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What's Your OC/Ponysona's Sexuality?

Lucky Bolt

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My OC, Snowflake Frostflame is bisexual. He has shown interest in both mares and stallions, but very rarely does he ever show interest in anypony. He's more interested in money than anything.

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My OC, Altscar, is Bisexual. Although he remains a low profile figure due to his rough past socializing with other ponies. Not to mention Altscar's job making capacitors and electrical circuits in Manehattan.

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Will Guide (My Ponysona):

He discovered he's gay thanks to Shining Armor and Princess Cadence sometime in Season 4, but it wasn't until the day when Twilight learned she's going to be an aunt that he came out to Spike and the Mane 6.

Changeling Will Guide (Shares Unicorn Will Guide's body):

Like his Unicorn Host, C. Will Guide is gay, personally getting his Changeling nutrients out of homosexual love rather heterosexual love. However his mistreatment by Queen Chrysalis made him scared of coming out in more ways than one. 

One such meaning is that he's scared of showing his existence as a Changeling sharing an Unicorn's body.

The other meaning being that he's scared of admitting he's gay because he fears he'll be harshly mistreated like what the Changeling Queen did to him.

Someday, Unicorn Will Guide will rediscover his Changeling Soul Guest, and he'll do what he can to help...;)

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11 minutes ago, ScruffyTheStallion said:

my OC "Scruffy" (aka Messy Mane)

is Straight AF,always has been and always will be 

What do you mean by "AF"?

8 hours ago, IronM17 said:

I have one Ponysona and two OCs. Gamma Ray is my Ponysona and he is bisexual, like me. Dark Rose, my second OC, is also bisexual. My third OC and former Ponysona is Storm Chaser and he is gay (and a femboy). 

Storm Chaser sounds like a great guy! ;)

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Battenberg who represents me is straight, I also have a straight couple with 2 of my other OCs. I haven't really thought about it with some of my others though I can tell which one would be gay/bi if I wanted to introduce a love interest.

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100% straight. I do not like the female form or parts at all. Im not at all homophobic or anything, I just do not see the boob appeal. i have never even been curious in my life. 

i like men. a lot. so nyeh. 

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My OC is gay but with very little (if at all) interest in sexual situations. She still represents me in many ways so she's mostly a reflection of me in the form of a cartoon pony.

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War is very heterosexual and really old fashioned about it, he tends to be the heroic knight type and treats all mares like princesses.

However he really doesn't think about relationships and is so oblivious if some pony flirted with him he probably wouldn't be able to tell. They or someone would have to directly say "Hey she wants to date you!" For him to get it.

But one of his best friends is Pan, one is Ace and another Bi, which are my rl friends OCs. Oh and they aren't reflections of us we made them all completely original. No correlation.

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