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private One Piece: Yarr Edition RP! (Go to the planning page to join)

Sugar Cuddles

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When the ship started moving, Lume immediately tensed up and became completely motionless. While her new colleagues looked around, she just stood there staring at the wooden floor of the deck - for if she dared to glance at the moving ocean around them, she would most likely get dizzy and even throw up. If at least she hadn't neglected her case of seasickness before joining a pirate crew. But it was too late now, and she would have to get used to it.


"I think I'll check the inside..." She told them in a shaky voice and, with slow, heavy hoofsteps, she began making her way towards the cabins, where she would take her time to breathe and calm down.

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Lollipop squeaked and followed Lume, "Sounds like a mighty fine idea. Maybe they forgot to remove some valuables" She said before searching through the inside. She was pleased when she saw a door with a sign with the words "Captain's Quarters" written on it. "Hay yes! That is awesome." She said before looking inside and noticing a king  sized bed. She let out a loud squee "Finally I feel like a captain that is worth something!" She said with enthusiasm before turning back to Lume. "How's you and Frost's quarters looking?" 

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"Ye can drop the 'Frost'-bit now, as we are no longer needed to hide ye know." he said, poking his head into the captain's room.


"And I found a nice, dark and cool spot underneath deck, and it has plenty of space for me and my wings... Got a couple of cannons down there though, but I will manage." he continued, looking down a trap door.

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"My quarter is fine, yes... Thank you..." She responded, still a little dizzy. The cabin Lume had found for herself was considerably smaller than the Captain's quarters, clearly. But it was still cozy and small enough so she wouldn't feel as sick from the boat's rocking. Inside the room, she unpacked everything from her bag: several books and journals, some basic remedies, a few personal belongings and her trusty pocket knife. After she took a pill of the seasickness medication and was feeling better, she walked out.


"Underneath the deck?..." She asked, walking back to the corridor where North and the Captain were. She was eager to explore the ship as well, but at the same time, she was afraid of wandering around while the ship was in motion. In any case, she would do things slowly. She approached the door to the Captain's quarters and politely knocked on it.


"By the way, uh... Captain? I don't think I got your name yet..."

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"Lollipop's the name." she said, almost doing a pose as she introduced herself. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mirror to look into... The run we had really messed up my mane..." she continued before walking back into her quarters.



He turned to Lume.

"Aye, underneath deck... Me eyes be bad in broad daylight, and I like to have it cool, so underneath deck is a perfect place for me. Now I just need something to lie on, and my back will be fine..." he said, as he looked through the few other rooms they had for something to use as a mattress.

Edited by Zhooves
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"Captain Lollipop, yes?...Well, nice to meet you then!" Lume said with a bright smile. She wasn't sure on how her duty as a pirate would turn out to be, but she sure wanted to find out. North Light and Lollipop seemed like nice ponies - much unlike the ruffian, villain-type sea bandits from the stories she used to read. Aside from the experience, she just hoped to make some good money out of the many treasures hidden across the Blue Sea. After all, that was her main intent.


She then turned to North. "Oh, I'll help you out! There should be a mattress or something like that inside one of these cabins... Although you'd probably already need two mattresses, only for your wings!" She chuckled, absentmindedly joking about his large, unusual size.


"...Sorry. That was... I didn't mean to..."

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Lollipop trotted back out from her quarters fully suited up. She had fixed her mane into a ponytail, adjusted her hat accordingly. "Alright, I just want to remind you Lume, that people typically die trying to cross the Grand Line.  If you want to turn back, we can drop you off at the line itself" She said, wanting to give her one last chance before they made it over there.

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She then turned to North. "Oh, I'll help you out! There should be a mattress or something like that inside one of these cabins... Although you'd probably already need two mattresses, only for your wings!" She chuckled, absentmindedly joking about his large, unusual size.   "...Sorry. That was... I didn't mean to..."


"Did not mean to what? Point out me size?" he begun looking at her with a slightly worried expression.


"There is nothing to be worried about really. My size have often kept me out of unneeded fights... In fact, I pretty much take pride in it." he said, giving her a light smile, before walking up to her and surrounding her with his wings. "These big wings, and this big body of mine, I will use to protect any friend I can, so you should actually have less to worry about." he continued, before backing off a little bit,


"And aye, two mattresses sounds good." he finished, giving her another smile.

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"There is nothing to be worried about really. My size have often kept me out of unneeded fights... In fact, I pretty much take pride in it." he said, giving her a light smile, before walking up to her and surrounding her with his wings. "These big wings, and this big body of mine, I will use to protect any friend I can, so you should actually have less to worry about." he continued, before backing off a little bit,   "And aye, two mattresses sounds good." he finished, giving her another smile.


Lume blushed slightly at the embrace of North's wings.


"Heheh... I see..." She sheepishly said. She wasn't very much expecting that kind of reaction from him, since she's usually spited due to those unnecessary, sometimes harmful jokes. Either way, she was relieved that he didn't get mad.


"So two mattresses it is!"


"Alright, I just want to remind you Lume, that people typically die trying to cross the Grand Line. If you want to turn back, we can drop you off at the line itself"


Looking somewhat surprised, she then turned to Lollipop.


"N-no! I've made my decision. I'll help you guys out with... whatever you're trying to accomplish. In return, all I ask for is a portion of the treasures we find along the way." She said, reassuring her motives. "I definitely don't want to be a burden, though... As I said before, you two look like nice ponies. So I'm looking forward to an enjoyable journey!" She concluded with a bright smile.


"But, um... Captain... If you don't mind me asking, why are we headed towards the Grand Line? Don't tell me you're after... One Piece?"

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Lollipop turned to Lume and giggled a bit. "Ding ding. That's exactly what I'm looking for. Once I get my hooves on that beautiful ship's treasure, you'll have more than enough to do whatever you want to do." She paid with a overly confident smile. "Besides, we are more powerful than we appear deary. You probably haven't even seen my strength yet. Frost only showed off a minor bit of his strength too. You are safe ish with us." She said, not wanting to promise something she couldn't keep, knowing there is really really really strong ponies after the line.

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"Aye, I can do more. And I be sure that ye will get something else out of our adventure than what ye want and need as well - some fun, action, relief, distress and maybe some hilarities and other things are bound to come our way as well." he said, lifting his head a little as he spoke.

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Lume was left speechless. She wasn't sure how to feel sailing to a mysterious, dangerous place such as the Grand Line and beyond. Undoubtedly, the inestimable value of the Pirate King's treasure would be more than enough to buy her family an entire new island to live in. Yet, she had heard only rumors about the One Piece - there wasn't concrete evidence that it really existed. It's not that she doubted the strength of North Wind and Lollipop, but it seemed like a risk too great to take. She was evidently uneasy. However, she wouldn't disappoint her new crewmates.


"You're right..." She began talking to the two. "I'm sure this will be an unforgettable journey. I know it's not going to be easy, and that's why I promise to give my best for you guys." She lifted her head with a bright smile decorating her feature.


"I'm counting on you! So, I want you to count on me as well!"

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@@Lume WMj,


@@Sugar Cuddles,


Suddenly, you all hear a thumping noise, ccoming from the storage room. The thumping continues for a while, along with a muffled voice.


The door comes flying off with the distinct whistle of a firework. It then explodes into a shower of light and color, and out comes a stallion with a large, rifle-like device.


He has a khaki coat with a dark brown mane, and he has a pair of copper-rimmed goggles strapped onto his forehead. He also has a bowtie, for some reason. He also has a pair of gauntlets on, which seem to have hands, like a minotaur.


He then pulls out a paper rocket, stuffing it into the gun, and starts to wave it around in your general direction(s), shouting in a British accent;

"Nopony move! I have a... Sort-of-rocket launcher, and I'm not afraid to use it! I won't be anypony's hostage, especially not Fierce Hook's!"

He, obviously, thinks that the late Captain Hook has captured him.

Edited by Roac
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Lollipop rolled her eyes and stepped forward. She knew she could deflect the rocket if she concentrated a bit. "Easy now, Fierce is behind bars now. Though his mates won't be too happy about the fact that we turned him in, that's for sure" She said, standing in front of the others, ready to protect them the best she could in case he was mad enough to fire at them. "Who are you?"

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@@Sugar Cuddles,


You hear the disembodied noise of somepony playing a piano, and the pony raises his hoof, ending the sound with a discordant note.


"Yes, I know that this would be the perfect time for an introductory song, but I am holding a firework gun."


He rests the gun against the wall and introduces himself with a bow.


"My name is Johnathan M. Rivet, but you may simply call me Rivet. I am a scientist, and..."


The piano starts up again, giving you a moment to facehoof before he starts singing.


♪I am the very model of a modern Major-General,

I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical

From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,

I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,

About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news, *pauses to think of rhyme*

With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse!


I'm very good at integral and differential calculus;

I know the scientific names of beings animalculous:

In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I am the very model of a modern Major-General.


In fact, when I know what is meant by "mamelon" and "ravelin",

When I can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a javelin,

When such affairs as sorties and surprises I'm more wary at,

And when I know precisely what is meant by "commissariat",

When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern gunnery,

When I know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery –

In short, when I've a smattering of elemental strategy – *pauses again to find a rhyme*

You'll say a better Major-General has never sat a gee!


For my military knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,

Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;

But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I am the very model of a modern Major-General!♪

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As he heard the sound of a door breaking down, the following flash blinded him bad. As soon as this happened, he moved towards whatever it was a bit, and held a wing up in front of Lume, as an extra means of protection, as his fur and feathers grew thicker and icier for a moment.


"The Hook-guy we captured? We be not him, or of his crew..." he said, seeming a little confused at the scene he made as he introduced himself.

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Once a loud - and for some reason, colorful - explosion blasted away the storage door, Lume jumped in fright and immediately hid behind North and Lollipop. From out of the smoke created by the explosion, showed up a mysterious pony wielding what appeared to be a rocket launcher. After he mentioned somepony called Fierce Hook, he began singing his introduction.


"W-w-what? Who are... Why??" She stuttered while still trying to understand what was happening, and still a bit shaky from the scare. "Y-you could have blown a hole in the ship with that thing!! What the hay were you thinking??" She then became angry.

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As he heard the sound of a door breaking down, the following flash blinded him bad. As soon as this happened, he moved towards whatever it was a bit, and held a wing up in front of Lume, as an extra means of protection, as his fur and feathers grew thicker and icier for a moment.


"The Hook-guy we captured? We be not him, or of his crew..." he said, seeming a little confused at the scene he made as he introduced himself.

"Well, thank you for politely introducing you and your frien--"


The odd earth pony gasps comically and teleports to the frosty stallion


"You must have eaten one of those Dragon Fruits! Oooooo, it's so rare to find a living specimen!!! Do you mind if I ran a few tests on you?" *squee*

Once a loud - and for some reason, colorful - explosion blasted away the storage door, Lume jumped in fright and immediately hid behind North and Lollipop. From out of the smoke created by the explosion, showed up a mysterious pony wielding what appeared to be a rocket launcher. After he mentioned somepony called Fierce Hook, he began singing his introduction.


"W-w-what? Who are... Why??" She stuttered while still trying to understand what was happening, and still a bit shaky from the scare. "Y-you could have blown a hole in the ship with that thing!! What the hay were you thinking??" She then became angry.

The pony then teleports to Lume and starts talking in an extremely fast, rapid-fire way.


"You'reconfusedbecauseyoudon'tknowmeandI'monyourshipandIblewupthedoorandstartedsingingandnowI'mtalkingreallyfast? Well, let me explain!"


"I was stuck in a barrel downstairs, but it was easy to get out when I woke up. But, the door was locked and I couldn't pick the lock, not even with magic! Sooo, I took some stuff that was lying around and made a Dragon Rifle, and you know what happened after that! *giggle*

As for the singing, I don't know why, really. I just really wanna sing sometimes. Some ponies say it's because I'm a lot like my cousin, Pinkie Pie, and others say it's because I belong in a mental hospital..."


He pauses and puts a hoof to his chin.


"... Then again, the same ponies who say that I'm crazy also can't read... Huh. Food for thought, I guess."

Edited by Roac
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