensate or just never try in the first place. It seems like the type of situation that anyone in the animation community would jump on.
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