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Anyone else not like alcohol?



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  1. 1. Do you like to drink alcohol

    • I like to drink all the time!
    • I like to drink some times.
    • I only drink when every one else is also.
    • I don't really but do sometimes.
    • I don't like to at all
    • Don't know, never tried it.

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We do call it a drug.  It is classified as a drug. 

If i said your friend is a drug user, would you get the idea that they take tylenol for headaches, or birth control, or cough medicine for colds?  same concept.  drug user has a negative connotation is why you wouldn't assume that is what was meant.

Yes, and where do you think this negative connotation comes from?


Almost every human on earth are drug users, even a lot of animals. But of course, this is not the way we think. A drug user is someone who takes heroin injections, sniffs cocaine and shit.

Edited by RaveLow
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I've only done it once, and even then I drank about two sips. My friends try to get me to do it every now and then (extremely rarely). I just don't like it, and I don't find getting drunk appealing. Like there's much more to do than getting to the point were you can't think straight and your stumbling around like a damn idiot. 

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Yes, and where do you think this negative connotation comes from?


Almost every human on earth are drug users, even a lot of animals. But of course, this is not the way we think. A drug user is someone who takes heroin injections, sniffs cocaine and shit.

The negative connotation comes from people doing illegal things.  Or using drugs irresponsibly and causing problems for themselves, their friends and family, and society in general.  Most people who drink do not cause problems.

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The negative connotation comes from people doing illegal things.  Or using drugs irresponsibly and causing problems for themselves, their friends and family, and society in general.  Most people who drink do not cause problems.

No, it comes from the government calling every substance they've made illegal, drugs. People always say; Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs...like they're so different. That way they demonize them and make them a taboo, it's the work of a genious, actually. It's a good way to scare people and keep them from breaking the law.

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No, it comes from the government calling every substance they've made illegal, drugs. People always say; Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs...like they're so different. That way they demonize them and make them a taboo, it's the work of a genious, actually. It's a good way to scare people and keep them from breaking the law.

The government doesn't call everything illegal a drug.  It calls drugs drugs, whether they're legal or not.  And how is not breaking the law a bad thing?

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The government doesn't call everything illegal a drug.

I didn't say they did...




  It calls drugs drugs, whether they're legal or not.

It might be more like this in my country than yours though, my country has something called "the narkotika list", and that basicly means every illegal substance in my country. Narkotika is the norwegian word for drug, and it's heavily demonized because of this, but most people don't even know the definition of it very well. Absolutely nobody here could think of regarding alcohol, tobacco (or caffeine for that matter) as drugs.




And how is not breaking the law a bad thing?

I don't think breaking the law is a positive thing, I'm actually neutral about it. I don't look at whether a person breaks the law or not, I look at what the person is actually doing. For example, if he smokes a joint for himself in his own home, he breaks the law, but I couldn't give a shit less, because he's not affecting anyone but himself. If he steals from someone, he is also breaking the law, but then I have a problem with it. Because then he causes the suffering of someone else.


So basicly, I only respect laws that restrict freedoms in order to protect all citizens. Laws against things like gay marriage and personal drug use...what the hell are they for? One thing, needlessly restricting freedom. A wonderful quote describing what I'm talking about, is: "My right to throw punches ends at your face."

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I didn't say they did...


It might be more like this in my country than yours though, my country has something called "the narkotika list", and that basicly means every illegal substance in my country. Narkotika is the norwegian word for drug, and it's heavily demonized because of this, but most people don't even know the definition of it very well. Absolutely nobody here could think of regarding alcohol, tobacco (or caffeine for that matter) as drugs.


I don't think breaking the law is a positive thing, I'm actually neutral about it. I don't look at whether a person breaks the law or not, I look at what the person is actually doing. For example, if he smokes a joint for himself in his own home, he breaks the law, but I couldn't give a shit less, because he's not affecting anyone but himself. If he steals from someone, he is also breaking the law, but then I have a problem with it. Because then he causes the suffering of someone else.


So basicly, I only respect laws that restrict freedoms in order to protect all citizens. Laws against things like gay marriage and personal drug use...what the hell are they for? One thing, needlessly restricting freedom. A wonderful quote describing what I'm talking about, is: "My right to throw punches ends at your face."

oh, my bad.  I didn't realize you were in another country.  

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Most people who drink do not cause problems.


Most people who smoke weed do cause problems either. While we're at it, it is a known fact that most politicians and businesspeople have done extremely hard drugs yet I don't see people calling that they all go to jail for it.


Fact is more violent fights and car accidents have happened with alcohol than other drugs so I find it interesting that there remains such a stigma against other substances like sativa or indica when alcohol impairs driving and causes fights and tobacco slowly kills you. And don't even get me started on the world's most addictive drug, caffeine.

  • Brohoof 1



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Most people who smoke weed do cause problems either. While we're at it, it is a known fact that most politicians and businesspeople have done extremely hard drugs yet I don't see people calling that they all go to jail for it.


Fact is more violent fights and car accidents have happened with alcohol than other drugs so I find it interesting that there remains such a stigma against other substances like sativa or indica when alcohol impairs driving and causes fights and tobacco slowly kills you. And don't even get me started on the world's most addictive drug, caffeine.

i'm not sure if you've ever seen people on illegal drugs, but alcohol is nowhere near the level of them about causing problems.

you can control yourself with alcohol, not so much with other things.

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i'm not sure if you've ever seen people on illegal drugs, but alcohol is nowhere near the level of them about causing problems.

you can control yourself with alcohol, not so much with other things.


I most certainly have and you are exaggerating the problem.


Truth is, it's all about irresponsible people and not irresponsible drugs. Drugs can't make you do anything you don't want them to do. Well, except make you sick as balls but that comes with the territory since they're illegal and not quality tested most of the time.


I just wonder where some of the people who claim that all illegal drugs are worse than alcohol and tobacco have been hanging out where people take a puff on a joint and suddenly go crazy.



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I most certainly have and you are exaggerating the problem.


Truth is, it's all about irresponsible people and not irresponsible drugs. Drugs can't make you do anything you don't want them to do. Well, except make you sick as balls but that comes with the territory since they're illegal and not quality tested most of the time.

so you've seen people on meth or heroine, and you claim that the drugs are not making them do anything that they wouldn't normally do?

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The so called claims that "drugs" (that includes alcohol, ladies and gentlemen) make you instantly freak out like Hannibal Lector is complete and utter BS, if I have to be honest.


We recently had a "culture-night" in Copenhagen, and I ran into some of my OLD classmates, and of course we all freaked out, hugging and all. One of them was totally stoned (most likely cannabis), the other one was totally shitfaced (alcohol).


Fun fact; the shitfaced one started a fight with a group of 14 people and nearly got his ass beat if it wasn't for his stoned friend, whom may I say was completely chill and cool, trying his best to stop the fight and calm his shitfaced friend down, who was just pumped up with adrenaline, ready for round 2.

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Actually I'm pretty open to trying alcoholic beverages.

But hear me out.

I will NEVER get drunk.

From my life experience, people can be the biggest douchebags when they're drunk.

Too much alcohol is also really bad for your liver.

Also, DWI kills people every day.

When they say "drink responsively" just do it.

Don't abuse alcohol.

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I really don't like alcohol, it tastes horrible, smells horrible, and worst of all makes you lose a little or more control which I cannot abide. I would prefer to be in full control of my mental functions.


But I can get the appeal, it allows people to "relax" and loosen up.

Unfortunately I could never do that to myself so hey




this has made me depressed again goddamit I blame people


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so you've seen people on meth or heroine, and you claim that the drugs are not making them do anything that they wouldn't normally do?


Having responsible friends around you really controls you. If you take meth or heroine in an unsafe environment, what do you think is going to happen? Fact is, people are taking meth and heroine everyday and they're not getting the help they need. If we were more open about drugs problems and not ready to just throw people in jail, I think things would be much better. Why is it that we're so focused on "cleaning up the streets" instead of improving people's lives? People turn to drugs during hard economic times as well, so you're not going to be able to stop it. You just punish the people who do bad things or endanger others while they're on drugs and leave the responsible users alone.


... which is what we do with alcohol. But apparently that logic doesn't apply to other drugs for some strange reason.



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Having responsible friends around you really controls you. If you take meth or heroine in an unsafe environment, what do you think is going to happen? Fact is, people are taking meth and heroine everyday and they're not getting the help they need. If we were more open about drugs problems and not ready to just throw people in jail, I think things would be much better. Why is it that we're so focused on "cleaning up the streets" instead of improving people's lives? People turn to drugs during hard economic times as well, so you're not going to be able to stop it. You just punish the people who do bad things or endanger others while they're on drugs and leave the responsible users alone.


... which is what we do with alcohol. But apparently that logic doesn't apply to other drugs for some strange reason.

no, friends do not control you.  if you do drugs around friends and they let you, they're enabling it and making it worse.


when they go to jail, they get put in a room where they stay until their withdrawals pass.  then they're clean for the rest of the time they're in there.  whether or not they choose to stay clean is entirely up to them, but at least they're given a chance to think clearly.


if they're using drugs just because they're poor, they're causing their own financial problems.


there are no responsible meth/heroine/other really bad drug users.  i've lived around them my whole life, and all their friends and the people that come around them.  they think they have control, and they don't.

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i'm not sure if you've ever seen people on illegal drugs, but alcohol is nowhere near the level of them about causing problems.

you can control yourself with alcohol, not so much with other things.

Actually, there are some people who regularly do hard drugs and you wouldn't know the difference unless you saw them in their private time. I used to live next to a hard drug dealer whose main clientele seemed to be middle class white collar workers. The thing is, when an individual who partakes in cocaine on a daily basis is high-functioning and doesn't publicly make a fool of themselves, there's no way for them to be identified as a hard drug user. So the only examples of hard drug users we're familiar with are the kind of loser junkies who have a very clearcut problem. I'm not commenting on whether or not these kind of high-functioning users have healthy lifestyles, of course, just pointing out that they exist and are categorically difficult to identify, count and compare to less functional addicts.


On the topic, I used to think I hated alcohol, but it turns out I just didn't like the kinds I tried, and I was (and still am) put off by some drinking cultures. People who have to drink to be social really rub me the wrong way. But a little drink now and then, for me maybe once a week on average, is quite pleasant. It's nice to slowly sip wine while watching a movie, and once in a while I really like the way a few shots of sweet rum go down and make my brain feel warm and tingly and good. But I never get fall-over drunk, and because I keep hydrated with food in my stomach I've never had a real hangover even when I have a lot to drink. I'm pretty much of the opinion that if you throw up or suffer hangovers, you're doing it wrong.


I definitely think that alcohol is a substance that can dangerously impair a person's functioning as much or moreso than some illegal substances. There are people who exercise good self-control when they drink, and there are people who don't and/or can't, to some degree. But I don't consider that an argument against alcohol. Prohibition, like the "war on drugs", does more harm than good. Any substance that can endanger people should be regulated, not pushed into deadly black markets.

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Actually, there are some people who regularly do hard drugs and you wouldn't know the difference unless you saw them in their private time. I used to live next to a hard drug dealer whose main clientele seemed to be middle class white collar workers. The thing is, when an individual who partakes in cocaine on a daily basis is high-functioning and doesn't publicly make a fool of themselves, there's no way for them to be identified as a hard drug user. So the only examples of hard drug users we're familiar with are the kind of loser junkies who have a very clearcut problem. I'm not commenting on whether or not these kind of high-functioning users have healthy lifestyles, of course, just pointing out that they exist and are categorically difficult to identify, count and compare to less functional addicts.


On the topic, I used to think I hated alcohol, but it turns out I just didn't like the kinds I tried, and I was (and still am) put off by some drinking cultures. People who have to drink to be social really rub me the wrong way. But a little drink now and then, for me maybe once a week on average, is quite pleasant. It's nice to slowly sip wine while watching a movie, and once in a while I really like the way a few shots of sweet rum go down and make my brain feel warm and tingly and good. But I never get fall-over drunk, and because I keep hydrated with food in my stomach I've never had a real hangover even when I have a lot to drink. I'm pretty much of the opinion that if you throw up or suffer hangovers, you're doing it wrong.


I definitely think that alcohol is a substance that can dangerously impair a person's functioning as much or moreso than some illegal substances. There are people who exercise good self-control when they drink, and there are people who don't and/or can't, to some degree. But I don't consider that an argument against alcohol. Prohibition, like the "war on drugs", does more harm than good. Any substance that can endanger people should be regulated, not pushed into deadly black markets.

the effects of cocaine only last about 2 minutes to an hour, so it wouldn't be as easy to tell someone using that than what we were discussing.

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I despise the taste of beer, wine is only when I'm drinking for the sole purpose of getting drunk, spirits with mates, and cider is really bad because I initially thought it was soda... I'm a lightweight, so take from that what you will. 

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no, friends do not control you.  if you do drugs around friends and they let you, they're enabling it and making it worse.


when they go to jail, they get put in a room where they stay until their withdrawals pass.  then they're clean for the rest of the time they're in there.  whether or not they choose to stay clean is entirely up to them, but at least they're given a chance to think clearly.


if they're using drugs just because they're poor, they're causing their own financial problems.


there are no responsible meth/heroine/other really bad drug users.  i've lived around them my whole life, and all their friends and the people that come around them.  they think they have control, and they don't.


That was my point. If you're doing these drugs in a bad environment, it figures bad things will happen.


Think clearly while being rung out through a lopsided justice system. I don't think that's a good thing.


I agree. But some poor people spend their money on expensive watches, televisions, and boats, and that's just as bad. Should we just outlaw irresponsibility?


I don't know what I can say to break you out of thinking like that, but that is an extreme generalization that you have no evidence to back up. Case studies don't prove anything, though they do prove that there are irresponsible drug users out there, and if you believe I'm saying there are none, then you are mistaken. It's simply that most people are irresponsible in general but people choose to focus on drug users for some reason, who really hurt no one but themselves for the most part. And if they do hurt others, they should be prosecuted. Do not prosecute people for using a substance, prosecute them for actions that actually hurt others.



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Personally I just never had a taste for it. I when I was in college I would drink socially but then I had one bad New Years Eve experience where I drunk beyond my limits. After that, I could not drink, smell. or be around alcohol. Nowadays I only drink on special occasions but it has to be something low in alcohol content and where I can't taste the alcohol in my drink. Just enough to get a buzz  :nom: . But I personally think alcohol of any sort by itself tastes awful.

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I don't like alcohol. I hate the taste and the smell. I just can't stand it, even if it was mixed with something else. I also get scared by the idea of getting drunk for some reason or getting addicted to it. Sue me, I'm a paranoid person. DX

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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I don't care for most alcohol. I've never understood why people like it, and getting drunk. I've never been fully drunk, but I can't imagine why anyone would find being in such a state enjoyable. And from what I've seen, a lot of people just drink without getting drunk. So what are they even getting out of that? It's basically just expensive piss-flavored liquid.


It's almost as if they just drink it because of some strange cultural tradition.

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