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Everything posted by TheBreech

  1. Cosmo chewed his food then said, "You know, if I charge a few crystals with magic, I could probably teleport a boulder into space. Then, it would fall down as a meteor and just level the island... Of course, that's my cleanup idea. As for getting in, I agree that landing on a quiet part of the island would help us with stealth, but I think it's too late for stealth really. Umbra knows we're coming and if he's worth worrying about, he'll be scrying us frequently, if not constantly. The way I see it, he sent some of his best fighters to kill us off when we got split up, and they failed. Umbra's forces are weakened without them, and we have a better idea of what were up against then when we started this voyage... I guess I'm saying let's just hit him with everything we've got and hope its enough. I know we've all got tricks left that he hasn't seen so we've got a good chance."
  2. (XD) Cosmo ate too but his magic didn't require as much fuel so he just ate for himself. He spent the entire meal thinking about his spells and techniques, trying to make up plans for fighting Umbra. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to think of much, so he started making mental notes about how to use his abilities for the fight.
  3. Cosmo walked in shortly after Waterfall, making note to introduce himself later. As he waited for the others, Cosmo sat down with a book on time travel, studying the magic in hopes of mastering it in a few decades. Anyone watching him would notice the glowing crystal on a cord around his neck, and that he seemed to be moving at an abnormally fast pace for reading. A gifted unicorn or magic user would figure out he was in a separate time space and for him, time was slowed so he could read more.
  4. Cosmo nods, obviously agreeing with Lyth's opinion, yet still smiling. He was confident in his idea, and the fear of losing Lyth had almost completely left his body. "I don't want to resort to it, but I won't disobey Lyth."(Have you already figured out Cosmo's failsafe?)
  5. Cosmo's stomach made sure he heard her offer. "I'd like that," he said as the went to see what Coral had prepared this morning. "I don't think I ever explained my extreme balance. When I get too worked up with an emotion, I focus on a polar opposite one so they'll counter each other and return me to a stable mindset. I'm sorry I got so worked up just now... I understand what you'd be asking me to do, it's just not easy to think about..." Cosmo looked down slightly as he walked, clearly ashamed of how upset he'd gotten.
  6. Cosmo looked at Lyth and smiled, "I love loopholes." Before she ask what he meant or the condition of his mental health, Cosmo kissed her and said, "This is the kind of idea that won't make much until later on... I will obey your order Lyth, but I no longer have to abandon you." Cosmo continued smiling, and he looked over the deck and into the ocean, his eyes glazed over as worked out his plan in his brain.
  7. "Lyth... I can't just ignore you if you're in danger..." Cosmo's face exposed the pain he felt as the ideas of leaving Lyth and letting the others have died for nothing conflict in his head. He felt like his mind was at the breaking point, then had an idea, "But I can do that!" With that, he rushed to his room to test his idea. "I won't dishonor the sacrifices of our friends, but I won't leave Lyth behind either... So if I have to be in 2 places at once... By the Night, I'd better remember this corectly..." Cosmo tried to cast a spell he'd never used and ended up teleporting into the ocean the ship sailing right up next to him. "Well buck..." As he climbed back up too ashamed to teleport, he heard Lyth say, "...me dead no matter what your decision." He was confused for a moment then heard a strangely familiar voice reply, "Lyth... I can't just ignore you if you're in ..." The voice was cut off and Cosmo found himself back on the floor, exactly where he'd tried to cast the spell. Cosmo was stunned by the success and found himself thinking, "Buck I'm good..."
  8. (That BS wont fly with this Unicorn.)Cosmo's humor dies instantly, "...No. You can order me around but I don't have to follow those orders. I'm not the only one on this ship who can kill him, nor am I the one who deserves to do so. Death is irreversible, letting a foe escape isn't. I won't let him keep hurting ponies, but I won't sacrifice you to reach him." His eyes had a slightly blue glow, his power reacting to the force of his determination in that decision.
  9. (And Cosmo from the future hovered over them being creepy as buck. Lol, no) Cosmo was silent till he got to his room. He was still in shock that he'd nearly gotten one of them killed. "I should've used Blood Wind on him. Why didn't I have Shadow Dance on? I should've teleported the knives away. I should've..." "ENOUGH!" Fade shouted from within the sword, "What's done is done and everyone's ok Cosmo. If Sparkshower hadn't stepped in, you would've used Blood Wind and reduced him to paste. You're always harder on yourself than neccesary..." Cosmo replied, "I was overly reckless!" Fade came out to say, "What else is new? Your method is unorthodox but it works. Don't start questioning yourself now." Cosmo lightened up at his guardian's advice, "Thanks Fade... I don't know how I functioned without you." Fade smiled, "Neither do I."
  10. (Seriously, Sparkshower's right. At the same time... I had a great plan... Now I can't use it ) Cosmo watched Sparkshower banish Misery and decided, "I will talk to Luna about her... She has as much power as I do and she's probably better suited for leadership... She deserves to be Luna's apprentice." Cosmo walked up to her and said, "Thank you. I don't want to think I was helpless, but I was quickly running out of options... You saved my life." He then approached Luna and Celestia, kneeled with his head down and said, "Princesses, I underestimated my opponent and put you in danger... I'm sorry..."
  11. Cosmo froze as he realized his mistake. "Now who's the fool..." he muttered quietly. After a tense pause, Cosmo knew he couldn't bear for any of them to die because of him, so he said, "My loyalty to Luna demanded I oppose your strength, and ultimately, I've only confirmed it... If blood must be drawn, let it be my own... I will not betray another to suffer for my actions... although its been my expirience that a broken foe sends a stronger message than a dead one..." Cosmo hated himself for this, and knew what he would do if Misery ignored his request, but he recognized his own arrogance was what got him in this situation... "I'm definately not leader material..."
  12. (Which one? This is pretty much that ability from Naruto where he summons a bunch of fragile clones of himself.) Cosmo flared his magic to restrain the firing mechanism on Aurora's pistol. The group of clones spoke in unison, "God? First, it's Goddess. Second, you aren't Lady Night. Third, you haven't impressed me enough to demand respect. However you have earned this." A sharp pulse of Telekinesis knocked Misery out of the throne and toward the group of Cosmo clones who then attacked in groups leaving countless cuts across Misery's body. (Btw, what's Twilight doing in this?)
  13. (By the Night, Slow the buck down!) Cosmo enters the throne room, clearly irritated at misery, "To face many foes at once is foolish, but to ignore them? To dismiss an opponent and forget about him? That's simply a death wish..." several swords formed in the air and several Cosmos formed as well, each with his own sword, and all of them radiated the same amount of energy, hiding Cosmo in the crowd of himself. (In the time he'd have reacted to Misery's rampage, Cosmo got some energy reserves he stored in his room. Again, slow down guys, or at least explain why Cosmo couldn't react...)
  14. Where the hell am I and why is this thing trying to hug me? BEHOLD, THE ROMAN NINJA!!!
  15. When my penguins scouts danced a song about this, I ignored them as always and continued making dogs noises at the flower growing out of my sofa. Them my computer maked a funny noise and my spidy senses went all, "Aww sheeeet, Teen Titans Go is 54 hours away, I gotta perfect me fish stick thought boat! Then in that mess of chocolate pudding, Judis, the most loyal of my penguins, beheaded William for trying to open this page for me! I patted my little executioner on the head for doing a good job then strangled him with Williams cat tail! What, I never tolded you dead willy was a penguin! Then I got on here and started imitating my little sister Discord and my second cousin removed seven times for farting at dinner, big little Sheogorath! Then I plagiarized Lord turrets (The guy screaming *bleep* *bleed* *bleep* *bleeeeeeep* wait why the fuck did sensor this..? ) and finished this... whatever this became! with, "And that's the story of the first time I had sex! Did ya like it?"
  16. Cosmo laughed, "If he doesn't know we're coming then he definitely won't last long. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's using magical assistance on me anyway. When we all got separated, he chose to pair me with Crimson... I just got this feeling he was singling me out... I'm worried he'll attack you to get to me. I believe in you, and I know you can defend yourself... but still," Cosmo rested head against Lyth's, "I can never stand to lose ponies I care so much about..."
  17. Cosmo woke up the next morning and went to the deck of the ship. The only one around him was Fade, so he simply stared ahead. In the distance, he thought he could see a very distant island, "The Red X..." he muttered quietly. Cosmo felt ready to face Umbra, not as much from his own self confidence, as his desire to return home. "The Dark tournament, and now the Red X... No rest for the wicked, eh, Fade?" Fade simply smiled, the desire for rest clear on his face too. "I think we should host a celebration. Just a small gathering of our friends and allies." Cosmo smiled and said, "That'd be nice... I'll talk to Luna when we return... YOU HEAR THAT UMBRA?!" Cosmo began shouting at the horizon, "YOU WILL NOT BEAT ME OR HURT ANYONE ON THIS SHIP!!!"
  18. Cosmo saw that Aurora's armor absorbed most of the blow so he turned his focus to Misery, specifically his prison, "Wow... This girl's a gifted unicorn. She could even be Luna's apprentice... and if she's a good leader, she'd definitely make a better heir to the role of princess than I would."
  19. Cosmo had trained with rune magic enough to cast a simple numbing spell on Sparkshower, "This won't heal you, but it should kill a lot of the pain." Looking at Misery's prison, he couldn't sense the unicorn clearly, "The injuries to his horn and Sparkshower's considerable power are making him hard to detect... He could be trapped tighter than Discord or burst out any second... Still... this girl has power." Though she may not have seen it, Cosmo looked her over, with calm approval on his face.
  20. (That is awesome) Cosmo began to meditate when the others left, and eventually felt magic strong enough to wake him up. Looking out his window, Cosmo saw the fight and jumped out his window with Altair and the amulet of his religion, The Church of Night. "Lady guide my blade..." he prayed as he telekinetically draged the harness on his body to imitate flight. Within moments he stood between Misery and the gate, startling all the who weren't used to fighting beside him. "Only the most reckless fools fight 3 powerful fighters at once. I suggest you surrender." Cosmo thought to himself, "By the night let this guy be a fool..."
  21. Cosmo stared at her dumbfounded, "Time travel? ...I've never attempted time spells... Might be worth checking out... As for how I would use it..." Cosmo began chuckling, "I'd probably jump back in time and mess with my friends... or get back at ponies for pissing me off... I think we'll be getting along pretty well in the future... Or wanting to kill each other... Time will tell."
  22. (Was there a more perfect time?)Cosmo raised an eyebrow as he was held against the wall, "What? Did somebody interrupt you 2 in bed? And in case you didn't notice, this is my room, in Canterlot Castle. So unless Luna's screwing with me... Which would be incrediblely likely..." Cosmo stared at Sparkshower, not recognizing her, and expecting her to transform into a laughing Princess Luna.
  23. Cosmo nodded and researched his sword, "I'm not sure who you saw, but I'm always glad to solve these encounters peacefully. Now, I'm not sure who you are, but I've seen you around the castle somewhat recently... Wait a second... Aurora Lights? You were one of the candates Luna gave me for a new branch of the royal guard she recently created!"
  24. (This was after Cosmo left the circus)Cosmo simply stared at Aurora who quickly realized, his entire limb was locked in place by Telekinesis. "The only enemies I have are criminals and monsters, so I hope we're having a misunderstanding... Or it's not me who's going down." Cosmo said as he unsheathed Altair, his katana. (Aurora should notice that Cosmo looked about 10 years older before, when he mastered and cast the spell.)
  25. (XD this wasn't spontaneous. Spark showers my friend irl and we've been planning this. I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity) Cosmo felt a strangeness as he helped Coral cook.his guardian spirit, Fade, spoke to him, "Cosmo... I think I just sensed... you." "Maybe because I'm right here?" "No, more like... Nevermind." Cosmo dropped the subject before he dropped the pot, and Fade grinned thinking, "So my young master learns time travel huh... Hehehe" his laughter making Cosmo suspicious.
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