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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by EpicMuffinTime

  1. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Anyway, I can't wait for part 5. I hate that it leaves you hanging, an they expect you to wait for a whole week! Why Machinima!? Whhhyyyyyyyy!?
  2. Woohoo! I got a butt load of homework to do! This is so awesome! (Not XP)

  3. I've noticed that a lot of people are coming on the forums less than usual. Am I the only one noticing this?

    1. ParsoOfEquestria


      meh, if I'm not on a game, I'm always here

  4. Heh, no...not Celestia. I know she's like, the main princess and all, but she's not exactly...hugging material...if you want to hug a princess, HUG FRIGGIN LUNA!
  5. Playing Pac-Man on meh laptop :3

  6. Fluttershy! Duh! She is the most inoccent, sweet, and lovable pony in existence. I will never ever ever for never ever change my opinion..even if my life depended on it!
  7. Heeeeeellllllllloooooooo, Colt ^3^. WELCOME TO TEH MLP FORUMS, the best forum site on the web. I see we have another Fluttershy fan! She is my favorite as well. I hope you enjoy your time on here. So, go out and make posts, make friends and enjoy spending your time here on the number one rated brony community. See you on the forums!
  8. Hmm...I wonder if the banner for the forums will change during Halloween/Nightmare Night

  9. I am awake...and stuff...HAI

  10. I know that it's earlier than usual, but I'm beat from school, Jiu-Jitsu, and homework. So, all that being said. GOOD NIGHT, PEOPLE OF THE FORUMS!

  11. Me is the tiredness. I might just go to bed. Soon...soon...

  12. The official release date is November 10. I plan on recording the first episodes on my cable. HRRNNGG! I CAN"T WAIT ANY LONGER! HURRY UP SEASON THREE
  13. Be eating sum Pumpkin Spice Cake meh mom made. Nothing special XP

  14. Yay! Power outage! Good thing me on my laptop :P

    1. ProjectRKA


      The power will run out on that sooner or later, though :P

    2. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Hmph. I'm starting to think this hurricane may never arrive in Virginia. First it was supposed to get here Saturday night/Sunday morning, then it got pushed back to Sunday evening, then noon today, and now midnight. At this point I'm not concerned at all about losing power or anything.

  15. My computer is being so friggin slow >:o

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  16. Right now I'm home alone. I don't know why, but for some reason I feel like I'm being watched

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      I am not standing behind you right now.

  17. Time to eats teh nibbles (lunch)

  18. *Yawn* Good night, people of the forums!

  19. I've been a brony for two years now. I've kept it secret from my friends and family for 22 months. When I told them, their reaction was a basic "Meh." I mean, yeah, they were cool with it. Eventually most of my friends became bronies. Now everyone at my school knows. Basically, all I got was a "that's pretty cool" or a "meh, seems legit." :3
  20. Wow. It's been a while since I've been on here, let's try not to make it a habit XP

    1. NavelColt


      Indeed. One should not simply 'forgot about MLPForums'.

  21. Well, ahm hurting and ahm tired, I think its time I go to bed. GOOD NIGHT

  22. Carving pumpkins in school. So fun ^3^

    1. Tyger


      Lucky you. xD

  23. My computer is being super slow :/

  24. My computer is being super slow :/

  25. I am tired...very, very tired...that could only mean one thing...GOOD NIGHT!

    1. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Goodnight and sweet dreams comrade.

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