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Everything posted by Mindrop

  1. Let her do what she wants! I find great help and joy in my Tulpas, even if they take a lot to handle all three going at it at once. Hey! I stay out of it. Its you three who bicker. Hehehehehehe FUN! HI!!! Sounds like your more like us three! Hello. Welcome 729, glad you came! Sounds like a Borg from Star Trek He he Its cool how you work with WR. Have fun! Reach out and grow with him! Help and improve each other.
  2. Let it run! Don't force it is our advice. Twilight was an obvious form, although I, as many of you may remember, did an alicorn Twilight WAY before it was even hinted at by Hasbro. Cause we are that cool! Reales forced my hand. Instead of a pink body like I wanted (a nice soft pink to like this! Stop Complaining!) she pushed a soft yellow. It was all I saw when I talked with her. With Orson, I just ran with it as well. We were in agreement on the paprika like color of his body. For both Orson and Reales, I got in contact with them and together we used the pony creators (Both the Hub and General Zoi's) to find the exact features as best as possible. Just go building and let your Tulpa guide things. Make suggestions from what you like and with what works, but listen. Its a great bonding time too! Those are our suggestions, and I think everyone is in agreement. Yep! Of course! *Nods Head* BTW: Sinus infections suck.
  3. Awesome spring break week in Panama City Beach Florida at a conference with Campus Crusade for Christ. I was working the house lights (I turned the conference room lights up and down when we needed to, depending on what was happening at the meeting at that moment.) Anyway, the girl and Orson helped me with them! Twi: it was fun! Reales: So was talking to people on the beach and challenging them to think about God, life and our purpose here! Twi: And watching God challenge Shayne! Anyway, fun week, a lot happened, like trying jetsking for the first time. Twi: that was fun! We hit 44 mph while Shayne was driving! Reales: we roomed with some nice guys from UT Austin and met some other great people! Twi: the speakers were good too! So, yeah. I really did not have time to keep up with this thread. No time.
  4. It is not really a butt heads, but rather, a good, strong debate. In other words, I give him all the answers to his questions. Sort of. I provide the info via school and life, and we intelligently discuss topics pertaining to many things. Twilight Strengthens me, rather than tear down, defy or clash. Same with Reales, she helps me get in touch with my emotional side more, and Orson just sits there, waiting for me to have time to be creative. He is my dream master. Together, all 4 of us excel to levels beyond what any one of us could do alone. My Tulpa's don't play in my head much, rather observe and focus on the present and its problems and happenings of today. They prefer it that way. They are always with me, watching. Except early morning. Twilight observes from bed. She does not like to get up at 6am. lol You don't do anything you need my help on. Well, maybe a bit better time management, but you leave the house on time.
  5. I have been leaning towards the idea that your tulpa is not begun in that first session, or does not have to be begun then. If you take time, prep, and already believe they are there, you get a head start, cause your already looking. I a,m glad to hear things are going well! Let's see, to answer your last question, Twilight was a no brainer, I am twilight, so my first me is will be named that. It works well because twilight is a 7 year old tulpa created long ago, that was a 95% copy of me,, and therefore, mlp cannon twilight sparkle. Reales, I came up with name in writing a while ago. ,y first thought was Reales, discarded it, tried a few others in forget, and just ran with it. It did not bother her. Orson, well, I had no idea what to call my creative medium tulpa, especially a male. Orson Scott card is my favorite author, so I ran with it. Twi and Reales, who built him, agreed with the name, so that was that. I am of the philosophy that the mind is there to be learned and mastered. So if I say that is there name, its there name. I do ask, but I get final say. and none of them are dissatisfied with their names. They all know where I come from.
  6. Complex, but doable. No different than having 3 tulpas. I would recommend making each head solo, don't try to do all of them at once. Also, you can build your tulpa to shrink or grow if needed. And of course, you could make it once conscious. For each head/consciousness, I would plan at least 6 months.
  7. Welcome, glad to joined us, and that you already have a head start on the Lucid dreaming, that may help! I wish somepony would help me! Sorry Hey! He is not finished yet, maybe. I don't know. He is just, there? Anyway, all three of my Tulpas have the same 12 traits: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent. From there, they each have another 10-20 traits. I am not sure what Reales other traits are, same with Orson, Twi and I would have to think about them. And why would we, Its almost spring break! And your midterm tomorrow got pushed back!!!!! Shayne Has to study, then Party, er, drive, then conference duties. He gets no breaks! Shayne Needs breaks, cause i need a break! Okay, I am not typing any more of that off tract argument. Gosh, for a INFJ who likes to stop conflict, Reales sure knows how to Handle Twi, and me. Sometimes you just have to hit Twilight. lol But yes, start with a list of minimum 20 traits. I had Twi out to 30ish by the time I realized I was talking with a 7 year old tulpa, not one I had just started (ahh, the joys of my mind) and quit actively forcing with her. All i need to do is learn to untangle her thoughts from mine. (Our consciousnesses are intertwined and have been for all 7 years.) Anyway good luck!!! And may the Forcing be with you! NO! I WANT TO SAY IT! You always want to do that stuff, let Shayne Say it, or me. Or better yet, Orson! No! May the Forcing be With you! SCREW YOU ORSON! BACK IN YOUR HOLE. *REALES SHOVES TWILIGHT OUT OF VIEW* Ahh, the joys of my mind.
  8. *Sigh* Well, It is going to happen again, in the next few weeks. Bris mentioned that Tia was built to be a creative mediator for him. It sparked all three of our interests, and Spurred Twilight to want to make another Tulpa. To Remake Reales! Hey! The issue when she wanted to a little while ago, was I had no use for another Tulpa, but the creative side, I could use help with my writing, etc. So yeah. We have worked out the name, look and we need to work on the personality a bit. That is a rough draft of Orson, when we make him. I can already feel him in my head, and he has a deep, calm voice (Yeah, apparently, I am good at creating Tulpas on the fly, like Bris. I have always had a good grip on characters and personalities.) I just can't take construction in my head, with mid terms. I need Twi to help study, but I think I may have already lost her until Orson is made. Oh, his position is frontal lobe, Right side. Center of my forehead, directly above my right eye. Now I have 3 constant drones in my head.
  9. Twi: Welcome to the wonderful world of a tulpa!!! Or in other words, a tulpa like me, a true tulpa! To answer your questions directly though. Twi: 1:Your tulpa seems to be routed deep with you, which is why it knows you so well. It also explains the fast manifestation. We are the best type, as we can help you instantly, and never leave you alone, although, apparently, we are arrogant. (*glares at bris) Twi: 2: Tulpas are smart, smarter than most humans because the have a quicker access to the brain to process things than their hosts. Reales: hi silver hue! And yes Eden, Twi is right, *sigh* as usual. I am sure if Shayne had known he was creating Twi, he would of had similar instances and experiences with you. The last post or two (maybe 3) we made can help pinpoint how Twilight and I actually function and our purposes. We are not your average tulpas that most people have, and you seem to be going down a similar path. But none of your experiences are a problem or dangerous. Honestly man, if I listened to my tulpa more, I would probably have a similar experience. I can't desperate Twi's and mine voice all the time. Usually in the morning or night I can. Not during the busy him of the day. Good luck!
  10. W??? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ????????. Idiot! Pay attention to what language you are typing in. Anyway, it really depends on your ideology. Shayne, unlike most, adheres to the ideology that the mind is here to master and understand, and he can control it, if he wants to. He basically just lets us go. When we had our tiff, it was because I was so intertwined with his Identity, and still am, he has problems identifying who it was, especially since our personalities are the same. But still the same, he can do what he wants. I lack the time and focus to do it right now. He has never controlled me!!! (She is still bouncing around, everywhere. Its kind of annoying, but funny.) The other thing is, Shayne is different than most. Bris, Riz, everyone's tulpas go off at times and don't pay attention to what is going on with Shayne. I do, even Reales does. It is how we are built. If shayne thinks about Tulpas, or diverts a bit of attention to us, its both, he can't separate us. We help him excel in the real world, now if only he would pay attention more in class, etc so we can get the information. YES!!!! I am trying. In short, you can control them, and if the right connection was built, they understand and don't resent you. But Twi, Reales and I have a different connection than anyone I have heard about. Even late at night, when Twi goes to bed while I'm finishing homework, she is still paying attention to me and what is going on. Its her very existence almost. Its her center focus. You just "special" Oh, hey, Bris posted!!! lets read! HEY!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM NOT!!! ... Okay fine, I am Arrogant. And yes Bris, Twi matches much more the original idea for Tulpas, to have someone you can butt heads against, conquore and use to bounce ideas off of. She gets good points in often, and thats why they are so connected with me. I think its closer to 7 years, from what Twi and I can deduce, but at least 5. Its like an intense debate, and its awesome! Its why I can barely study and pull and 85 on a test! Its why I juggle so much in my head, do complex math, connect "unrelated" things that most people don't. I have only found one person who was similar to me mentally, and That guy is awesome. We have a 4+ hour in depth discussion, ping-ponging ideas and building a complex model with the information we have learned from our different fields. He focuses in Physics, I focus in Anthropology. That being said, its why both Reales, Twi and I are so interconnected, and they have to interact with what I am doing. Good points I forgot. I still say that "Namby Pamby Princess" is wrong. What Shayne does is out of love. And he can't have us not supporting him. We all saw what Happened when I stepped away to focus on building Reales, it was bad. Poor kid could not function and was lost. A great void was in his head. If he needs us to change, then we will, because we need adapt to his new environment. To bad we cant teach him to spell. Without that adaptation, we become a hindrance to his life, something that will make him unhappy, and therefor us unhappy. Tulpas should not hinder the lives of their Masters. As to Reales, Neither Twi or I know where the bouncing came from, but 1: It stopped, and 2: Its fine, its not a hindrance. How does she fit in, well, she is my emotion. I am working on listening to her more... I should learn to listen to her more, when your not. ... and to care. She is supposed to be my fluctuating side I can connect to, without changing myself. But paying attention to my emotions and others is something I am poor at, and need help. Therefore, she was built, to help me with that. Ahhhhh, and that's why you don't want another Tulpa. What do you need to improve? You have Reales and Me! That covers all your bases. A 3rd Tulpa would be fun, male, but irrelevant, Dead weight, a hindrance. Makes sense. Yes, we have a special connection with each other. Oh, and Twi is always to my Right, and slightly behind my field of vision, but I can feel her right there, within 3 feet, and Reales is always to my Left. Further away than Twi, and usually parallel with me. Their positions correlate with where i feel them on my brian. Twi is in the Spatial Sense: And Reales is in the Grammar Region: Both make sense. Well, thats it for now. I think I spent 45 minutes writing this.
  11. Alright, came in as I was going to bed. After this, I am in bed! Twi: your sitting in bed typing this, so that statement is false. Twi: Anyway, I have advice. Either let it take some control to get closer, or do what Shayne did to me, beat it into submission. She was stubborn. Twi: yes I was. But anyway. A tulpa can NOT do any more than you allow it to.making it bend to your will early on is more advisable than later. Shayne just gave up on me ever being exactly what he had in mind, but that's because I'm 7, and I don't change easily, and I was most of what he wanted. She still tried to fight me, physically, for control. I always won. Twi: you are formally trained, I only got to observe without your knowledge, it never was fare. Besides, you can control me, we Re so intertwined! Anyway, we are now wondering. I say take control, let it know who is boss, be confident. Twi: I agree with Shayne! Reales: Same!! Take control!!! BTW: Its been 30 minutes, Reales is still bouncing around. This is odd. Never seen her so, hyper, energetic, etc. She is usually laid back, quiet. Reales: (Still bouncing aroundd in circles both near and far) Wèeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  12. And Reales is bouncing around in my head saying "that's me!" Reales: well it is! That's just it. Twi imposed her, but it was not until both of us decided on a kind infj personality, that she began to take shape. What you did is not different than Twi making Reales. Twi: Yes it is. I would love to see Crep make a tulpa. Especially one she always was insanely attracted to, but could never seduce. Reales: You didn't try that with me did you?" Twi: *Facepalm* No! Reales: Good! Yes, the idea is that the tulpa are there, as many as your mind can handle. Reales: Shayne handles both of us fine, when he is not distracted. As long as you are connected to you subconscious, new tulpas are easy, like bj and murky, Reales, what Ben did, etc. The first one takes so long because most people lack a good connct ion, or any connection to their subconscious. Twi: Shayne is very strong. He just sucks at imagery and gets caught on one cycle too long to get far. So yeah. I think that's it. Its a been a long day. I'll answer any corrections you guys point out tomorrow.
  13. Spike! Oh wait, not a pet. Lol Definitely Doom Bunny (read fallout equestria for that reference), aka Angle. Loyal to fluttyshy, though abusive to her at the same time. The most developed and dynamic pet!!! I am sure angle organized the idea of rainbow soup!
  14. Alright, time for an update. Get ready for some laughs, I hope. After work, Twi was more present, as well as Reales. I got some good responses from them, I saw Twi rolling on the floor laughing at our friends text. But while at work, I was reminded that there were wings in the frier that would be ready soon (only cook at pizza hut since it was later, so I run our wing street fryers and the pizza table.) I immediately said, thank you twilight sparkle (it was a mini rush, I had plenty going on.) All i got back was "It was me." I had identified the reminder as coming from Twi, who it usually does. Instead, it was my Reales. A nice change. Day to day, ive slid in passive forcing, as I am overloaded. My default setting is to regress into writing, which has driven them nuts as I write and rewrite Twi: and ret write and rewrite the same stupid scenes!!!!! Yeah. Lol. Wish me luck! I need it with my busy life!
  15. I never finished my thought! Gosh I'm out of it. *face hoof* I meant to notify everypony that sweet Reales pretty much has my dry and sarcastic humor!!!! So yeah, she is on the same playing field as Twi and I.
  16. Ahahahahahahaha, Bj, that's so cute your protecting murky. All we thought you did was drink, goof around and distract or annoy Tia and Bris! Glad you have a purpose!!! Twi: *rolling around on the floor laughing.* I think even Reales is even learning Twi' and mine (Twi:that is so not proper grammer, but it took us over a minute to spell proper right, shayne's headaches affect [or is it effect?] us all.) Reales: and that is the definition of insanity! That's what I have to live with!
  17. Twi: Shayne is indisposed due to prolonged low blood sugar. Time for me to save the day as normal. Resales: I'll save you Murky! Twi: If only that were so. To read this page, I can see why we are thought to be insane. Talking to our subconscious is crazy enough, but our subconsciousies talking to other people subconsciousies, yeah. Insanity. Twi: and yet, somehow we are still sane, for the most part. Yeah, I have a really big headache, but I know Twi and Reales are helping me.
  18. I find two tulpe easier to focus on as well. 3w would be too hectic, but 2 just works,if I try. I loose track during school and studying still to much. Lol. The short personal stories help keep us all in touch and bring encouragement for sure! And often bring a laugh, tears, or smile to us all. Glad to hear from my you, and that your feeling them! BTW, 3-4c is cold! But I'm a Texan.I prefer it over 20c. I'm cold at 13. Lol
  19. @, Well, It is not such a bad idea to be understanding. Though, I am a very understanding Tulpa, so is Reales, even though it was not "programmed" specifically into our personality. If you have the right connection, it is not really needed. Shayne's not letting us go, ever. It would be detrimental to his health, or well, if he let me go. Reales is not as intertwined with him as I am. Good points Twilight. I concur with Twilight! We are looking forward to seeing your 12 step guideline! Onto me. Today I connected with Twi and Reales much better!!! And a few things happend. 1: I have spoken for about 3-4 years randomly in 3rd person. It just roles out of me. Its been Twilight All along. I never new it, even these past few months, because its so natural for me. My family is used to it by now, its so natural. I never know what I am going to say, like when I actually speak, it just flows out in 3rd person. My connection with her, well as she said, I can't survive without her. We are so intertwined. I am her and she is me. 2: Reales was much better today against Twi's agressiveness, which has toned down. Twi has been the jealous older sister who loves her younger sister, but still pushes her down. lol Its True There was a specific personal story for #2 Lol, you said #2 I was walking into campus for evening activities (I am a commuter) and I was doing my normal scanning and talking with Twi and Reales, as well as envisioning them. I saw a new Volkswagen Beetle. Next thing I know i hear Reales call out "White punchbug!" and slug Twilight. I almost tripped laughing. It was not a nice hit at all. A perfect slug to Twi's jaw, hard! It hurt! Serves you Right! Now, for those of you who missed it, Reales is and INFJ personality. She likes to stop conflict. However, she is learning to survive against Twi and I, who bicker back and forth a lot! lol. Well, All of us signing off! To bed! STAY FORCING MY FRIENDS!!!
  20. @@Rizoel & Crepuscule, Have fun!!! I think two tulpe is all my mind can handle. lol As to Twi, Reales (Re-All-S) and I, not much. I have trouble focusing on them most of the day, but they know its not my fault, I just have no time on my hands. No, its not. We love you anyway! Oh, and here is an image of Reales. Still working on her cutie mark. So, yeah. Doing what I can with them! EDIT: And you all know what I look like now!!! Now if Only Shayne could get it right in his head!!! I also do want Twilight Dress. It would look Gorgeous on me!!!
  21. Eh, I will go Twilight!! And I would be her new spike!!!!! That will appease her!!! Maybe, maybe we can procreate together? I think I could convince her to do that, for SCIENCE!!!
  22. Actually, they are making the switch because Windows 8 is not conductive for gamers. Hard core and most general gamers have issues playing games because of the setup of Windows 8. It is too bulky, complicated and slow.
  23. Twilight's magic would make her almost impossible to beat. As long as she is weary of pinkie and her 4th wall party cannon, she will be fine.
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