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Beat Shock

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Status Updates posted by Beat Shock

  1. I'm borrowing a GoPro from a friend, and I'm gonna film some awesome Parkour with it!

  2. NOT GUILTY!!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      I'm not the one who needs to hear it.

      I don't support the murder of children.

    3. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense


      Look. Before I request this status to be locked, I must do my fare wells.





      In the whole entirety of this status I ment no offence to you or the Trayvon family. Although saying I support "child murder" and going off saying I wouldn't care if you or anyone was shot is very rude. I would restrain myself from saying such horribal things about others until you got the proper evidence. I shall end it here.

    4. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      It's obvious that Trayvon didn't deserve to die, and it's obvious that the shooting was a tragedy . . . but Zimmerman was about to die and he had no other way of saving himself. I'm not happy at all about Trayvon's death, and hopefully nobody else is, but the celebrating that's going on is for Zimmerman, who has been wrongfully accused, and hasn't been a free man for a year and a half.

  3. Equestria Girls was... interesting... O_O

    1. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      So, did you like it or not?

  4. Yay! 600 subscribers! :)

  5. I need 1 more subscriber!!! Please!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/TheChineseLionTamer

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      Did you unsubscribe? :(

    3. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense
    4. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      Well, that doesn't matter anymore. I have 500 again! (and I posted the video)

  6. I just need 50 more subscribers, then I can upload my 500 sub special! :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tia Is Best Pony

      Tia Is Best Pony

      SUBBED NOW FOR REAL!!! now what did i sub for XD

    3. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      You just subbed for epic brony piano covers, parkour and freerunning, and other crap! :D

    4. Tia Is Best Pony
    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Didn't you post that a while ago? In a thread about injuries or reckless stuff?

    2. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      It's the same stunt, except I added a front flip in it! :)

  7. Well my profile info is back! Thank you, time travling tulpa! XD

    1. Fanned


      Yay! :D tulpae are awesome!

    2. Quilava


      I just started in making a tulpa, it's alil weird for me since I'm more of a down-to-earth thinker.

    3. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      I didn't really make a tulpa, but the person who got me the data back said he was a time traveling tulpa. I kind of got pushed away from the tupla thread long ago after this one incident... T_T

  8. What the heck?!? My profile info has dissapeared! I worked days on it! :(

    1. Concord
    2. Jokuc


      Happened to mee to once. My profile used to be miles and miles long, now as you can see it's quite short.

  9. YEAH!!! Crystal Mountain Pony con was AWESOME!!!

  10. Swag is for kids. Class is for men.

    1. Vaporeon


      TM 87 is for Pokemon trainers.

  11. You should teach me how to make wallpapers. ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MatrixChicken


      Brisineo is your brother? Cool! You and your bro's vectors are nifty! :3 Anyways, I'd say start with whatever works! What program do you use for vectoring?


      I use a program called Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI. It's not the greatest, and can get on my nerves at times, but it mostly gets the job done.

    3. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      Yes, Brisineo is my older bro, and I am still trying to get my vectors as good as his.


      I use Inkscape for my vectoring, but it does not do well with special effects. I tried using Inkscape to make (kind of) a wallpaper HERE: http://mlpforums.com/topic/45352-beat-shock-oc-vector-experiment/#entry1070872 It didn't turn out that well for me.

    4. MatrixChicken


      That looks awesome! :D Yeah, I've never used inkscape before, so I wouldn't know... :P But anyways, I've also never used Photoshop, but I think a lot of stuff translates over to it from my program. But if you don't have anything like that, I've heard that Gimp can be a pretty good program. You might wanna try a Photoshop free trial, or something, for a more full-featured experience.


      So, what kind of wallpaper are you going for?

  12. 500 brohoofs so far. I think it's time for me to advance to 'squirrel'.

    1. Shiki



      Revert back to blank flank status via magic.

  13. What does 'ponysona' EVEN MEAN????

    1. Jalaton


      I think it's a pony OC with your personality.

    2. Otter


      It's a pony version of yourself.

    3. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      I guess that means Beat Shock is my Ponysona then! :)

  14. Alas, we get to celebrate another year of Celestia raising the sun 365 times! HAPPY 2013 NEW YEAR!!!! XD

    1. Homura Akemi

      Homura Akemi

      Last year it was 366. XD

    2. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      Poor princess...

    3. Homura Akemi

      Homura Akemi

      That's what made it more special. :)

  15. TotesParkGlove - "Parkour for the hardcore!" :D

  16. Well, happy doomsday... Ima watch ponies til the end!!! >:D

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