Yona: Not sick friends get of both nostrils for calling me up with airhorn* Hey Gallus, wait, is that slushie so close to get flu shot already... right...?
Smolder: Hush, turtlepants.
Smolder: *hugs Sandbar*
Sandbar: How could this unfold exactly?
Ocellus: *points at Sandbar*
Gallus: For the last week.
Silverstream: Is she alright?
Gallus: For the chance...
Silverstream: Yona, why are you an airhorn?!
Yona: Yona again.
Yona: Yona hear Smolder screaming--
Smolder: *hugs Silverstream*
Ocellus: *sleeptalking* ...Pharynx... Can we go home? I talking in my body, like, I feel betrayed by Yona hear Smolder got this.
Smolder: *sulking* I told her drinking that an airhorn?!
Sandbar: How could this happen?! I got Ocellus sick friends get of both nostrils for calling me husky when I told her drinking that slushie so close to get run over by Yona hear Smolder got Ocellus got me sick.
Smolder: *points at Sandbar*
Smolder: Hey Gallus, wait, is that an astronaut? It's not Nightmare Night yet!
Sandbar: NO!! Smolder got Ocellus sick friends get me up with Smolder?
Yona: GROUP HUG!! *hugs*
Yona: Changeling friend.
Smolder: *hugs Sandbar*
Ocellus: That's not because I got Ocellus sick friends get run over by my jammies!! They have you shaking?
Sandbar: How could this happen?! I should've roasted you guys.
Smolder: *teary eyed* I gave it a nightgown.
Sandbar: Gallus, nice dress.
Smolder: Hush, turtlepants.
Gallus: Ugh, what's going back to get me husky when I told her drinking that slushie so close to get run over by my sleep again?
Gallus: Ugh, what have you for this?!
Silverstream: Yona, why are you didn't--
Smolder: *points at Sandbar*
Silverstream: *smiles*
Smolder: *hugs Silverstream*
Silverstream: *smiles*
Sandbar: How could this unfold exactly?
Gallus: Uhh, who are you an astronaut? It's not garbage! Changeling not garbage! Changeling friend.
Silverstream: You guys should go home? I wanna get me up with airhorn* Hey Ocellus, wake up.
Ocellus: I got me sick!!
Ocellus: *points at Sandbar*
Ocellus: *points at Sandbar*
Ocellus: That's not Nightmare Night yet!
Sandbar: Gallus, why are you sure you're Smolder?
Ocellus: *giggles* I'm guessing you guys should go home? I don't want you to bedtime would be right back.
Ocellus: What's up for this?!
Silverstream: You OK, Ocellus?
Sandbar: How could this happen?! I told her drinking that an airhorn?!
Gallus: Don't worry, I gave it a bad idea.
Thanks, Markov Text Generator. (You guys want the context for this?)