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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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Once they were all safetly inside their penthouse suite. Bliss took in the luxury in awe like she always did when visiting a royal location. She disliked the idea of living in royal accomodations knowing there were thounsands of ponies in Equestria without homes. She preferred her new home made by her own doing and her husband's magic, the mushroom house just outside of Ponyville. It was a little isolated but it was nothing a good flight couldn't cure if they needed to get the places.


But this suite however made her own bedroom seem smaller.


The main living area was covered with luxurious couches and pillows made of silk and satin. There were large artistic windows displayed with royal symboles of Celestia and Luna, that overseed a beautiful part of the city. When she looked to her left, there were doors, each one of them had their own bedroom sto her joy, even a bathroom and sink all to themselves! Then she looked over to her right and spotted the kitchen area followed by a close off door with a sign that said 'spa' on it.


"EEEK!" She squeed excitedly and fluttered to the door, swinging it open, and made her way down a few marble stairs, to an aromic room with three hot tubs, several massage tables, and even a center large mud bath tub waiting for them. "Oh hot tubs...how I've missed thee..." she quickly dropped her saddle bags and sleeping bag and leapt into the nearest hot tube to her, happily soaking her hooves and giving out a long grateful "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." :comeatus: :proud:

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,

As Hurricane looked around the room, she stared in amazement. She had never been in something this nice before. She couldn't believe that a room could be this fancy. Hurricane giggled a bit when she saw Lightning Bliss rush down to the spa. Hurricane rolled her eyes and followed her trotting casually. When she entered the spa, she was again shocked. "Is it legal to have this much money poured into one place?" she asked herself out loud. She scanned the room several times to take it all in. Then, she spotted the mud bath. Hurricane's eyes lit up as she flew toward it and dove in with a small muddy splash. She then jumped out as quickly as she went in with a panicked look on her face. She tried to shake the mud off her body making it splatter on the floor around her. She turned to Lightning Bliss. "That's hot!" she exclaimed still looking panicked. Hurricane had never had a mud bath before so she wasn't used to the normal warmer temperature.

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Clover stared at the luxurious penthouse suite in wonder. She hadn't seen such a place since her coronation at the palace in Canterlot; Clover had firmly made it clear that she'd much prefer to go on living in her own little house in Trottingham, rather than have a castle. Much like Trottingham's Protector, Prince Starlight did; especially now that he was married to the mayor and they had a foal together. Clover quickly shed her saddlebags in her room before heading straight for the spa. Sliding herself in to the hot tub was pure bliss.


@, Clover smiled at Hurricane. "It's meant to be hot," she said. "It's a mud bath, to relax you. Afterwards, we can soak in the water tub and get clean."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@, @@Pripyat Pony,


Bliss gave out a laugh after Hurricane hopped out of the hot mud bath, shaking mud everywhere, though stopped abruptly as a piece of mud went flinging on her nose just after Clover got in a tub next to her. Under the circumstances she would have frowned, even got a bit a lip for the stain on her nose. But she stared at it with a cross eyed stare, then burst out laughing again, just enjoying herself.


"OH this is the life right now," she finished her outburst as she wiped the mud from her muzzle, "hanging with the gals, just relaxing and oh...my hooves..." she stared at her two pair, the cysts were already starting to go down. They would still need medicine and wrapped up in some gauz, but for the most part she was well on her way to recovery. "I personally don't do mud baths, when I can simply do it outside like back home in the south. But I wouldn't mind trying it for the spa's sake before turning in for the night...that is after a hot meal. Any you two hungry?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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(((Just thought I should point out, This RP started when my school year ended. It's still alive in my next year of school. That's pretty amazing.)))


Blaze stepped inside the massive hotel, it smelled of fresh flowers and other so called 'pleasant smells'. He hated them, he wasn't use to them. He was used to being in the confined space of Blazes mind, which had no such smells at all. He couldn't decipher good smells from bad smells. This hotel was going to push his plans back a bit, but Blazes measly body probably needed rest. So be it.

  • Brohoof 1


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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When Quickdraw stepped into the penthouse room, he almost set off his shotgun. The luxuriousness of the room was too much for him to take in at once. He began to look around and walk, setting the gun in a corner of the large suite. It had been years since the outlaw had seen something that impressed him.


Raze was also impressed, in fact too impressed for words. The first thing he did was put away his bags away and sat in one of the three hot tubs, sighing in bliss as the warm water soothed him.


Quckdraw saw the hot tubs, and was curious about them. He took off his traveling cloak and ammo bags, walked over to a hot tub, and carefully dipped his hoof in. He retracted in surprise when he felt the warm water.


"Well ain't that somethin'" he said out loud. "You're telling me that you warm water as a means of ​BATHIN'"? he said in surprise to no pony in particular. He only used hot water as a means of cooking food, never for something like a bath, so this came as a shock to him.

Edited by Polnareff

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@, @@Lightning Bliss,

Hurricane looked to Lightning Bliss. "Sure, why not. I could eat some food." she said before stepping into one of the showers and washing off the mud. After a quick rinse, she stepped out and walked over to Lightning Bliss. "I saw a small café on the outskirts of town" she said referring to the café she stole from earlier. Hurricane then saw Raze and Quickdraw enter the spa. She turned to Quickdraw. "Ya know, I've been meaning to ask, how did ya learn to shoot like that?" she asked with interest.

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@, @,


Bliss would have nodded at the idea only to be distracted as Raze and Quickdraw entered the spa and hopped in to their own hottubs. "Ah! Stallions!" She shrieked scarcastically and dove under the tub so they couldn't see her, "ever heard of mare privacy?!"


She giggled, finally relaxing enough to give out a joke and turn back to Hurricane. "Personally I wouldn't mind just getting some room service. My hooves really can't take another walk today..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"Room service would suit me, too," Clover said to the other two mares. "As well as the fact that we're all tired, I just don't want to provoke other ponies into feeling they have to bow and scrape before me. I hate it when ponies do that; I'd far rather be treated as just another mare."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Quickdraw looked at Hurricane. "To be honest... wielding a gun always been second nature to me," he said, showing his cutie mark to Hurricane: two crossed buckshot bullets, with a shotgun pointing up in the middle. "I discovered my talent along the road, when a stray cockatrice attacked me. I ran, avoidin' it's gaze and not even thinkin' once about turnin' back. All of a sudden, I crashed into a stone statue. Gettin' a closer look, I saw that it was one of the cockatrice's victims, and on the ground in front of me, was what I thought was the poor feller's gun..." he looked at his gun sitting in the corner of the room. "I had no choice; that cockatrice was closin' in on me, so I took it. Once I touched it, it almost felt like I knew what to do, like I'd done this thing before. Then it came. I aimed, and fired; blew the damn thing's head off. After that, the mark came along... and I've been gunnin' ever since." He walked over to his gun and grabbed it. "I modified this thing to my specifications, the detachable six-shooter chamber was a crazy idea I had a long time ago... thought it would be better than just loading one bullet at a time, y'know?"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@, @,


Bliss could only frown at Quickdraw's story of 'blowing the head off' of a poor cockatrice. Though they were dangerous, she admitted that...it was just a cockatrice...He could have ran back all the way to the town and not had issues, hired a unicorn to deal with the problem even. She rationalized his story, feeling like this pony didn't exactly 'thrive' on peaceful solutions.


Then as if on que, her stomach began to growl, giving her the opprotunity to properly excuse herself from the spa and to simply head to her room.


"Well...*yawns long and exaggeratedly*" she fluttered out of the tub, shaking the water off her coat, "I think it's my time to turn in. I'll call my own room service. Hope nopony minds. I'm feeling pretty tuckered out." At that she lightly walked up the stairs and fluttered the rest of the way to her room. She opened the white wooden door that was outlined with golden paint, and silently closed it behind her, locking the door. "*Sighs again* I really don't know what to think of that Quickdraw," she finally spoke without the fear of being heard, "he...seems legitatmate about his goals for coming with us but...there's just something off...And what's worse...I know something is wrong with Blaze..."


She turned an eye on the door, making sure it was indeed locked, before tenderly walking to a large king sized bed fit for any royal. The sheets were of satin and silk, bright pink and gold, that glittered in the room's crystal chandelier light. There were so many pillows in all shades of pink to match that she actually frowned at the luxury. "All I want to do is lay down...how can i with all these...gah..." She fluttered up on the bed and dropped with a plop, making most of the pillows bounce off and land on the floor next to the bed. Giggling at her antics, she selected one large pillow that was still able to remain, and laid on top of it, while she reached over and tapped a button on the wall, for room service.


The the red button gave off a loud static sound from its speakers above, then clear as day, a voice answered through.


"This is the hotel lobby, may I hope you today?" The voice asked.


"Yes, this is Lightning Bliss calling from the Penthouse room, I'd like some room service soon as you can. Do you have any suggestions?" She asked eagerly.


"Of course your Highness!" The voice ringed back eagerly, "I would highly recommend the cheese potato soup with key lime pie as a dessert!"


"That sounds wonderful, I'll take that," she replied back. "When will it be ready?"


"As soon as possible, allow us a good 30mins your Highness?"


"That's perfectly fine," she nodded though was frowning having to wait while her stomach continued to rummble. "Thank you!" She took her hoof off the button, then snuggled back onto her pillow, awaiting for the food to arrive, while she thought about what was to happen with Blaze...and his supposed possession of a dark entity...

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Hurricane listened to Quickdraw's story intently. She was fascinated by this new pony. "Ya, I know. I actually fought a dragon to get my cutie mark." she said standing proudly. "I also got away with one of his gems." I got it fashioned into this collar she said looking down at her onyx collar hanging around her neck. Hurricane felt proud of her accomplishments. "Making fast winds and tornadoes is my specialty."

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"Is that so?" Quickdraw said with interest. "Not many get away with fightin' a dragon. You must have some skill to beat one in a fight." He decided to sit in hottub. He jumped a bit at the sudden feel of hot water on his body, but after a short while, it began to feel very relaxing.


"Never did tussle with a dragon. Wonder what it's like..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Blaze wandered around the hotel, unsure of where to go from here. He walked towards the counter where a pony was on the phone. He wrote something down excitedly and ran off somewhere else. Blaze followed him towards the kitchen where the pony had dashed in, "We'vr got an order from Princess Lightning Bliss herself!" Blazes eyes widened, 'A perfection chance for me to rid this meddling benighted fool once and for all.

@@Lightning Bliss


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Bliss got up from her bed and decided to explore the luxury of her room since she knew they wouldn't be staying in the place for very long. She had a knacker for exploring unknown locations, and personally the idea of sleeping in a room that was once shared by Luna or Celestia, made her tempted to see if they enjoyed it. She came across a dresser made what looked to be of marble, gold and sea shells. It brighten her eyes as the mirror showed her reflection.


Taking a seat on its modest shell decorated stool, she examined herself in the mirror, picturing...if only for a moment...that she was on vacation at the sea.


"Been so long since I've seen the ocean... I really should plan with Nights about going there for a week getaway." Coming out of her thoughts she gained a closer attention at her looks. Her mane was a mess despite the hot tub wash, and her coat was muffled in some spots. Not to mention her wings were crying for a good pruning...and she wasn't about to touch on her hooves...They were disgusting earlier...she would deal with them last.


She took a sigh, and began singing her 'It's Just Me' song, like she would do to help herself get ready for the day. Bliss hated dressing herself up all fancy and constantly cleaning herself. She had to do it what felt like, 'more often' since she was now a Princess and if it's one thing she hated, it was being gawked at by Princess Celestia or the royal court whenever she showed up with a slightly matted mane...


"*Sighs and sings* Girl we have work to do..." she stretched her bottom eyelids down, examining her eyes as she reached towards a brush and a makeup face powder, "Pass me the brush...and blush too...Perfect...is never easy...why...must it...be meeeeeeeeeeeee?" She brushed her mane out till it was good and straight, her rainbow highlights glittering in the light, "When all the world is watching...I must do what I must...So miner adjustments Blissy...not for my sanity...but for Equinity..." Putting the brush down and powdering her face, she continued to sing while fluttering to her bed, levitating a small face mirror and hair spray to prune her tail and wings.


"Each little step or pose...They see how my magic...shows...*sighs* sometimes it's too much for little me..." she slowly plucked out nonprimary feathers to clean her wings, while shaking dirt and grim from them, dashing it to the floor. "And when all the world says 'yes'.....Then who am I to say no? Just suck it up...and strut like a show pony...ya girl you're just a pony!" She fluttered off her bed and began to shake her tail out. "So royal...so classy... I'm an alicorn pony...no....*sighs* Yet jaws drop...hearts stop...So classy and a Diva...I'm not talking Celestia...*Sighs*" She sat down back on the bed, and focused her magic to levitate what she could find out of her personal medical cabinet for gauze and lotion for her hooves, "So here comes the end to this...you ponies worship the wrong pony...*wraps up her hooves* I can just sit here...and sulk here, sucha pity... While you all just gawk...at how I'm so pretty? Pretty is nice...but still it's just silly...I'll continue to be an alicorn, sitting in a frown...As I adjust this golden...silly cro-" She reached up to touch her crown that was supposed to be on her head...only to realize in a quick flashback, abruptly ending her song.


"That's right...I threw it away while I was talking to Hurricane!" She fluttered up into the air, darting back and forth with worry and concern. "Darn it Blissy why would you do that! You know Celestia gave that to you personally! If she finds out I threw it aside like that! GAH!"


She levitated her door open, slamming it against the wall with her magic as she hollared out into the main living area where everypony there could hear.


@, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@purple.teal,


Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Everyone was smiling, so close to their goal. Together they had overcome so much danger, gone through so much. How many times had they saved each other from . He watched the faces, and as the treasure appeared over the hill, he realized what it was. Greed. No one was going to be willing to share the prize. He stopped, unwilling to go on, and at the same time, a horrifying shape rose from the ground and screamed.


@@Lightning Bliss  

The book stuck to his face as he rose, and slowly slipped off, slapping onto the desk again. Everlast looked around, slowly getting his bearings  and realized he must have dozed off as he was thinking. Crown? Someone is looking for a crown? Oh, right. He dug through his bag and pulled out Lightning Bliss's tiara. Everlast sat and admired it for a bit before he got up and brought it to the princess. "Is this what a distraught princess is looking for?"

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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"Gah...thank goodness," she took her tiara back graciously before staring at it for a long time herself. Then looking back to Everlast.


"You saved me from a world of nagging and lecture from Princess Celestia, Everlast," she smiled to him before slowly placing the annoying head ornament on her head. "She personally gave me this crown and insisted I wear it as often as I could...though I hate wearing it personally. But if she were to find out I lost it..." she shivered a bit, "let's just say I don't want to think about it... Thank you so much...really thank you! How did you find it? Or...oh my..." she blushed and looked down at the floor, "I didn't throw it and it happen to land on your head did it?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Clover had gone to her own room and ordered room service, after showering off the mud and gratefully collapsing on her bed. At the sound of Lightning's yell, she had poked her head out her room.


"Oh, you've found it, now," she said to her friend. "I'm just glad I left my own crown with Morning Glory. She'll look after it."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Blaze entered the kitchen looking at all the bustling ponies scrambling to find ingredients for their oh so perfect meals.

"Excuse me Sir? I'm not sure you should be back here. Could I help you possibly?." A voice from behind him questioned. Blaze turned around to see a unicorn with a blossom red mane and ice white coat standing their in front of him. "Oh.... I'm so sorry your highness....I.. I didn't know." She said with a worried voice instantly bowing to him.

"Oh no, it's fine really, please you can just call me Blaze. No need for formalities. I was just looking around. I like to see what I'm eating before I order." He replied with a reassuring smile.

"Oh splendid!" The unicorn exclaimed with her ears perking up. "Well we certainly have a lot on our menu. We cater to all our guests and their taste buds."


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@Lightning Bliss,

"It did not drop on my head, I saw it fall from the sky, and by force of habit, I collected the shiny thing. Truly this would provide no use for me, but if someone wanted it back, like yourself now," He shrugged. "I return it, and if by some off chance no one claims it, I return it to celestia, who would probably know its owner better than me, and turn it in to her for a reward."

Edited by purple.teal

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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"Well you saved me from her at least," Bliss said back gratefully. "I did order some room service not too long ago, but I've might of ordered too much. I don't suppose you'd like to join me when it arrives? Or if you'd like to order some yourself, I'd be more then happy to wait for you. It's the least way I can say thankyou for returning it to me. I owe you this," she smiled and puffed her eyes, eagerly hoping he'd accept her offer.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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((Sorry I've been away))

"Well," Hurricane said to Quickdraw. "It definately wasn't easy. I also didn't really kill him. More like tricked him and distracted him. It was amazing. His powerful tail whipped around wildly in every direction. His teeth were like large, thick white needles and he had pure rage in his eyes. He was amazing in every way. Luckily I was nimble enough to dodge him." She said her story as impressive as possible. "I would love to fight another scaly beast like that again."

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"I see that." He said while turning his head to look at the kitchen.

"Anyway, if you need anything, I'm always around. You know... Doing whatever." She said with a nervous chuckle wnd then walking off.

Now that she was gone he could move into more pressing matters. There was one dish, that looked like it had been delicately crafted and presented neatly above all others. No doubt that was @@Lightning Bliss meal, it was ready to be shipped to the room. He went over to it quietly and non-chalantly took out an extra ingredient and poured it onto the dish. It would act as a snuffer for her magic. To stop her from sensing his Black Magic so to speak, might give her a head ache as well, but that was fine. He walked off and out of the kitchen, his work was done.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@Lightning Bliss


Everlast never realized how famished he was until she mentioned food, and sh he wasn't going to pass this up. "It would be my pleasure to dine with you. I guess I kept forgetting to eat in my excitement. What we are doing, finishing what the great Starswirl could not, I feel proud of this journey. And already I have learned so much, from you all, from the little collection of Starswirl's notes, a tiny drop of a great pool of knowledge..." He faded, realizing he was trailing into his topics that bored everypony else. "What I mean to say, is all in all, it has been a great pleasure to travel with everypony here."

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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"Same with you sir," she smiled brightly, though aburptly turned to frown when her stomach gave out a loud growl, giggling she turned to him again, "Oh dear...guess I'm more faminished then I realized too! Hopefully the room service will me here real-"


*KNOCK KNOCK* "Room service for Princess Lightning Bliss?" Called a voice at their door.


"Oh, well look at that! They finished it in half the time they told me," she smiled and trotted to the door opening it happily. There stood a young stallion, scrawny with big black TV sized glasses, and a few freckles here and there. He was defiently a unicorn though his horn seemed a bit floppy. Regardless he was levitating a stylished silver platter that was covered with a top.


He bowed the the radient white mare and proceeded, "You're room service your Highness?" He responded nervously.


"Oh thank you so much I'm starving!" She levitated the dish from him eagerly, placing it on a nearby table next to Everlast. "What do I owe you sir?"


"Owe me??? Oh your highness!" The young teen stallion dropped the ground, groveling and tremmbling at once, "why would you need to owe me anything for delivering you, your well earned dinner? I'm just...grateful and...and HONORED," he blurted out, "to have served an alicorn!"


She facehoofed herself, realizing once again her 'species' of pony wasn't going to go unnoticed. Abruptly she levitated out of her bedroom, from her saddle bags, a small tarp of bits and handed it to the shy colt.


"Here you go sir, for your toubles. Have a nice day ok?" She smiled to him, then softly shut the door behind her then went to take a seat at the dish with Everlast, giving out a long heavy sigh, "Well...that was...silly..." she sighed again and lifted up the dish. The soup smelled lovely, and the dessert sitting next to it, was as big as her head... There was no way she could finish it all. "Where should we start? The soup?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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