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Blog Comments posted by FoxyCryptid

  1. Not bad, not bad. And a good deal on getting it with two lenses.


    I kinda wish I had one of the slightly newer rebels. I just have my Rebel XS that can't take video and is a bit grainy. ;P


    Dude, the extra lens it came with is awesome. I was out at the Circus grounds photographing the animals and getting good shots from like 50 feet away because even zoomed all the way in it focuses great on manual.


    I haven't really tested the "stock" 18-55mm lens yet because I like the way the big one handles so well.  

    • Brohoof 1
  2. That Tsuba though just looks hideous man. The sort itself looks fine, but that thing...


    I kind of like it.


    It;s actually that big and gaudy on the real thing as well(as in the show's prop and the official replicas.) I have no idea what's up with that nasty metal washer though. 

  3. Yea lol, it is cool as a wall hanger. And for $17 it doesn't look to to bad.


    Yeah, what ever company made actually did a pretty damn good job from a standpoint of aesthetics and making not actually feel like a rattling piece of shit when you hold it so it's okay for display and just non-abusive handling. 

  4. Well, you, I, and many others know that awkward people generally don't deserve that. I've seen a lot of people like that (remember the bad 50% or so of 4chan I mentioned? Think them.) and I find their mocking juvenile. It's honestly not worth my time nor my effort to even acknowledge them, if that's how they behave.


    and it makes ME feel like the outcast online for not being an asshole. 

  5. I don't think I'm a stronger man than you, because you aren't weak, you're just emotion-driven. They're hitting you in your weak points, and will most likely try doing it again, but you should really try to ignore the unbridled hate that's stacked against us. It isn't going away anytime soon, and if they get to you (which is natural) just realize that you have us at the forums to support you.


    That, and I have bad habit of falling with the bad part of the internet where mocking awkward people runs rampant. 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Don't let the outside pressure get to you, man. I've been picked on for my love of the "Sonic the Hedgehog" franchise for years, and outside perception of our fanbase is pretty rough. But I've been a fan of the Blue Blur since I was four years old, I'm not going to give up now just because of some ignorant people trying to make us look bad, same goes for this show. Why should you care what they think? If they're making you feel this way they're winning! They want to manipulate your emotions in an attempt to make you stop liking the show, because they themselves don't like it for whatever reason (it could be really be anything). Many of these people follow the phrase "Stop liking what I don't like!" and nothing more. So please Shoboni, don't let them get to you, it's exactly what they want.


    You are a stronger man than I, it's been three years since I've really been in that fanbase because the problem portion of it got so bad and I really wasn't getting anything out of it. 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I don't what to say. I don't anyone's beliefs so I can only speak based on my own. I don't recall ever conversing with her but it's always sad to see something like this happen. 


    All I can say is even though it's horrible things had to happen like this, at least what ever pain she must have been in is gone and she's at peace somewhere under a loving creator's watchful eyes and protection. 

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Sometimes I find myself starting to get pulled into this sort of thing too; it's just... so easy. Y'know, looking up stuff about girl power and mental disorders and what not because it's an easy pat on the back to myself as a chick who takes medication from a psychiatrist every day. 


    But it's really harmful and hurtful stuff a lot of the time. I think one time I was reading a blog until this one entry describing a story and saying "Girls will notice the immediate danger here and guys won't because of their privilege" came up. 


    I had to read the explanation.


    Pretty much. People like to girl above that suffer from depression fall into to movements looking for a place to validate themselves and feel like a part of something good, then wind up essentially brainwashed by overloads of scary looking and sounding information into a herd mentality of demonizing and distrusting anyone with views different than their own.


    Granted, SJWs existed long before Tumblr but were never out in the open enough for the mentality to lure others in and become a real and potentially harmful problem until the perfect storm of Tumblr becoming both a wildly popular site and a haven for them happened.


    It's horrifying how the people in thread have drawn so many parallels between the bad side of Social Justice/Tumblr and a cult in both mentality and behavior. One of them even noticed the people that talk about escaping being trapped in that mentality often sound like recovering ex-cult members talking about what they went though.    

    • Brohoof 2
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