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Blog Comments posted by FoxyCryptid

  1. Remember how much I complained about YAF, the forums I (along with Feld0 himself and Viscra) used to frequent before coming here? Yeah, they did that a lot, too.

    Got me angry, then blamed everything on me, and me alone; when I suggested to at least share the responsibility, they refused even that. Also accused me of causing drama - while specifically searching for my past posts just to mock them, and continuing to spite me for over 6 pages after my last message (15 posts/page, that's nearly a hundred posts without a word from me).


    ---- WARNING: LONG RANT ----


    There was one particular asshole who'd flame everyone who disagreed with his opinions. Many of the older members took a liking to this habit he called his "pimp hand".

    His bitches (not afraid to call them that because of how much they sucked up to him), called his targets "thin-skinned" for getting offended after persistent flaming and harassment.

    And wouldn't you know, every time he caused another member to lash out and return the favor for once, that member was banned and not him (despite forum rules overtly stating both parties were responsible in case of flame wars).


    I was pretty much the only one who ever had the courage to call him out more than once in a blue moon. For that, I became a "smug dick" and a "drama queen".

    Which is pretty hypocritical, because one time when I reported his obnoxiousness again, one mod told me "You think [username] would ignore you?" That was a pretty good giveaway of their double standard right there - he gets away with anything because it's "him" all the time, but I'm guilty for saying "enough is enough" and deciding to take action.


    I know that feeling all to well, one shithole I was on as a teen had mods so dickish that they'd openly side with the trolls and trouble makers just because it entertained them and they didn't like "new blood" unless they came in kissing ass.


    My issue here is not as violent though, this user just seems to want to disregard all the constructive things I've done on the wiki and act like the few things I've complained about are all I've ever done on there just because one of the things I called useless(the beckel test, for reference) was apparently a pet trope of hers. Nevermind the fact a mod sided with here and closed the Trope Repair Shop thread I started even though several people were in it agreeing something needed done about how the trope was being used on wiki pages. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I have long thought about starting a thread in the debate pit about something similar to that, it seems like a lot of people are raised to believe certain things and often don't question them to such an extent that they just espouse them without even realizing the true implications of them. I used to a hard core liberal but then became a libertarian when I realized that mainstream liberal policies as well as mainstream conservative policies completely and totally contradicted the values I held most dear.


    I feel somewhat the same way, as someone who supports human rights in general(including free speech) the concept of creating artificial peace by banning everything you find offensive or scary(which is what many liberal polices steam from) rubs me the wrong way.


    I also hate the concept of "privilege" and telling people that should feel bad just because that happen to be born into a majority of some kind, it completely derails the message of not being ashamed of how your were born.    

  3. Nice haul!


    Out Of This World (the version I had was 'Another World' for the Atari ST) drove me loco in the coco! I lived in constant fear that a spooky black beast would start chasing me or that I'd get my head stove in by a rock the moment I walked on to a new screen.


    *Very* stressful game... ah but when I finally figured out how to trick the beast in to getting its head stove in... i swear i victory danced for an hour!


    Sounds like an interesting game.

  4. Which Dell models are those? I used to have a 170GL that I bought on eBay for $70 some six years ago or so... never failed me once. Sadly, it was left behind at my old apartment when I moved two months ago. sad.png

    There's like three different ones between them. I haven't gotten far enough into the system to read any manufacture info yet so I just know that this one is a 2.6GHz Pentium 4 system

  5. Indie Horror Games are all to much the same, there plot-lines are those weird metaphorical stories. They have lots of jump scares in dark places. They basically look like they were made at home over a weekend. Which is why I like Big Budget Horror games over Indie Horror.


    True, but I have a soft-spot for cheaply made free/budget games and all their little quirks and flaws.  

  6. Pitch darkness and jump scares are effective, but the game makers starting to rely too much on only that. SCP: Containment Breach, for example, pulls off both rather well, because the jump scares are because of the monsters' unique methods of chasing you, but there are a number of other games where every time you travel twenty meters the game's scripted to flash a bright image on your screen.

    The issue is that you can see something in games like that, when it's so black you can't even navigate there's a problem.

  7. I thought they were for the ones who already brought CS2 only.


    Not that I've seen, they're letting anyone download it and not asking for any key-codes they haven't provided on the page.


    I think that bit in the info may have just been ass-cover of some kind so no-one could deem it abandonware, since it's been like this for months and they haven't bothered to fix it or take steps to restrict downloads.  

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