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Everything posted by OverTheStars

  1. "It depends, really...I enjoy camping in open meadows when the weather's nice. Something about waking up and stepping outside to be surrounded by flowers is really peaceful. I tend to prefer grassy or wooded areas generally, deserts are too sandy! And hot..." "Mostly snacks, I'd say. It's easiest to bring a ton because I usually go through them quickly..." "Oh, but I do bring the occasional trinket too. A pearl necklace from Seaquestria, a beaded saddle from Saddle Arabia, gold bracelets from Yakyakistan...if my packs get too heavy, then I'll just give some away at my next stop. I'm okay with giving away souvenirs because I know I'll return one day. Other than that, I mostly just bring my essentials. My pack is enchanted to carry more than it looks like it can, so I usually bring a few pillows, a blanket, a canteen for water, and maybe a small tool or too for survival."
  2. "Oh, not again...another storm...! I won't be able to travel in this weather, looks like I'll be stuck in my tent for a while. Maybe in the meantime I could talk with you guys a bit more?" (OOC: Thought these looked really fun, so I wanted to try! I made a few little gifs of her too that she can respond with. Petalstar is a unicorn who travels Equestria and beyond, residing almost solely in her tent wherever she sets it up. While she might come off as a bit spacey and ditzy, she really does enjoy meeting new ponies. If you want to know more about her, you can check my profile!)
  3. Coffee all the way! It's so tasty with enough cream and sugar! Although a cup of chai is pretty good too. Has anyone else tried putting Nesquik in their coffee?
  4. I want to spend as much time with my friends as possible, I'm going to college out of state and probably won't be able to hang out with them for a while . I'll also most likely get a summer job to save up some money for college as well! I originally wanted to go on a trip to celebrate graduation, but I'm not so sure anymore. I'd rather save any money I do get strictly for college (and maybe a few new ponies...).
  5. I hate Mondays...

    1. Astralshy



      what happened?

    2. Snow


      Hopefully Monday wasn't so bad :twilightsheepish:

    3. OverTheStars


      @Astralshy not much, just so sleepy...:ajsleepy:

  6. I usually skip breakfast cuz of time, but it's my favorite meal. If I want sweet, I love French toast with strawberries and lots and lots of syrup. For savory, maybe an omelets with cheese, meat, and veggies? All accompanied with a mug of hot chocolate, of course!
  7. Probably Arby's, although I've only had it once and I only had the roast beef sandwich. To it's credit, the curly fries and Jamocha milkshake were soooo delicious! But those things are both difficult to mess up I'd say. The roast beef, which I believe they're most famous for, was really icky. The texture, the taste, the lukewarm slightly slimy meat with the soggy bun was just...blech. My dad and I got it together and he insisted that it used to be better and they must've changed the recipe somehow, but I'm not sure. I think his standards were probably a bit lower in his college years. Most fast food is just okay to me (aside from Popeye's which I will happily devour), but Arby's is one of the few places that I really don't wanna eat at again.
  8. I really love fishy smells, like if there's a store with a fish market, you'll definitely find me standing there and taking in the smell. It reminds me of the ocean and of tasty food, so two good things in one smell! A more specific one would be rubber used in rubber mats and workout equipment. I took a weight lifting class in school and the weight room always smelled soooo good to me, probably one of the only things I liked in that class.
  9. I have sort of complex feelings about reboots. Some franchises like Transformers, MLP, He-Man, etc. lend themselves to getting reboot, they change to appeal to kids of the time and still explore new ideas. I do like a lot of reboots, and I think that sometimes you'll enjoy a reboot more if you don't compare it to the source material as much. Maybe it's the intentions behind the reboot that affect it? Like with something like She-Ra, it feels like it was rebooted with a genuine care and interest in the franchise. There are a lot of differences, but I get the feeling that whoever made it had some amount of care for it. With the Disney live action reboots, it feels like most if not all are just cash grabs to milk as much money as possible from old franchises so they don't have to put effort into anything new or creative. They aren't being made to appeal to modern kids, because the original movies still do a perfectly good job of that, their only purpose is to just make more money. Plus it just makes me sad as someone who loves animation and would rather see that than a soulless CGI recreation (not bashing CGI entirely obvs). It's not that reboots are bad, it just depends a lot on the crew working on it and how much effort is put in as well as why they're being made in the first place.
  10. I'd most definitely have to go with Shaymin! Their air purifying powers would make them a handy companion for anywhere you go, plus it'd be nice to leave a lovely patch of flowers wherever you stay.
  11. I don't have a lot of advice on structuring fanfics, but I do find that when it comes to writing characters I usually like to watch an episode or compilation centered on them to get their voice or way of speaking down. Something that takes me out of a lot of fanfics is if characters are unintentionally written really OOC or the dialogue is awkward. It helps to imagine them saying it as if they were in an actual episode, and if it sounds weird or stilted then you can tweak it to fit better.
  12. Hello and welcome to the forums! Seeing as this website seems to have plenty of people who've taken shelter in ponies and the internet (me included), I think you're in the right place! Also congrats on getting your license!
  13. Hmm...probably night. I don't have a specific time of night I like, just night in general. During the day I always feels like there's pressures and responsibilities to do something, even if you don't have any work or chores, but at night it's a lot more peaceful and relaxed.
  14. Here's mine! Made in MS Paint in just a few minutes!
  15. I don't work there anymore, but when I worked at Jersey Mike's I really liked wrapping the sandwiches. There was just something so satisfying about it...also the free sandwiches! I ate at least $500 worth of free sandwiches and saved more since we also got a 50% discount. Even though I didn't like the job generally, I'll really miss my chipotle cheesesteaks...
  16. A while, probably. I love this fandom, but even outside it I love collecting the toys and watching the older cartoons. Even if I prioritize other interests or focus on other fandoms, MLP will always have a place in my heart.
  17. Hello, Night Sky! As a pony, what does a day in your hooves look like? Also, what's your favorite food?
  18. Welcome to the forums! I hope you like it here!
  19. I dunno, I've only been here a few months myself, but I guess it's just the natural course of most fandoms. There was a huge boom in popularity in the years that G4 was airing, but once the show ended it just sort of began to fizzle out. I'm sure a lot of the old users who left still have a soft spot for MLP, but they might've just grown out of posting consistently. It makes me a bit sad that I missed it. I would love to be part of a popular and booming pony community where everyone's always chatting and befriending each other, I think I could even look past some of the more toxic discourse, but sometimes things just naturally slow down a bit. Maybe G6 will bring some new fans? Or at least bring back some curious G4 fans who became inactive?
  20. I do agree with your point about most characters being redeemable if they show empathy, like I said, I think it's good that she got a redemption arc. I just think her motives were pretty weak. It's true we don't see a lot of her upbringing, but when we do meet her dad he's really doting and loving towards her (although he can be overbearing) and most of his actions just come from wanting her to feel safe and happy. It also seems like her mom isn't really the picture, so there's something to be said about that, but I feel like if that was a major part her motives/character, it'd be mentioned. Past trauma definitely does have an impact on one's actions and behavior, but again, I do just think her perspective went from 0-100 really quick and it just confused me as to why she went to such extremes. I saw someone here say they thought she could have BPD which I think is really interesting, and that could explain some aspects of her, but otherwise I'm just not really into the writing. I think the redemption arc itself was alright, I also agree that there should've been more attention called on her emotional growth, but I think at the end of the day she did do enough good and showed enough remorse to redeem herself. I do like Starlight a lot as a character, I just wish her motives had been written a bit differently.
  21. Pony or not, I sleep a lot better with stuffed animals. The only pony plushes I have are the 2 of the G1 softies, but they're not super squishy and I don't wanna mess up their manes at all (it was a lot of work washing, conditioning and then re-washing and re-conditioning). If I don't have one to hug then I have to use a pillow, but even then it's not as good since it isn't the right shape.
  22. Probably not as a human. I imagine they might be a similar size to miniature ponies (going off the less muscular and lanky builds, especially in the earlier gens), so you might be able to push them a bit, but most likely not lift them entirely. As for if police would get involved...if their laws are similar to ours at all, you'd probably get into some amount of hot water if you just walked up and lifted them, but it'd probably be okay if you had permission.
  23. I do on this website occasionally, or sometimes as a little joke to my friends, but not usually outside it and not irl. I kinda do like when others use it irl to me though, since it feels like a little secret signal between us, haha.
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