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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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Raze looked around, still surprised at himself for finding something like this. He took a look at all the stuff lying around once again, examining the various tools and books that he used to research various forms of magic. He sighed, then sat next to White Rose, wrapping a hoof around her.


"So, what do you think?" he said to her. "Some lab, huh? And it's in the last place anyone would expect it to be too..."

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((woah, it was really quiet, then everyone decided to post at once.))


Hurricane watched as the group disappeared inside the lab. she flew up and grabbed a white, fluffy cloud from the sky and brought it down slightly closer to the ground. She was still within the barrier that Clover provided. she settled herself onto the cloud and made herself comfortable. After she lied down, she started to ask herself questions. Why are you even here? she wondered. Nopony here likes you or wants you here. They think you know nothing and have no skill. I'll show them. I'll show them that they should never underestimate the power of a hurricane. she thought to herself. Then she looked down at her onyx collar and smiled before she rested her head and closed her eyes.

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Bliss blushed brightly as Everlast called her in a more formal name. "You don't have to call me that, you could just call me Blissy if it helps," she smiled and finished her apple before tucking down on her sleeping back, laying on her belly with her legs tucked underneath. "What do you want to ask me?"

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Blaze took a few steps towards the entrance of the lab and looked down the stairs, "Eh, not feelin' it", he said. Blaze unwrapped his sword and put it into the ground, after he laid himself down on the grass next to the opening of the statue. Blaze cleared his mind and began trying to drift off into sleep.

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Clover checked the wards one last time, then lay down to go to sleep. She sighed; despite everything, she didn't hate Hurricane, but she despaired of ever being able to get thru to the pegasus mare. She seemed determined to think the worst of alicorns and simply would not listen to reason. Clover wished that there was a way to get thru to Hurricane, so that their journey would be one of teamwork and companionship, not a perceived group with one outsider sniping at the group and refusing to respond to any overtures of friendliness. Why was she that way, anyway? Clover would have liked to ask, but feared that she'd get nothing back but nastiness for her concern.

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Hurricane listened as everypony's voice began to fade as they went deeper inside the lab. Then she heard a pony offering to stay outside. It grabbed Hurricane's attention and she peered over her cloud bed to see Blaze asleep on the ground. She wondered why a royal alicorn would want to sleep on the ground. She figured she may as well help the guy out. She rolled her eyes and she flew down to Blaze. Hurricane saw that he was obviously trying to sleep. She tapped his shoulder trying to get his attention. "Pssst, wouldn't you much rather sleep on a cloud." she suggested to him. "They're much more comfortable than the ground and the air is cooler and fresher. But hey, if you wanna lay here in the grass like a bug, be my guest."


((Ok, before any ideas start to form in your heads, I am NOT trying to create any romance between Hurricane and Blaze.))

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((@, Too late, ideas are forming in my head. Now lets see how many times I can cram you two in the same space over the course of of the roleplay. Deferring to the ideas of the (de-facto) DM, of course.))


((You're going to try to take over the game and turn it into some cheesy ship roleplay,, aren't you?))


((Hahaha... no, I'm not. Why would you think that? Now go away, Ix.))


White sighed. "Yeah, this place is quite amazing." Looking around at the ponies gathered in various places, she sighed. "Well, we need to figure out where we are going and plan a route. We're probably going to want to stop in a city or two on the way there, if only for supplies, and we might encounter other ponies who are interested along the way."

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"Yeah, we'll do that soon enough," Raze said holding her close to him and pulling out Starswirl's map for both of them to see. "Now, let's see here... after getting past the Diamond Dogs' territory, the closest city to us will be... Manehattan. We could find some useful supplies there, and possibly end up staying there for a night or two. What do you think?" he said to White.


((OOC: Did I mention I'm basing this off of someone's map of Equestria? On the internet?))

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Blaze kept his eyes closed, "Hard and soft surfaces don't bother me either way, I got use to rigid surfaces a while ago." Blaze shifted his head a bit on his hooves to get a bit more comfortable. His sword began to glow, everything in the general area got a little bit warmer, just perfect temperature for Blaze. "I'm comfortable right here," he added.


(((OOC: Oh I get it, not good enough for Hurricane, ok I see fine))


(((Jk, whatever man, it's your character, u control it however u want)))

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@@Lightning Bliss

"I was wondering If you could tell me about yourself as an alicorn, Mainly, how it all began. Today you stand before me as the princess of peace. Forgive me for eavesdropping, but I overheard you mention marriage to a dragon in a time of crisis. Would you mind telling me more of that time?" 

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((@,It's not me, it's you. lol jk :P ))

Hurricane was surprised by Blaze's sword. "That's new." she said to herself. Then she turned her attention back to Blaze. "Well suit yourself." she said. "Have fun in your little heated dome." Hurricane had to admit the heat was pretty cool and comfortable. She flew back up to her cloud and lied down. She couldn't help but notice that Blaze was different than the other ponies. He was the only one she could actually tolerate.

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"Well..." she sighed a bit having to go down the story again, personal as it was. "It happened on the day of mine and my husband's marriage. Yes... he is a dragon. He's son of Prya, the matriarch of the Northern Wyvern Clans, outside the Crystal Empire." She explained a bit before moving on, "we met, or well... I met him after a horrible night at the Grand Galloping Gala. My mother saved up as much as she could to buy me a ticket to go there because I had a dream of finding my true love, back when I was a Pegasus. So I flew all the way from Appleloosa to Canterlot for the Gala, hoping to meet that special connection. Instead I was rediculed for being a cheap mule with ugly ears and a tail."


She sighed a bit thinking how hurtful the fancy class pair of ponies insulted her without remorse, quickly shifting it to the better portion. "Anyways I flew out of the Gala cause I saw some lights in the sky, like the Northern Lights. I followed them, and they turned out to been made by a dragon, who would become my husband. He and I connected in a way that... I didn't fully understand... To me he was my perfect equal, my balance...My moon to my sun...my fire to my water...Anyways ahem," she cleared her throat and blushed, "we wanted to get married but his mother found out about it. She was pure dragon...like him, and found ponies disgusting or unworthy...a simple meal if they were to run out of gems. She sent dragons after us to eat me heh... But then we got help from an unlikely source, the Gryphon Empire.


They realized alot of dragons were flying in from the North and it was stirring up problems with their domesticated terrorist force known as the Pure Gryphon Force, PGF. They saw the dragon movement and our marriage as a sign that ponies and dragons were uniting together in this union, to create a stronger army to invade their lands. But the Empress knew that wasn't the case, and to keep her people in check, she offered help with her army, to host our wedding on their own territory, in a sacred place. At the time they just called it the Gryphon Sacred Grounds. The Empress Nortica, believed Prya and her brood wouldn't follow us there, thinking the dragons thought it to be cursed....but we were wrong." She sighed a bit and curled up under her blankets before moving on, "Prya along with two other leading dragons attacked, forcnig the gryphon Empire to defend...it was the beginnings of a war...and our marriage was to blame... Then something happened in the midst of the battle. There was so much pain...fear and death...why? I didn't understand why...cause to me...we all had these pains, fears and angers...didn't that not make us equals? Then in a blind shock of fear, I flew up to stop the battle between Prya and one of the remaining gryphons. And something happened..."


She streatched out her wings and rubbed her eyes, feeling sleep was slowly creeping in. "The the sacred grounds seemed to react to my wanting for peace and equality...and shot forth a brilliant light, that somehow was extended out through me like an outlet...creating an atomsphere of peace and tranquility...Prya and Nortica saw through their fears and hate...realizing they were missing a great opprotunity with this marriage...and this union between dragons and gryphons. They formed a treaty and peace was restored...Only then finally were me and my husband finally able to wed. And when we kissed...that feeling I had...that connection I had with Nights became realized within me... We were one, equals, and we were married in a time of peace...the joy of realizing sucha notion...was the happiest feeling in my life, and that light burned within me when I realized it. Then that light suddenly burst off my forehead..." her sentence trailed off into astonishment and annoyance slightly, "wrapped itself around me and threw me into this dimension...I saw my father there congradulating me...and Celestia...who told me I understood it all...the meaning of peace and equality...After that I reappeared back in our world...only to find I now had a horn and golden hooves."

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Raze sighed, and put the map away. "In any case, we should focus on getting past Diamond Dog territory first. Then we can worry about getting supplies and new ponies to join us. For now though, I think I'm gonna get some shuteye." He took out his sleeping bag, and stuffed himself in it. "Goodnight, love," he said to White, kissing her before closing his eyes.

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@@Lightning Bliss

"You said your father was there? He was there at the time of your ascension? What is his name?" Everlast quickly flipped through the pages of the tome, then turned to the smaller notebook and did the same. After repeating this process a few times, flipping back and forth through the pages, he closed the books, stacked them neatly by the pile of Starswirl's relics he collected, and got up.


"Well, If today, only our first day on the road is any indication of what is to come, we are going to need our rest. So, if you don't mind, I will take my leave now." With that, Everlast returned to his space in the lab and laid down. He reached for a paper in the pile and began to glance through Starswirl's notes, thinking more of his own research than whatever may be on the ancient report in front of him.


'Four powers and then a fifth. Three fives and then the one.' I hate it when numbers don't add up. Getting closer at least. Think, I didn't even know there were more beyond the four ruling alicorn princesses... And today, I find myself in the presence of three more. This may add up to something after all. Four powers, I already assume that would be the four princess rulers, each with their own seat of power... If I just keep patching the new ones in there over time... Definitely getting closer. 

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"His name was..." she tried to speak as one single tear fell down her cheek, then quickly sniffed back her emotion and replied, "his name was Fire Strength... Good night Everlast.." Not sure whether or not she made it clear to the unicorn that her father was dead...she nodded to him as he left to get some sleep, then tucked herself more into her sleeping bag as well. "Good night everypony."


She yawned and slowly gazed at the lab scenery waiting for sleep to come for her. There were sevearl artifacts of books, notes and quills scattered about the place, an assorment of maps that were dangling off the walls as well, not really making much sense to her. So...this is the lab of the legendary Star Swirl the Bearded...I wonder what he was like in real life, she thought to herself, he may not have been an alicorn...but he knew a hundred times more magic then I could ever imagine...could he have helped a wrecked princess like me? She yawned heavily, the day had been long and threatening and sleep was coming quicker then she anticipated. Best not worry about what you can and can't do Blissy, she pet talked herself, get some sleep...tomrrow is a new day. She curled up more under her covers, her ears sticking out like a rabbits.

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Raze slowly opened his eyes, as he woke up. He looked at the open door leading outside; there was a ray of light shining into the dark lab, signifying that it was morning. He got up, rolled his sleeping bag up, and waited for everyone else to wake up so they could continue their journey.

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Hurricane was tossing and turning around on her cloud bed. She was obviously dreaming. In her mind, she was fighting a fierce dragon. In reality, she was turning about, twitching every so often, and the occasional mumble. after about 5 minutes of this, she eventually rolled herself off of the cloud and fell toward the ground and landed with a loud SMACK!, but immediately sprung up and crouched down in a fighting position. She checked her surroundings looking for danger. Also to make sure no one saw what had just happened. Hurricane then realized it was early morning and groaned. "Five more minutes." she complained to herself.

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Everlast awoke on a hard floor and laid there for a few seconds until he remembered where he was. He rolled over and into the pile of papers he went through last night. He got up a little groggy and began putting all of the notes he thought could be useful in his pack. 


I'll be back for the rest. Now that I know where this is. I'll grab it all on the return trip. So much knowledge, how did one wizard have enough time for all of this? Wasn't there three alicorns in this party? I'll interview the last one later. I've got time it seems and I've made progress.

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Clover soon awoke from a peaceful sleep. She took down the wards as soon as everypony had awoken; none of them had been breached or even touched in any way, but she was glad she'd put them up. Better to be safe rather than sorry! Clover went to find a place to wash and found a small pond. She washed her face, combed her mane carefully and ate some apples, then she went back to the lab to meet with the others prior to leaving.

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One of her floppy ears managed to make itself stand upright on her head as she slept through the night. The cool morning wind blew through the lab door as the others were getting up, making her ear twitch annoingly before finally it forced her to rise her head up and shake it, then like a dog, scratched her ear aggressivly to stop the annoying itch. Gah...nice way to wake up in the morning, she moaned to herself as she got up to roll her sleeping bag up. "Good morning everypony," she smiled to them as she trotted out of the lab and headed to the same pond where Clover had gone to, to wash up.


Looking left and right, not wanting to be disturbed from a much needed bath, she trotted into the water and spread her wings out to soak in the morning and cool sweet blue water. "Ahhh...much better, last thing I need is bed head and stinky feathers." She hated her mane being greasy after two days with no wash, and she could feel the grind in between her wings which made her feel more self concious. After a few mintues of treading water and completely submerging herself under the water for a few seconds, she slowly walked out and shook the water off her mane and tail. Then vigorsly flapped her wings as fast as she could for an instant drying. The flapping was so intense she could help but rear up on her hind legs to help mantain her balance.


Finally satisfied with being dry, she teleported her belongings out of the lab to meet right at her feet, then levitated her saddle bags and sleeping bag onto her back and waited for the others. @@Pripyat Pony, "Good morning Clover," she spotted the friendly alicorn mare as she finished taking down her wards. @, she trotted past Hurricane quickly, not wanting to make eye contact or annoy the pegasus in anyway. "Hope you slept well? I fell like I slept like a rock."

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@@Lightning Bliss, "I did, thanks," Clover replied, feeling much better for her wash. "I just took the wards down, now that we're all awake, but I think I'll put them back up next time we make camp. They make me feel so much more secure about sleeping. Nothing attacked the wards, by the way."

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Hurricane was still really sleepy and knew she had to wake herself up. She flew up into the sky and started to clear the sky by flying around, bucking and flying into the clouds. Then she finished off by doing flips and dodging tree showcasing her amazing agility. she flew past the group outside sending a rush of wind toward them. Then she finally landed on the ground where she had started. "That was refreshing." she said with a wide smile.

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Blaze was still far asleep, he had a tendency to sleep late and drown out any noise around him. In his mind, there was darkness, solid and over growing darkness. He didn't like it, he hated dreams like this that he could never seem to get grasp of. He saw a glimmer of light which seemed to be coming from a small fire. He walked towards it, and as he drew closer to the fire it started to get warmer and warmer, he started to sweat. Then a laughter started to ring out, a laughter he knew all to well. "No. No leave me the hell alone!"


In reality Blaze was thrashing around on the ground frantically, murmuring to himself in small sequences.

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Hurricane heard the sound of something or somepony struggling. she turned around to see blaze clearly having some nightmare. "Guess you better be the hero." she said to herself. She flew over to Blaze and started to lightly kick him. "C'mon, get up Blaze." she said in an irritated tone. She quickly grew impatient. "WAKE UP!" she yelled.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


"Oh that's good," she sighed with relief at Clover, "well, I guess I would be curious as how to make wards... But I think that's a little too advanced on my first magic lesson from you isn't it?" She squeed a bit before continuing, "Anyways I was thinking, since it's a nice morning, the others are still stretching and waking up. Maybe you'd like to get in your first offical flying lesson with me? That way after your first try, you can teach me one of your lessons!"


@, @,


Just then she heard what sounded like cries coming behind her, and turned to see Blaze was kicking frantically in his sleep, with Hurricane already on the scene trying to wake him up. "Um um..." she quickly darted back to the pound and grabbed a smiliar large leave as described from yesterday, pulled up a heap of water and carried it back. "Watch out Hurricane!" She hollared as she dunked Blaze in water, hoping that would shock him awake.

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