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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Lost Profile

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Everything posted by Lost Profile

  1. shade looked at the ground trying to pice things together, but she wasnt getting any ideas. she took one last sip and saw how sombra was defeted by spike and princess cadenes. she still didnt get anything she needed to know. "come on midnight, lets keep finding things." she said. _________________ villan looked at his queen, he watched her walk slowly. "speaking of changeling, what are your subjects doing?" he asked.
  2. shade hugged midnight as soon as she knew he was out of the vision, "are you ok? what did you see?" she asked hoping midnight wasnt traumatized by whatever he saw. ___________ villan glanced at discord, "well then... when this is over, why dont you look for some griffins? or dragons... or more of you things..." he said smirking.
  3. shade took a gulp of the white potion, she saw many things that twilight sparkle did in the past, but nothing that helped. she turned to midnight and said, "maybe you should try, you qualify as an alicorn more then i do." she said passing the potion to him. ______________ villan face hoofed before following discord.
  4. shade nodded, "im fine, but i saw something... about your mother, but it didnt tell me anything about where she is now. maybe i need to do it again." she said taking another sip. she froze in place and saw the seen where discord was turned into stone for the first time and about his plan to steal energy from some tree in the everfree forest. she came back and said, "well... thats something i didnt know, that must be where the elements of harmony dissapeared to... but still im not seeing anything thats helping us." she said ____________ villan didnt know what to do, but he had an idea on what sombra might do... "we need to find shade and the crystal ponies, who knows what he might do to them." he said.
  5. shade looked at midnight, she patted his head and said "only one way to find out." dark magic charged on her horn then she blasted the potion, the potion started to turn white. she looked at it and put it to her mouth slowly, she finally took a sip of the potion. she waited some time looking at midnight then finally said, "i guess it dosnt do..." being cut off by a flash of white light. she found herself in some castle, she didnt know what was going on but then she saw luna step out from the shadows. "Luna! there you are! me and midnight where worried sick about you!" she said, but something was wrong, luna seemed to be acting like herself, then she turned into nightmare moon and started to destroy the castle. shade had no idea what was going on, it was all too confusing, then she realized that she was seeing a vision from the past, when nightmare moon was sent to the moon, the vision ended and she was looking at midnight. "what happened to me?" she asked. ____________ villan was shocked to see discord get kicked so hard and yet, still stand. "now what do we do?" he asked

  7. shade entered one house, it looked very messy. thigs where all over the floor and there was broken glass everywhere. but then shade entered a room and saw a glass bottle with purple glowing stuff in it with a note. "midnight! i think i found something" she called out. she took the note and read it, only alicorns may turn the potion white and receive answers that they seek. she figured alicorn magic would be able to turn the potion white, but didnt know if she should do it. _______________ villan looked at the green goo starting to fail slowly, he swallowed and backed away even more. "what is he going to do with us?" he said as he knew that the green goo wasn't sticky any more.
  8. shade looked at the ground and tried to see if she could teleport down there some where, but it was impossable, there was too much dark magic. she simply sighed and kept walking seeing if she could find anything. she walked into some of the crystal ponies homes. she didnt know if she would find anything, but she though that it was worth a look. __________________________ villan looked at discord and the king a little bit woried, "um... i dont think we should stay here... changeling spit may be sticky, but it dosnt last forever." he said backing up slowly.
  9. shade waited for midnight to catch up then she put her hoof around him and continued outside the castle to go look for all the crystal ponies and luna... and others... she didnt know where to start looking. she pulled out her element ans put it on her head. then pulled out the crystal hart to see if it would help in anyway. "where should we start looking?" she asked. villan decided to let shade go on her own with midnight, she seemed a bit stressed. so he would just stay with discord and watch the king.
  10. shade started to growl, "fine, the hard was is chosen... once i find and free everypony youve trapped, im blasting you back into shadows." she said turning around heading out the castle to go look for luna and any other pony trapped underground. villan didnt know if he should follow shade or not, things seemed complicated.
  11. shade glanced at discord for a second, then turned back to sombra. "tell me where they are!" she said as her voice seemed to sound more evil. shade was loosing control of herself, and she could feel it; but she was so lost in anger that she didnt care that she was loosing control of herself. villan didnt know why shade wasnt blasting sombra and ending this chaos right away... he knew it wasnt going to be as simple as that, but maybe shade is holding back because she dosnt have the power she needs.
  12. shade spat sticky green goo on king sombra to help discord keep him in one place, she then picked up midnight and glared at the evil king. "what have you done with them!" she yelled at the king. "TELL ME NOW" she yelled with echoes. villan blinked as shade was yelling, but he continued to keep his horn ready.
  13. shade got by midnights side and huged him. it had been some time since she had last seen the pony midnight, "midnight" she said hugging him villan begun charging his horn so he will be able to attack if he had to do so, things where really getting chaotic.
  14. what chrysalis said, shade knew that what she ment by that was that celestia went to protect canterlot. "well... ok... so... what about... um..." shade was tired and she really just wanted to sleep because she couldent think strait. "ok shade, now that your back, it time to dispose this darkness..." villan said, "oh,,, right... um..." shade said but she didnt know how to do that.
  15. shade was so happy to be back in the world where she was suppost to be... but right away she knew that it wasnt the time to throw a party. "what happened here?" she asked. "i think sombra was attacking when we left to look for you." villan said. "where's celestia?" shade asked
  16. shade stepped through the portal, villan looked at the world behind him and wondered where he was, as in the this worlds version of him. he had a good guess about where he was but dismissed it as he just wanted to get back to equestria. he stepped through the portal waiting to save the day. shade was finally back in her pony body and was glad to have all her powers back! but she was a bit drowsy getting use to being a pony again.
  17. shade had a quick chill in the back of her spine, "well... ok... if we half to..." she said. villan thought for a moment and walked towards the statue that was originally the portal. he tapped his hand on it, and there where small waves that rippled from it. "i dont think thats necessary." he said. "shade... if you can fit your element through the portal, you maybe able to open it from here." he said. shade sprang towards the portal, "thats a much better idea! much better than swimming around trying to find the other portal." she said. she then tried to shove her element of chaos through the portal, it took a bit of time but it opened somehow. "wow... it opened! seems like it picked up some power! from us being together." she said cheerfully. "well then, we should get back to equestria now!" she added. villan nodded and smiled, *sometimes, love can come from somepony you least expect.* he thought.
  18. "moved?" shade asked... "well, thats not much of a problem, we just need to go through the new portal... right?" she asked. "slight problem..." villan stepped in. "we dont know where the portals exact location is, because when we went through it... we kind of ended up in the ocean. "oh... the ocean?... well... um... thats a problem... ha...ha..." shade said with a nervous tone. "well... iv been trying to open the portal from here with my element of chaos... but i havent had any luck with it." she added.
  19. shade ran and jumped to hug discord, "iv missed you so much!" she said hugging discord tightly. villan nodded and smiled, "good to have you back shade!" he said. "how did you guys open the portal?" she asked. she couldent wait to be able to return to equestria so she could fly and use magic and mainly become a pony again.
  20. villan nodded, "indeed. its just that she was confused and lost, there's more to her banishment then what was told... but i dont know what it was. but i guess she just wants to help equestria now." he said. ____________________ shade nodded and walked out of the cafe and out of site, then human shade got up and walked past midnight, "like i said, il be seeing you soon." she said walking out of the cafe and in a different direction then pony shade. with a grin on her face, human shade knew how she was going to break discord out of jail. pony shade smiled as she was walking, she was going towards the statue to see if she could find discord and the others. it wasnt a long walk but it took some time for shade to get to the statue. and in the distance, she saw discord and villan. she ran with her arms out towards them. "HEY GUYS!!!" she yelled.
  21. villan sat down on the curve and sighed hoping that shade will turn up soon. he then looked at discord, "how do you see shade?" he asked. _____________ shade pretended to not notice luna with her question and hugged midnight back. "dont worry, a part of me will always be close by." she said about to get up and walk out of the cafe to look for discord.
  22. villan didnt know what to do, "maybe we should just wait here until we see her. shes bound to walk by sometime soon." he suggested. ___________ pony shade walked out of the washroom and went back and sat down beside midnight. "i... um... midnight, i gotta go home now... but, il be seeing you sometime soon." she said to midnight. human shade walked out of the washroom and made herself visible by sitting in a both behind luna.
  23. funny... just this morning i turned on my TV... (that is a rare sight now a days) it was a classic situation of nothing being on... i was clicking through the channels and i stopped on sesame street and watched that for a good 30min... i dont know why i stopped and watched it but i did...
  24. my friend from last bronycon has already registered as a diamond sponcer! as for me... im still seeing if i can dig out the money for a diamond, but even if im not a diamond, im still gonna go again! last year... i was platinum! AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!!
  25. 6 changelings are needed? well look no further for i am the owner of the first ever changeling OC! (or... so i think) XD here is the link to her: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shade-bluewind-r1510
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